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What the Growth of FAST Really Tells Us About Viewers

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自大流行以来,免费广告支持电视(FAST)服务大幅增长. Of course, pioneers of the model, like Pluto TV, existed before the crisis, 但直到每个人都被隔离在家里,想要流媒体播放一切,FAST才真正变得重要起来. Why? 也许其中一个原因是,人们希望在不订阅额外服务的情况下获得更多选择和更多内容. 记住,很多流媒体观众都是在有线电视运营商的怀抱中长大的, given more channels (and choice) than they really wanted. And before you discount that idea, 想想人们订阅的流媒体服务的平均数量; according to S&P Kagan, it was 6.8 as of March 2022.

这是FAST的发展向我们展示的第一件事:人们想要选择. 尽管他们抱怨必须为他们从未看过的频道支付过高的有线电视或卫星运营商费用, 这并不是他们为了逃离而切断了多少频道. 这是一种为他们不用的东西被收费的感觉. FAST以一种更好的方式迎合了这种选择的欲望. It’s free. And if you really think about it, 也许真正让人们对付费电视运营商感到困扰的是他们似乎在双料捞钱. 他们每月从订户和广告商那里赚钱. With FAST, the operators, like Pluto TV or Peacock, can make however much money they want from advertising, but there’s no cost to the viewer.

FAST教给我们关于观众的第二件事是他们想要如何观看电视内容. 如果你问业内任何一个人,流媒体体验到底出了什么问题, they will invariably answer, “content discovery.“是的,当只有一长串的电影列表时,找到要看的节目是很困难的. 但FAST以一种类似于传统广播的方式向观众提供内容. Titles are arranged in a linear fashion. 当用户登录到FAST提供商时,他们会查看当前显示的内容. Of course, there are also options for finding content, 但是最流行的界面以线性方式呈现内容. From a technology perspective, 内容不是直播的(这曾经被称为伪直播:像直播一样对待VOD资产), but it appears to the viewer like it is.

FAST的增长可以归因于它为观众提供了他们习惯的内容体验. Sometimes, 人们不想找内容看,因为他们脑子里没有一个特定的标题. They just want to be entertained, informed, or amused. Viewers want to be presented with something. If it’s not interesting, 他们可以看看其他频道,直到找到感兴趣的东西.

You can probably see where I’m going with this.

FAST的流行和增长向我们展示了这种观看行为, despite the rise of streaming, hasn’t really changed much at all. 人们想要选择,但他们希望选择能满足他们的需求. The FAST experience is a combination of passive (choice is mindless; just flip through channels) and deliberate (search for a specific content title or genre). That’s the true innovation: FAST doesn’t scrap the broadcast experience with which so many are familiar; it is evolving it in a way that broadcast could never do. FAST将继续发展,以改善观众的体验.

What might be next? 想象一下,基于数据分析的个性化和个性化线性渠道,除了观众在平台中选择收集的第一方数据外,还将包括第三方数据. 观众可以浏览专门为他们选择(并拼接在一起)的频道内容. The ads, of course, would be contextual as well.

当你这样想的时候,观众的行为其实并没有改变. 但是他们观看的方式每天都在进步.

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