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Buyer's Guide: Media Servers

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This article appears in the February/March issue of 流媒体 magazine, the annual 流媒体 Industry 原始资料. In these Buyer's Guide 文章, we don't claim to cover every product or vendor in a particular category, 而是为我们的读者提供他们需要的信息来做出明智的购买决定, 有时使用特定的供应商或产品作为这些功能和服务的范例.

流媒体服务器向越来越多的在线观众提供个人内容流. Often built from a combination of specialized software and generic hardware, these servers support the ever-increasing range of viewing devices available, from web-enabled TVs to computers, 平板电脑, 和智能手机.

在做这项工作时,你使用的流媒体软件的质量真的很重要. 幸运的是, 像Wowza media server这样的流媒体服务器软件几乎可以在任何现成的服务器上运行. They can also function on any number of operating systems, 从Linux, Unix, and Solaris to Windows and Mac.

Whatever server package you choose, 很少会有你不得不放弃使用通用硬件或你最喜欢的操作系统的时候. 例外情况是非常高端的服务器或那些基于定制芯片类型(dsp或gpu)的服务器,它们运行自己的专有服务器软件.


So what should you be looking for when buying a media server? The experts recommend a system that can ingest a variety of H.264的内容, 在理想的情况下, 包括各种容器格式的实时流和先前录制的文件. 大多数媒体服务器将能够以几乎所有可以想象的流媒体格式转码和输出这些文件. 注意:请注意,任何形式的转码都会在过程中引入一些延迟. The goal is to find products that offer minimal latency.

还应该设计一个流媒体服务器,以便可以添加新的压缩方案或容器格式, as well as new transport protocols. 这确保了该平台是“面向未来的”,能够应对未来必然出现的新流媒体标准.

您选择的媒体服务器应该能够为直播和点播内容执行这些功能. There should be minimal latency occurring during live content transcoding, 从文件服务器访问点播内容时不应该有任何问题. 观众不会忍受这些问题,任何运行媒体服务器的人也不会.

Adaptive bitrate (ABR) streaming is also important. The ideal media server will be able to compensate for network problems by reducing the bitrate of outgoing video when requested by the client; this will ensure that the viewer still has a continuous real-time experience. 同一台机器应该能够检测到何时有额外的带宽可用,并使用该带宽为查看器提供优于要求的数据速率.

快速入门:所有当前自适应比特率协议的比特率切换由客户端控制, 不是服务器. The server does the switching when the client asks for it. 这就是为什么服务器需要以所有需要的比特率访问文件/实时流,这些比特率与共和党一致. Without it, ABR doesn’t work.

The good news is that creating files for adaptive bitrate is fairly simple. 产品如微软表达式编码器和在线服务如编码.com provide prebuilt profiles.

The adaptive bitrate process is a bit more complicated for live streaming. 一些多流编码器不能很好地使用它,并且总体配置可能很复杂. To make it simpler, and in many cases cheaper, Wowza has introduced live transcoding capability in Wowza Media Server 3.

But let’s get back to media servers. 不幸的是, 平板电脑的爆炸式增长,以及在线用户越来越多地使用全动态视频,可能意味着更多的网络问题, at least in the short term. 结果是, 自适应比特率流对于服务于各种平台和网络环境的内容提供商来说是必不可少的.

Beyond these qualities, media servers should offer scalability. The kind you select depends on your needs. 一些服务器被设计成可扩展格式/编解码器/传输协议的单一组合, such as Flash video in an H.264 codec over RTMP. 同时,其他媒体服务器可以扩展编解码器、格式和协议的多种组合.

When growing viewer demand requires that you add another server, 您所选择的媒体服务器软件应该使这项工作像购买另一个许可证和另一个通用服务器盒一样容易.

Redundancy is also vital, especially on the hardware front. 如果单个硬盘驱动器故障导致所有内容脱机,那么再好的媒体服务器系统也毫无价值.

对于那些运营关键任务流媒体服务的人来说,软件支持可能是最大的考虑因素之一. This is where vendor reputation comes in. 如果你从一家不能快速解决软件漏洞的公司购买产品, you could be in for weeks of misery—and lost traffic. 同样的道理, the vendor should offer 24/7 support staffed by knowledgeable technicians, 不是最低工资, first-tier call center zombies who read from a script.


最后, 有一个大问题:你是应该购买自己的媒体服务器,还是付钱给第三方公司为你托管一个虚拟服务器?

第三方管理的虚拟服务器的好处在于只需为您使用的容量付费, having someone else responsible for upgrades and backups, and reducing the demand on your own IT department. 它的缺点是,由于一个声名狼藉的第三方提供商,你所有宝贵的内容都消失了.

也, 仅仅因为媒体服务器在云中并不一定意味着它获得了完全托管的服务. 例如,任何人都可以在Amazon EC2虚拟服务器上运行Wowza软件. Amazon manages the virtual hardware, but not the applications you run on it.

在一般情况下, the answers to these questions vary from content producer to content producer, for a very good reason. 没有两家这样的公司是相同的,无论是他们生产什么,还是他们为谁提供内容.

这就是为什么解决媒体服务器困境需要如此仔细考虑的原因. For streaming media producers, 选择正确的媒体服务器软件是一个经济生与死的问题.

Media Servers Compared

for qualified subscribers
现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Buyers' Guide to Media Servers 2017

从4K到MP4,媒体服务器软件不断创新我们的行业走向OTT的未来. Best of all, there are options right for every budget.

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2012 流媒体 原始资料 Editor's Note


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