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Case Study: Bringing 激情2013 to the Faithful Took an Army

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23:这是田纳西州数字视频公司(TNDV)部署的高清摄像机数量 激情2013,一个为期4天的青年基督教会议/音乐会系列,挤满了乔治亚圆顶在亚特兰大,1月11日. 1–4, 2013. 一些相机安装在基座上,而另一些则安装在支架或斯坦尼康钻机上. Still other cameras were roving wirelessly. 所有人都忙着报道演讲者、表演者和每天参加活动的6万名大学生.
这不是一项简单的工作:捕捉长达4天的实时内容,并将其传送到内部屏幕和网络上, TNDV had to deploy not one, but two full-sized mobile production units to the Georgia Dome.
The larger truck, the 40' expanding-side mobile unit Aspiration, was charged with switching the incoming camera feeds to the stadium’s array of widescreen and ribbon LED displays; the two largest of these hung over center stage of the “in the round” event. The live in-arena content was directed by Russell Thomas.
TNDV的老板尼克·达格说:“这是一场从早上、中午一直持续到晚上的大型活动。. “To add to the challenge, 我们必须输入的各种内部屏幕有五种不同的宽高比. 这意味着我们必须检查每一个现场选择的镜头,以确保它在所有镜头中看起来都很好.“这项任务是通过在aspire的显示器墙上绘制各种长宽比的显示器来管理的,这样制片人就可以一目了然地看到镜头排列得如何.
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激情2013是60岁之前的“一轮”活动,000 attendees each day at the Georgia Dome, in addition to hundreds of thousands more who watched online. 

一组26台AJA Video Systems Ki Pro文件记录仪用于捕捉各种摄像机输入和混合, for use in producing a DVD afterward. 它们连接到一系列8TB的RAID服务器上,总共有56个驱动器. “As the drives filled up, we dumped them,达格说。. “I estimate that we captured 30 TB of content in all.”
较小的卡车,40英尺直卡车灵感,负责混合网络流. This stream was fed to 激情2013’s website at 268generation.com/passion2013. 唐·卡尔是负责网络直播的现场导演.
“I called and chose the camera I wanted, as well as selected the corresponding button on the video switcher at the same time; a tricky challenge [when done] live with 23 cameras,卡尔说. “The Passion people had a producer who oversaw the page layout, hit counts (that numbered upward well over 100,(在当天活动的后半部分),并提示我们可以使用哪些整页图形或视频滚动.在《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的网络直播中,内容流切换了. 它被编码,然后发送到激情2013自己的专有服务器上, which were located inside Inspiration.

A Daunting Task

As live shoots go, 激情2013 was incredibly daunting. The number of live cameras approached that of an NFL Super Bowl. 此外,摄像机还配备了三盏计数灯——红色表示摄像机正在拍摄实时显示/DVD, green for the web stream, and yellow for both -- and just wiring the system together was complicated; not to mention routing everything to the two trucks.
卡车连接到前厅(FOH)混合板. 除了获得音乐会的音频,TNDV还在三者之间建立了IP数据连接. “这条IP链路使我们能够与FOH共享互联网连接, 并在FOH安装了路由器控制器和计数灯显示器,将卡车上的数据馈送给他们——即使我们停在1点以上,000 feet away,达格说。.
对于TNDV来说,最大的挑战是在乔治亚巨蛋紧凑的时间表内工作. 尽管这家移动制作公司能够在《百家乐软件app最新版下载》发行前一个月就开始制作一些有线电视节目, it had to wait until Dec. 开始认真准备监控墙,路由器和多监视器. 即便如此,佐治亚巨蛋的事件也阻碍了全面部署.
“We only got into the space at 2 a.m. 1月. 1, after the Dec. 31 Chick-Fil-A Bowl football game had wrapped up,达格说。. “我们不得不匆忙赶路,因为《百家乐软件app最新版下载》在下午6点就开门了.m. 那天晚上.”
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花费的时间包括部署设备,然后确保一切按计划进行, including the freelancers who had to operate the cameras. (TNDV had six senior staff members on site, 但《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的庞大规模需要雇佣自由职业者来完成大部分工作.“确保机组人员在他们的位置上感到舒适是至关重要的,”达格解释说. “They had to be comfortable with the equipment, the shots needed, 以及来自对讲机的多种线索来源:记住, we were shooting two productions live at the same time.注意:需要120多个RTS对讲端口来连接整个船员, the two trucks, ,呸.

No Hitch, No Limits

Despite the sheer size, 《百家乐软件app最新版下载》的现场拍摄和网络直播都没有出现任何重大问题. “我学到的一件事是,相机数量只是一个数字,”达格说. “Before the show, 23 seemed like a big number. 现在,考虑到我们的处理方式,他们明年可能会要求30美元,我们也能应付.”
网络流媒体本身非常受欢迎,获得了数十万次点击. “We were helped by the number of celebrity tweets we received, which were streamed to the live screens during 激情2013,达格说。. 比如,凯莉·安德伍德(Carrie Underwood)也在观看,并在推特上表示支持.”
In fact, Underwood used her Twitter account (@carrieunderwood) to promote the event: “Watch the #passion2013 live stream! ...” Considering that the country singer has in excess of 1.200万推特粉丝,这是一个影响深远的认可.
As for next year? With four Passion conferences under TNDV’s belt, “it would be a honor to be asked to produce a fifth one,达格说。. “Certainly we have the 23 camera mix down pat.”
“制作网络流媒体就像制作传统的广播,”卡尔补充道. “In the early days of webcasting, 我们必须尽量减少镜头移动和剪辑,以满足流媒体的限制. 但有了今天的技术和带宽,这不再是一个问题. We no longer have to limit ourselves.”
本文发表于《百家乐软件》杂志2013年4 / 5月刊,题为《百家乐软件》."

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