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Fresh Blood: Look Outside the Industry for 市场营销 Geniuses


It makes sense that vendors would want to hire sales and product staff from within the industry, but I’m a firm believer that when it comes to 市场营销 positions, 供应商需要开始从 我们industry-immediately.

市场营销 是一套专业技能吗. Either you understand how to market a product or you don’t. Understanding the technology helps to a degree, 但公司并不是在出售技术, 他们在销售服务. 无意冒犯我们行业的营销人员, 但我们需要一些新鲜血液, people who know how to market 一个服务 or product and bring a different perspective to the industry. Even I recently hired a 市场营销 specialist to help me rethink and reimagine my brand. A good 市场营销 person knows how to tell a story and transform a product or service into something compelling, even if they don’t know how to encode a piece of video.

作为一个行业, we are all using far too many high-level and generic words like “speed,”“质量,”“性能,”“规模,”等.,没有真正的意义. Good 市场营销 involves knowing how to price, 包, and promote a product or service and do it in a way that resonates with the customer. Those with good 市场营销 skills know how to transcend verticals and markets while delivering a clear message. And the really good marketers can make companies and brands more valuable and relevant.

As I have seen firsthand from the 市场营销 person I am working with, 伟大的营销人员都是杰出的观察者. They love to watch people’s behaviors and can quickly tell what people like, 什么能引起他们的共鸣, and what creates the experience the client is looking for. A good 市场营销 person is also extremely curious. Skillful marketers always have more questions to ask and never run out of ways to think about how a person or business might react to a name, 一个品牌, 一个服务, 或是一种感觉. 简而言之, really good 市场营销 folks are geniuses because they aren’t afraid to try something new, 扰乱市场, 改变人们的思维方式.

优秀的市场营销人员不会朝九晚五地工作. They spend a lot of personal hours watching people, 质疑规范, 研究, 查看数据, 提高他们的技能. They tend to read everything they can and absorb 信息 like sponges, retaining it for later. They are great planners, but even better doers. 市场营销 professionals live in the trenches, because it’s where they get their energy from, and they don’t use buzzwords or quotes from books. 他们有实践经验, 总是在想, 提出新的想法, 尝试新事物. They also love their communities, are aware of their surroundings, and love challenges. What’s more, I’ve found, they never start a conversation with a list of their achievements. They are most interested in their clients’ challenges and how they can solve them.

I also have found that really good marketers are quite humble, 不要自负, 也不追求荣耀. 他们对自己的工作感到非常自豪, and they love to see a campaign or branding exercise be successful. 伟大的营销人员相信责任, 不害怕数据和报告, and have tangible methodologies to determine their clients’ ROI.

When it comes to 市场营销 products and services in the online video industry, 是时候颠覆我们的领域了. 我们需要改变. 我们需要进化. 我们都需要一个全新的视角——即使是我. It does not matter how long you have been in the space; in fact, I think the longer you have been in the industry, 你就越需要一种全新的营销方式. Right now I am having someone look at what I do, 批判它, 改变它, and find ways to make it even more relevant and make it transcend verticals— which is the only way for any business or brand to grow. And that is the true value of a 市场营销 genius—growing a company. 如果你对品牌感兴趣, 市场营销, 包装也有帮助, feel free to reach out to me and I’ll put you in contact with the 市场营销 genius I am using.

这篇文章发表在 10月 2017年版 流媒体杂志 “从外部寻找营销天才”."]

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