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当我们在2008年选出第一支流媒体全明星队时, 我们或许应该称他们为流媒体最有价值球员. 与全明星, 在职业体育运动中,谁仅仅是由民众投票选出的, MVPs are selected on the basis of not only statistics and performance but on their value to the team. 这就是为什么, 例如, the Green Bay Packers’ Aaron Rodgers was named the 2012 National Football League MVP, even though the New Orleans Saints’ Drew Brees had a statistically better season.

我们的全明星也是如此, who were chosen not simply because they’ve done great things on their own but because they’ve done things that have advanced the online video industry as a whole, whether via their products or by the degree to which they’ve acted as evangelists for online video and served to educate other members of the industry.

不管你叫他们全明星还是mvp, 今年是该奖项的第五个年头,评选过程保持不变. The 流媒体 editorial staff takes a look at the past year in online video and names the people we feel are most deserving based on our knowledge of what they’ve done for the industry. The only rule is that previous All-Stars are ineligible; that may change down the road, 但是现在, 还有太多值得表扬的人没有得到认可. 以下是今年的团队:

  • 埃里克·伯杰,索尼影视公司 
  • Allen DeBevoise, 游戏公司.
  • 乔·爱因斯坦,AEG数字媒体
  • 达伦视野中时, Conviva公司.
  • 史蒂夫•霍夫曼, Zencoder
  • Robert Kyncl,谷歌
  • 塔尔·萨拉夫,亚马逊网络服务 
  • 马特·史密斯,Envivio公司.
  • Chris Wagner, NeuLion
  • Alex Zambelli,微软

We asked each of our All-Stars a few questions to help us assemble the baseball cards that follow:

  • 你最自豪的成就是什么? 
  • 你正在做的“下一件大事”是什么?
  • 现在网络视频最大的趋势是什么?
  • 行业面临的最大挑战是什么?

祝贺他们所有人! 请看这里 去年的流媒体全明星.


数字网络执行副总裁, 索尼影视公司 


  • 时代华纳战略规划副总裁
  • 普华永道国际有限公司首席顾问.
  • 自媒体总经理


  • Taking Crackle from a user-generated site to one of the top multiplatform video entertainment services in the U.S.
  • 收购索尼影业的手机游戏发行业务. 第17位. 市场上的4家发行商.




The emergence of new pure-play digital video networks that sit side by side with traditional networks. 在编程, the biggest trend is the movement away from short-form toward long-form content creation and consumption.


缺乏跨所有平台的第三方度量和标准化. As this gets resolved, more ad revenue will flow into the digital marketplace.


董事长、首席执行官兼联合创始人 游戏公司. 


  • 成员,董事会,经销商.com, StyleHaul, DanceOn (current); LowerMyBills.com和True/Slant(过去)
  • 总统 & TCI互动公司首席执行官 
  • Creative Planet联合创始人


  • 开始游戏, YouTube上最大的娱乐网络之一, and working with some of the brightest and most entrepreneurial minds in the business
  • 2011年11月,视频月浏览量达到10亿次 
  • 作为动画团队的一员,参与了《百家乐软件》的原创电影制作 


走向全球, reaching further and building our international and domestic audiences even more, 同时直接与全球内容创作者和合作伙伴合作. 也, working with our partners and content creators to develop and distribute premium, 高质量的内容.


Online video is at a tipping point -- the global audience and adoption of video-enabled devices has created a massive entertainment opportunity. 我们将自己视为第三波视频节目品牌的一部分, 第一个是在哪里播出的, 第二个是有线电视. 我们创造了, 在短短几年内, 全球娱乐网络, 在世界各地拥有数百万的独立用户, 全球1.5亿观众. 我们在每个设备和平台上都有. 我们的内容是在办公室里消费的, 在学校, 在家里, 在收银台排队, 在智能手机上, 平板电脑, 电视——任何地方, 任何时候. 这种趋势只会加速,而且, 随着内容质量的不断提高, and audiences continue to migrate toward internet-enabled programming brands like ours, 我们将看到观看行为的有趣转变, 内容格式, 广告模式.


试图找到传统的广告商, agencies and media industries to understand that online video has arrived and achieved scale with premium and 高质量的内容, 允许最大的品牌和表现机会.


副总裁,技术服务和运营, AEG数字媒体 


  • Incited Media联合创始人
  • 数字星球工程总监 
  • iXL Live高级技术制作人


成为计划团队的一员, 工程师, and execute the largest entertainment events in our industry including the Academy Awards, 格莱美奖, 生活的地球, 和Live 8. 每一个项目, we used new technologies that had significant impact on the workflows of our industry.


A global broadcast and data center to fully support the needs of today’s television and online broadcasters.


Online portions of larger televised events are becoming a higher priority than ever before. 过去,在线节目是事后才想到的. 现在,它接近于分享同样的聚光灯. These events now demand a multi-camera online experience with elaborate social media integration and near real-time turnaround of VOD content.


Encoding and DRM support for devices will pose the biggest challenge over the next few years. 随着消费者开始期待每台设备上都有内容, 这种需求将增加媒体准备和交付的复杂性.


首席执行官, Conviva公司. 




I am really proud to have worked with many great people on several “firsts” in digital media such as the launch of Hulu and the first real multiplatform digital Olympics. I also love knowing that each day Conviva improves the viewing experience for millions of people watching great content online.


I think the most obvious trend is the proliferation of great content experiences on more platforms, 使用多种商业模式. We are seeing that roughly 40% of streaming now takes place on mobile devices for major content brands, 这一数字在过去6个月里翻了一番. 这种特殊的趋势是如此具有破坏性, 我认为这是一场与客户的终身关系之战. 设备制造商, 游戏机, MVPDs and content aggregators are all competing to establish this relationship. 对于Conviva, its interesting to watch and great for us no matter who ultimately wins because no matter where viewers get their content, 对高质量观看体验的需求总是存在的, 没有像缓冲这样的中断.

I am also excited about the blending of content--social and commerce--and see that becoming more personalized and seamless for consumers in the future.


I think a huge challenge is meeting consumer expectations of high quality viewing on every platform right now while there is still a lot of fragmentation in the technology of the digital video space. 今天, 设备之间的体验是不稳定的, 从一个电视台换到另一个电视台,这对观众来说很糟糕.


创始人兼营销副总裁, Zencoder 


合作伙伴,Sevenwire (On2 Flix Cloud开发商)


  • Helping build Zencoder into the largest cloud transcoding service in just less than 2 years
  • 创建视频.js, the leading open source HTML5 video player, with more than 100,000 downloads


Zencoder已经非常擅长提供最快的转码速度, but the technology we’re currently developing has an additional order of magnitude speed-up. 会改变游戏规则吗.


I’m biased, but I see a move away from heavy investments in hardware towards cloud services. 更多的 companies are understanding what The Cloud actually is and its true benefits, 这不是简单地为您安置和管理服务器吗, 而是抽象了服务器的概念, 允许更高的效率和无限的可扩展性. The cloud transcoding market alone has seen exponential growth in the last year.


端到端安全:安全交付, 在web服务中静态加密, 不断变化的DRM格局, HTML5视频安防, 加上不断变化的安全要求. 例如, 一些工作室不希望他们的内容在云端, 但Netflix是亚马逊网络服务转码服务的重度用户.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


It's time once again to celebrate the people who made our industry great in the past year and continue to drive innovation. Presenting ten new inductees to that elite group, the 流媒体 All-Stars!