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The State of Educational Video 2014

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今天这一代的学生,从幼儿园到大学,都是在网络视频的陪伴下长大的. 对他们来说,这是一种自然的学习工具,无论他们的学校是否使用视频. 这是许多有远见的教育者和视频专业人士一直预测会发生的事情. 为今年的“百家乐app下载”文章从小学到高等教育与教育工作者交谈, this former prediction was stated more like fact.

Educational technology professional Jennifer Serviss (top right) says, “These kids are already on their cell phones. 教育需要转型,真正拥抱他们现在拥有的技术.有人可能会认为她说的是高中生或大学生. But Serviss works for Gregory School in Long Branch, N.J., whose students are in kindergarten through the fifth grade.

“I think schools are really going to have to adapt soon,” says James Foley (lower right), manager of digital media development at the Rochester Institute of Technology (RTI). “The bar is getting set high, but not in the way we think.“这是因为学生们来到大学时,已经通过观看YouTube或可汗学院(Khan Academy)等教学视频网站设定了自己的期望.

“Faculty see production value as a magic bullet,” he says. “But a lot of the most successful (teachers) are successes because ... their content is condensed and easy to understand.”

I was particularly struck by two strong trends. First, 去年,在小学课堂上使用视频似乎有了很大的飞跃. 智能手机和平板电脑的持续普及推动了这一趋势, 这大大减少了过去拍摄和分享数字视频时的摩擦.

反过来,这意味着教师和学生更不局限于被动的消费者. 据格雷格·埃斯特维斯,技术集成主管 Wolf Creek School Division in Alberta, “我们正处于教育发展的时期,我们开始看到视频在评估学生方面将发挥越来越大的作用.”

Second is the flipped classroom, 在高中和大学中,哪一个视频的整体趋势是最强的. 这是因为这是一个相对简单的想法,成熟的技术, such as online video platforms, make increasingly easy to support.

I will explore these trends in more depth, 除了一些其他的挑战和前景的教育视频在未来的一年.

Online Video: It’s Elementary

In her Grade 2 classroom in Wolf Creek, teacher Kendall Johnson says, “Video is used a lot more to motivate kids.” During a physical education lesson last year, 她用智能手机录下了学生们练习跳远的过程. Afterward, Johnson reviewed the footage with them in the classroom, providing constructive feedback on their technique.

Serviss assists?teachers who want?to produce videos?in the classroom.?She worked with a?social studies class?that produced a?heritage project?video. Students?dressed up in traditional clothing?and talked about?where they were?from. Then they viewed it together as a class.

智能教室和大屏幕显示器尤其重要,这样学生就可以与老师一对一地观看视频, in small groups, or all together. Additionally, 给最小的学生布置视频作业是不现实的, 部分原因是他们在校外上网的机会更有限.

“By the students viewing it on the larger screen,” Serviss says, “it has a true impact on their self-esteem. Ten years from now they’ll still have that video footage. We’ll look back and show our classes 10 years from now, ‘Here’s your parents, talking about your heritage.’”

约翰逊还一直在利用所谓的学校在线视频的长尾效应. “In the gym, if I took video of them playing a certain game last year, I can show it to them this year,” she says. “They can see the kids actually playing the game, so they get a clear sense of how the game is played.”

这两所学校的教师几乎只使用智能手机或平板电脑录制视频, many of them using their own devices. 此外,在沃尔夫克里克,约翰逊说:“我们每节课至少有一台iPad.” At the Gregory School, Serviss说,五年级的学生在教室里使用三星Galaxy平板电脑.

Somewhat uniquely for a public school district, Wolf Creek uses an online video platform, having adopted MediaCore in 2012. 该系统允许教师直接从移动设备录制和摄取视频, 减少了他们在管理录音时可能遇到的许多摩擦.

More Teachers Flip for Video

Raul Burriel是俄勒冈州立大学(OSU)的流媒体协调员。. 当我问他,在他的大学里,在线视频增长最快的领域是什么, he answered quickly, and without hesitation: “Flipped classrooms.这是指教师录制简短的讲座或演示视频,供学生在课前观看. Then, 宝贵的课堂时间用于更多的学生互动和实践指导, instead of listening to a lecture.

“When I look at our Kaltura videos and see batches of 5 minute videos showing up at a time,” Burriel says, “then I know somebody has caught the wave.”

According to Ian Webber, 罗彻斯特理工学院数字媒体开发经理, 2013年,“我们发起了一项活动和培训,直接针对教师探索翻转课堂.”

他的小组提供了一系列百家乐软件来协助教师进行生产. Webber’s colleague, James Foley, says, “我们的团队传统上做了很多制作,我们捕捉演示文稿. 现在我们把他们带到我们的工作室,让他们更多地参与编辑和制作.”

Foley观察到,那些一直在自己阅读“浓缩讲座”的好处的教师,比如那些使用翻转课堂模式的教师,“对使用我们建立的自助服务工作室更感兴趣。, or producing on their own laptops in their offices.”

Burriel sees a similar trend at OSU, 除了在办公室里帮老师录讲座,你还能做什么, they also support faculty self-producing in smart classrooms. “With lecture capture, (教员)走进教室,在那里他们有一个开始和停止录音的界面. Instead of a full hour they’re recording 5 minutes at a time.这些视频随后会被自动录入该校的视频管理平台.

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