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2018年,电视直播的性质发生了巨大变化, 但在一天结束的时候,这似乎并不重要. No matter how people got their channels or what devices they view them on, 电视直播显示,它仍然是最强大的媒体. It’s still the way to build water cooler buzz (or Twitter trending topics) and to reach the biggest number of consumers when pitching a product. 是的, 电视直播在许多小方面发生了变化, but in the larger view it stayed the same: It’s the medium that unites us all.

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这并不是说直播视频在2018年没有面临挑战. 今年3月, Parks Associates注意到一个日益增长的趋势 远离实时线性观看. 在你.S. 家庭,60%的电视观看是点播的. 但对于年轻人(18至34岁), 超过四分之一的观看时间花在了直播节目上. 随着按需选择的增加, 随着人们年龄的增长,他们仍然保持着看电视的习惯, 预计直播收视率将继续下降.

A few months later, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) pointed out that 67%的成年人观看过直播视频 在某一时刻. 长篇直播视频通常在电视上播放, 而手机更受欢迎的是30分钟以内的内容.

The streaming industry learned that getting people to adopt live-streaming services and cut the cord is far harder than getting them to adopt on-demand services. While on-demand options are seen as inexpensive extras—ways to get low-cost access to buzzed-about shows and movies—a virtual multichannel video program distributor (vMVPD) needs to be a full cable replacement, and that means providing access to all the live channels and sports that viewers get from their pay TV services. That’s the one thing holding many back from cutting the cord, reported Adobe in October. 它发现 42%的付费电视用户 believed they needed to keep their existing services to get live sports, news, and events. The streaming industry needs to do a better job of explaining what people will get when they go online. 渠道准入因市场而异, 然而, understanding what’s available is confusing even to those who work in the industry.


体育仍然是直播视频的重要吸引力. 今年4月,ESPN推出了期待已久的流媒体服务ESPN+. 4美元的低成本.99元/月, 对于运动爱好者来说,这是一款负担得起的升级产品, but the company was quick to explain that it’s not meant to replace cable, 只补充它. 该服务提供了多种 ESPN没有空间播放的体育节目 on its many cable channels, including tennis, rugby, boxing, cricket, and college games.

In April 2018, ESPN launched its long-awaited ESPN+ service, which at $4.99元/月 is designed to complement the cable version of the network, not replace it.

2018年最大的现场赛事之一是俄罗斯世界杯. BBC称收到了 66.总共800万流请求, 56.其中300万是直播, 这一需求远远超过了四年前巴西的需求. 福克斯(Fox)拥有美国公司.S. rights, said it served 558 million views across its properties, for 3.60亿分钟的视频. 今年3月, MLB和YouTube made news when they announced they would continue their partnership for two more seasons. That deal included YouTube TV being a presenting sponsor for the 2018 and 2019 World Series, 并将MLB网络带给YouTube电视订户. 今年6月,亚马逊购买了流媒体的版权 20场英超比赛 每一季,为期三年. 那个月晚些时候, 美国国家橄榄球联盟和哥伦比亚广播公司延长了他们的流媒体协议 到2022赛季, 将所有NFL在CBS的比赛带到CBS all Access, 这笔交易包括超级碗iii.

One of 2018’s biggest live events was the World Cup, for which the BBC said it received 66.总共800万请求,56.其中300万是直播.

Many of the year’s biggest sports streams weren’t for traditional sports. 电子竞技继续快速发展. 今年6月,高盛(Goldman Sachs)发表的一份报告称 电子竞技的收视率很快就会超过 美国职业棒球大联盟和国家冰球联盟. The area was poised to attract a monthly audience of 167 million in 2018. By 2022, it will have a monthly audience of 300 million, the company said. 看看电子竞技发展的原因, 高盛将此归功于基础设施的改善, 视频直播越来越受欢迎, 以及快速增长的奖金池.

Although consumers watched a lot of live-streamed video in 2018, they were aware of its limitations. 体育主播知道他们的在线直播远远落后于广播, 查看他们的推特可能会破坏体验. 10月, 凤凰, 这是一家销售基于webbrtc的直播解决方案的公司, 公布的调查结果显示,27%的美国人认为.S. 使用流媒体服务的成年人 不要认为直播值得付费. They’ve been burned by poor experiences, including latency and buffering. 报告还说,直播视频存在可发现性问题, with 24% not even sure if the OTT services they use include live streaming. 延迟和缓冲是行业会议上的热门话题. While there was no shortage of proposed solutions, the problems persist. 延迟和缓冲最终会在2019年被征服吗?


2018年,许多企业开始使用内部直播. While live broadcasting was previously used for the occasional corporate address or all-hands meeting, 它的用途扩大了. Brandlive 1月份的一份报告称 培训零售员工 was the top use for live video, as 56% of the companies surveyed had done so. 其次最受欢迎的用途是培训销售代表, 流媒体CEO市政厅, 培训客服人员. The majority of the companies surveyed were increasing their budgets for live video and preferred it over on-demand video. In November, 创作 released a report showing that large companies were 60%的人更有可能观看直播 而不是小公司, and 76% of large companies had streamed at least one live event in the past year. It also noted that training was the most popular use for live video, with 98% of those surveyed saying it enabled better and faster learning.

2018年,直播取得了巨大进步, but that progress just showed how much further it has to go to be a full replacement for pay TV. 2019年它还能覆盖多少土地? 为了寻求答案,我们请教了一些专家.


The biggest challenge for live video services in 2019 will be convincing consumers to take a chance. 人们对所有的频道都很开放, 布雷特·萨平顿相信, 帕克斯协会的高级研究总监. 但问题很多. 首先,消费者想买到便宜货. 他们希望为流媒体支付比付费电视更少的费用. But a bigger problem is that many people have no idea where to start or what their options are.

“这是我们从朋友那里得到的最常见的问题之一, 家庭, 其他的是, ‘嘿, 你是做电视生意的. 我怎么切断脐带? 我需要做些什么呢?’,”萨平顿说. “他们对这些设备不确定. 他们对服务不确定. They’re unsure of what content is on the services, and they’re unsure of what the pricing is.”

It’s hard for consumers to assess their choices when they don’t even know what their choices are. They need to decide what core group of channels is essential to them, 要是有别的团队该多好啊, 然后找到满足这些要求的选项. That’s all before the manual process of signing on for trials and comparing different services.

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There's no wiggle room in live video, so insuring quality is paramount. Qosifire offers an affordable and customizable way to monitor and debug live streams.


Whether it's enterprise, ecommerce, news, or gaming, it feels like everyone is rushing to go live. 这里有一个服务指南,现在任何公司都可以使用.


每个平台都在播放体育直播视频, 带有直播频道的瘦身套餐正在蓬勃发展, 社交视频应用正在造就下一代名人. 我们快饱和了吗?


去年,所有人的目光都集中在Facebook直播上, but the entire live streaming sector is undergoing explosive growth. Sports, TV streams, and personal video apps are all getting an upgrade.


As consumer devices and connectivity continue to improve, live streaming is more appealing than ever. 2016年,该行业已经过了试验阶段.
