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The State of Media Servers 2015

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It might seem like 2014 was the year that the media server died.

至少这个结论可以从至少一个知名的媒体服务器解决方案——realnetworks的Helix media交付平台——的消亡和其他知名媒体服务器公司(如Adobe)的缺乏更新中得出, 苹果, and 微软.

Chris 伟达公关, vice president and streaming industry evangelist at Wowza Media Systems他说,就媒体服务器的前景而言,过去一年是“有趣的”一年.

“职业, after breathing new life into Helix Media Server for a few years, 去年10月,该公司突然宣布Helix媒体交付平台寿终人终,他说, 并补充说,其他知名的流媒体服务器产品近年来逐渐消失.

苹果的QuickTime流媒体服务器几年前就停止发货了, 尽管苹果在苹果应用商店销售的OS X服务器应用程序中仍然有一个专注于播客的版本. 微软, 就其本身而言, 似乎没有发布任何新的媒体服务器更新,而是将精力集中在Azure和Azure媒体服务上.

“Adobe seems to be less intent on general-purpose media technologies,” 伟达公关 says, ,并似乎将媒体发展的重点重新放在黄金时段, its TV Everywhere offering.”

Perhaps this is to be expected. 媒体服务器的商品化——伴随着开源媒体服务器的出现, 随着开源和低价格的商业媒体服务器替代品的出现,固有的价格下行压力也有可能迫使更大的公司, more well-known competitors out of the market.

伟达公关, 虽然, 认为这些大公司似乎正在远离媒体服务器产品还有另一个原因.

“它们之间的一个共同点是,媒体服务器要么不再, 或者从来没有, one of their primary businesses,他说. “将流媒体传输到任何屏幕对我们来说都不是次要项目,这是我们唯一的关注点.”

This is especially true in 苹果’s case, as it championed the H.264 video codec and the AAC audio codec as a way to standardize its QuickTime movie trailers. 一旦这两种编解码器被广泛采用为音频和视频流传输的共同标准, 随后,苹果将注意力从渐进式下载转向以分段(或碎片化)流媒体格式提供优质电影和电视内容.

这一努力的结果是苹果对HTTP流媒体的自适应比特率(ABR)的贡献:HTTP Live streaming (HLS), 它由成千上万的音频和视频交错的小文件组成,通过TCP通过普通的HTTP web服务器或专门的媒体服务器提供服务. 当HLS内容有多个分辨率或比特率可供最终用户查看时, the small segmented files can be sent at varying bitrates, depending on current network conditions.

由于HTTP自适应流已经成为首选的传输方式,” 伟达公关 says, “许多其他具有成本效益的多屏幕媒体交付选择已经可供大多数客户使用. This, in turn, allows 苹果 et al. 远离通用的媒体服务器软件,专注于他们业务的其他方面.”

Media Servers vs. HTTP服务器

随着这种走向商品化和标准化编解码器的趋势,以及标准化ABR技术的前景, 无论是事实上的(HLS)还是真正的基于标准的技术(MPEG-DASH),关于是否需要继续使用商业媒体服务器而不是免费或低成本的HTTP服务器的问题自然会随之而来.

Jaron Vietor, CTO of DDVTech, which makes MistServer, 在HTTP服务器和媒体服务器之间似乎仍然有四个主要的区别.

HTTP服务器 Fail When Streaming Live Content

Vietor says the strength of an HTTP web server, serving up files, is also its Achilles heel when it comes to delivering live content. “Web servers can stream a file from it with full seeking support,维托尔说, “because when the client/browser says, ‘give me the file, starting at byte position 346455,web服务器可以简单地转到文件中的那个位置,并开始提供内容.”

相比之下, 他说, 合适的流媒体服务器可用于为直播和点播内容流式传输单个虚拟文件, 而不是.

“Plain HTTP servers can only serve whole files,维托尔说. “所以如果你想要运行一个直播流,你就必须分割内容. The problem lies in the

事实, when you’re working with live and/or multiple formats, creating files on disk becomes either cumbersome or impossible.”

To solve this issue, 媒体服务器(如MistServer)用于在内存中为每个连接的客户端生成一个“假”文件, 这意味着客户端浏览器认为它正在接收整个文件. But 而不是 of looking up a specified byte position, the media server calculates the proper current byte range, in the form of a millisecond position in the stream buffer, and offers that back to the client browser.

HTTP服务器 Struggle With New Technologies and Protocols

Adaptive bitrate content, once segmented, can be served by a standard HTTP server, but Vietor says that new technologies, such as WebRTC, need more than a simple webserver.

“当与流媒体服务器一起使用时,WebRTC具有更好的性能和更少的延迟,”Vietor说. “Even for videoconferencing and such, including direct communication between clients, 仍然需要网络地址转换(NAT)遍历, which cannot be a simple web server.”

除了, to save bandwidth, 某种形式的媒体服务器也用于两方以上的视频会议.

Web Servers Require Scripting

The current batch of HTML5-based streaming servers, especially those used in live streaming solutions, relies on scripting at the player to properly execute playback.

“目前所有HTML5直播解决方案都需要客户端脚本,维托尔说, “but a proper media server can work without those.”

对于苹果设备,如iPad、iPhone或Macintosh计算机,HLS无需脚本即可工作. 为其他, non-苹果 devices, HLS内容的回放需要相当密集的客户端脚本. 像这样, 如果非苹果设备可以接收另一种形式的ABR或流媒体传输, 媒体服务器弥合了需要为所有设备使用单一流类型与为特定设备类型使用最佳流类型之间的差距.

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