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Tips for Selecting the Right Online Video Platform

Companies in the market for an OVP (online video platform) know that making the right choice is difficult. All OVPs sound good on paper, and, if you haven't yet launched an online video presence, it can be hard to evaluate your company's future needs.

Making the process easier, Kaltura has created a free white paper called "Online Video Checklist" that offers a clear picture on what's important in an OVP. Yes, Kaltura is an OVP, but the advice it offers is helpful no matter which OVP you ultimately choose.

Here are a few tips from Kaltura:

KalturaMulti1. Look for multiple device support. Mobile isn't a fad, it's the future. A growing number of people are accessing the web and online video through smartphones, tablets, set-top boxes, and connected TVs. Definitely choose an OVP that supports a large range of popular devices. Also, make sure the OVP will quickly add support for new platforms in the future.

2. Demand syndication and distribution options. Having your company's videos only on your own site isn't going to win you many fans. You need to distribute videos widely to attract an audience, but finding those outlets is time-consuming. Choose an OVP that does the work for you, Look for one that can automatically feed your content  to a range of third-party platforms.

3. Let your viewers contribute. Once you've got a successful online video program, your company's fans will want to jump in. Pick an OVP that makes it easy for fans to upload their own vides. Having user-generated content helps create community on a site. Make sure there are moderation controls, so you can determine what goes live.

4. Choose a speed demon. Performance is crucial to an OVP. You want to make sure that your uploaded videos are processed and available to viewers quickly. Also, make sure the video players load fast.

5. Find growth potential. Your video efforts might start out small, but hopefully you'll grow a large audience over time. Can your OVP rise to the challenge? Pick one that can scale to meet greater needs. Key items to look for are high availability architecture with failover and redundancy for all infrastructure components.

This was only half the tips in the Kaltura "Online Video Checklist" white paper. For more tips, download a full copy. (Registration required.)

Troy Dreier's article first appeared on OnlineVideo.net

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