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Betting, Latency, and the Case for 5G

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Jason Thibeault: 5G——尤其是在竞技场上——超宽带承诺了埃里克之前所说的:零延迟. Now, 显然,当我们谈论从相机到手机的内容时,在这个舞台上, 我们仍然有流媒体工作流程中的延迟. So we've still got some, but when you start combining 5G ultra-wideband, let's say, low-latency CMAF or WebRTC, 我认为5G的大用例将是赌博, 或者你会让人们在竞技场观看比赛, placing bets, on their headset. 你不能有任何延迟,5G给了我们这一点. 我们总是谈论带宽,所以它将是巨大的. But the thing is, on a mobile phone, video-wise, from a streaming perspective, 你在视觉上看不出720p和4K有什么区别——只是显示效果没有什么不同. So there's no need to send that kind of signal. You don't need the bandwidth. It's all about the latency. How fast can I get it to somebody in the arena, 5G ultra-wideband, massive, immersive opportunity betting. That's where it's going to really hit home first. 就像,“哇,我们可以用5G给人们提供真正实时的内容体验. This is amazing.“我认为博彩可能会推动第一个用例. That's my opinion.

Eric Bolten: I'll completely back that opinion up, JT, 因为这里的重点是NHL和NFL已经宣布他们将从事博彩和游戏. 就你的观点而言,5G带来了一些东西,以及它为什么会发生变化. One, what we're describing is, being able to take care of very specific areas, so, an arena, 然后你去看体育博彩,你就在永利了, Caesar's, or Macau--pick your poison, 因为你可以用它走向全球——你可以实时投注. 延迟很重要,因为你必须在游戏中进行维护, 但是Windows的同步性使事情不会太不正常. 5G的另一个特点是为什么它是一种企业对企业的技术, say, 4G LTE, will be network slicing, 以及我可以创造出高质量服务的想法. So where before, you'd go to the game and surprisingly, 你不能发短信,不能看视频,什么都不能做, 现在你将会有专门的服务领域来允许和促进这一切. 你要赌的是三分跑或传球.

Jason Thibeault: Yeah--exactly--that kind of granularity of betting. I think it's going to be amazing. And the cool thing too, like you say, B2B——我真的认为,随着技术的发展和进步,你开始得到支持5G宽带的摄像头, you can cut out the cables. You can cut out having to go through the truck. You can now have people doing remote production. You can have people produce, 'cause this, 在如此庞大的带宽管道中,这些内容可以如此迅速地到达他们那里. 您可以将8K主内容交付给某些编辑工具. 他们得到了实时的信息,他们正在做出改变——砰,砰,砰,砰,完成了. 它已经出来了,它将进入流媒体和多种格式. 对我来说,这对内容生产的影响是惊人的.

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