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Chris Burgos: 我关注的未来是,科技公司如何在这个领域进行转型? Not just NewTek, 还有和我们一起工作的人——在Zoom和Teams上已经开发了竞争功能, as those guys were at one point competing, 现在我觉得这两者已经有了一些分歧,他们已经掌握了. 所以现在我们有两个不同的平台在做不同的事情. 但我一直在关注这些技术试图让这些体验更有关联的所有方式, whether it's Q & As, 或者是举手,或者以某种方式影响你的视频片段,做出某种贡献.

我的背景略有不同,因为我在电子竞技领域做过很多工作. 在这些环境中我们有混合环境. The significant portion of our audience was at home. And so it was something as easy as, "Hey, 有人在推特上说我们的一名球员展示了这一点, 强调双方都需要观众参与.“所以我看着这些人在过去四年里所做的事情,然后说, “我们需要尽可能地吸引观众.这就是强调他们在文本中所说的内容, 这就是高亮和在房间里有麦克风, 这就是用一种奇怪的方式看待它, almost like the sporting events too, saying "Well, how do we tackle this environment?“因为这些人必须这样做,而且必须在当前环境之前就这样做.

然后,戴上我的纽泰克帽子,就在昨天,我们发布了桥接协议. NDI Bridge basically says, “你可以在这个国家的任何一边设立两个办事处,让这些人成为当地的NDI." And if you're not used to NDI, it says, "If I put something on my network, I can do video, audio, and control over it. I can control my camera.“嗯,现在我可以通过广域网做到这一点. 所以丹和我可以互相交流,也可以接触到丹在办公室里接触到的所有东西, as easy as all the cameras are in his facility, 他还能拿到我在新泽西公寓里的东西. 就像这样,易用性打开了生产的大门. 我们讨论了生产和不同层次的东西. The production technology is evolving very quickly. 在IP领域有许多人的创新速度比我们预期的要快得多.

这就是用代码做事的美妙之处? 我并不担心我们在实际生产中遇到的一些主要问题, supply chain and things like that. Those guys are gonna be leading the charge. 我们已经知道了,因为当我们做这些远程事件时, we all had a tool that we were ready to use. Zoom didn't come out of nowhere. It didn't start in March of last year; it's been going on for a while and we've all been keeping our eyes open, 我们强调了一些工具. I think that's gonna continue to grow, 但我完全同意丹的观点,很多人只是想要面对面的会议.

The beauty of the hybrid environment is gonna be, 如果不能的话,我不必亲自参加每一场活动. 我再也不用像以前那样挑剔挑剔了, because if I'm introducing a panel somewhere, once I'm done with that panel, 我可以打开我的手机,看我真正想去的另一个活动. I had this conflict when you guys are in Boston, 我只是在想日程安排得怎么样. When you're doing so much of this stuff, you can't always get to everything you wanna do, but now you can, because there's a hybrid angle. You won't get that community aspect right away, 但你肯定会成为事件的一部分,并学到一些东西.

And then three months down road, if I go out to Cali, I could pick things up and say, "Hey, 这是我们上次谈话后事情的进展, 或者是我最后一次听你说这些." The community that once was, we thought of small and tight-knit, the people we once knew, whether they were part of our team or our families, or friends, is a lot larger. 我认为这对年轻一代来说是非常真实的. 每个人现在都在体验这个,这个技术使你拥有这个非常广泛的社区.

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