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How to Improve OTT Search & Discovery

观看流媒体东连接的完整面板,“太多的选择根本没有选择。?" on the Streaming Media YouTube channel.

Learn more about OTT and piracy at Streaming Media West 2020.

Read the complete transcript of this clip:

Matt Rivet: 你觉得为什么搜索和发现这么难?

Randa Minkarah: It depends on who you're in the room with. It really has a big effect. If you're there alone, it's simpler. 房间里的人越多,就越难做出决定. Does mood matter? Does time of day matter? Yes. I think they're all factors, 但我认为最大的因素是房间里有多少人,你有多少服务. 我认为,基于家庭或家庭对内容的看法,将会有自然的分层. So Disney is perfect for kids, right? 你可以一遍又一遍地看同样的东西. I love doing that. I've watched Monsters Inc. And Shrek countless times. And so that's one way of helping stratify.

And then when you think about movies, HBO Max by far and away has the most movies, but Netflix has that long, deep library. 所以你开始围绕你想要找到的东西展开对话, 这就是今天策展的主要方式. It's too hard to search.

Sherry Brennan: 对于我之前谈到的聚合平台来说,这是一个提供跨服务搜索和发现的机会. 现在你必须进入一个服务,然后这个服务有它自己的推荐引擎, which may or may not be great. 兰达的观点是,它不知道你是独自一人还是和其他人在一起. 它只知道你之前看过什么,无论你使用什么帐户登录. 所以我认为推荐引擎还可以做很多改进,让它变得更复杂一些.

我同情他们,因为他们没有办法知道谁在房间里,除非你告诉他们. That makes their job harder. 但也许他们可以提供“仅推荐给雪莉”或“推荐给雪莉和她的儿子”." I think there's work to be done there, 我认为通过聚合平台进行跨服务搜索和发现是一个好主意. 我们还会向人们介绍他们以前可能没有听说过的新服务, because it will be, "You watched this on Netflix, you might like this on BritBox," or something like that. I think there's a lot of opportunity there.

Randa Minkarah: It's literally what Sherry said. 你必须进出应用程序,然后希望你能看到对你有意义的东西. 问题是,你用得越少,推荐效果就越差. So Netflix, for instance, 至少在“谁在房间里?, whose account, and who am I watching this with?“但随着时间的推移,我只在Netflix上看一种特定的类型. So that's all they show me. So I don't want to know that. I want to understand, 基于我对家庭的喜好和兴趣的更广泛的看法, what is it I really want to see? That's true curation. And I do think that within the apps themselves, 还有很多可以改进的地方, 深入细致地研究分析正在发生的事情,这样你就可以开始分配不同的类型.

So it's not just going to be crime. What kind of crime? The more metadata that you can add, define your show to the nth degree, 从字面上讲,这将允许更大的受众细分,然后最终更好的推荐, 哪个是每个人的梦想,每个服务都希望人们花更多的时间在他们的内容上. And that's the way to get there. 

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