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What are some optimal approaches to fully including online/digital audiences in hybrid events rather than sidelining them in favor of the in-person attendees? Chris Pfaff,首席执行官, 克里斯·普法夫科技媒体, 美国制片人协会 (PGA), VR / AR协会 (VRARA)与运营主管亚历克斯·林赛讨论了这个话题, 090年媒体,以及网络直播制作人约翰·波特菲尔德, Social180Group,在这个剪辑中 流媒体连接2023.

Lindsay breaks down the three major types of events: digital-first, hybrid, and physical in-person. He says that 090年媒体 takes as much of an inclusive approach as possible with their digital-first events. 他说:“数字观众至少和实体观众一样重要。. “当我们这样做的时候, 当我们把扬声器放在屏幕或LED墙上时,我们把它们从舞台上拿下来, 因为现在演讲者可以和所有的听众在一起了. 我们可以在他们面前放八个屏幕. 我们可以说,‘这是开普敦,这是L.A.这里是纽约.“我们还可以邀请世界各地的其他演讲者. 他们和现在的演讲者都处于一个平等的地位,所以他们看起来都是平等的. 我们还可以退回相机, 我们还可以和全体会议上的人谈谈, but that main plenary can be in eight cities and all of them have a front row experience.”

“这是一个伟大的制作决定,”普法夫说. 他对约翰·波特菲尔德说:“你在谈论你在休息室里做什么. 你在那里的经历怎么样? 因为我倾向于同意亚历克斯关于多房间和多活动的观点. 但这是制作人的观点. 说实话,我认为分组讨论室和互动程度, I think that most people haven't evolved to a point where they're really comfortable interacting digitally. 跟我们说说你的经历吧.”

波特菲尔德说:“所以我从两个不同的角度来看待这个问题. 当我在教堂的时候, the technologies progressed where we did a major broadcast [where] everybody was connecting through different broker devices, (如) 苹果电视等等. 把这些和举办一些本地活动联系起来,这是一个方向. I think the challenge to everybody we're talking about here is…how do you get them to engage and communicate? 我认为这可以追溯到尝试创造独特价值的方法.”

Porterfield mentions current projects he’s working on that take a “build-out” approach from physical events to digital. 他说,这种方法“会产生一些动力. And then you build out the framework by which [you] produce the event and maybe want to bring some other elements in that make it unique and tell the story for a nonprofit that has a very unique message to their audience, 但同时, 他们想要建立意识. 所以我认为挑战在于让他们参与其中. And I think on the corporate event side in breakout rooms, that's still a bit of a challenge. 我们如何创造正确的信息或价值来获得利益?”

他提到了这些事件演变的方式. “如果我去。 AWS 事件发生在几年前,还是其中之一 峰会的事件, 我坐在主站台上, 有三个不同的场地, and each one had different headphones for different presentations that were occurring. 如果你亲临现场,那就太好了. 但是我们要怎么做呢? 我认为这是我们需要努力的事情之一, 我们真的在努力帮助确保我们支持客户这样做. We need to really understand the value because the technology, from my perspective, is there. It's a matter of planning and doing it…we have to really make sure that it brings the right value.”

了解更多关于混合赛事的信息 流媒体东部2023.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


太频繁, 在混合型活动中,非现场参加者被视为事后的想法, 哪里所有的重点都在房间里的观众身上. But drawing in the remote audience and recognizing the importance of doing so is critical. Innovative strategies abound for drawing in remote viewers and creating more compelling experiences; Stream4Us' Anthony Burokas, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, 和霍华德 & Associates' Andy Howard offer some best practices to best engage remote viewers in hybrid events.


As streaming has moved through the pandemic years into a new normal that isn't exactly what anyone expected, the meaning of hybrid event streaming production and delivery that has emerged over the last few years continues to evolve. So what does it mean in 2023, for producers, organizations, and audiences, both onsite and remote? And what can streamers do to level the playing field for those participating from near and far? 这段视频来自他们最近在2023年流媒体连接上的小组讨论, LiveX的安娜·考德里报道, 俄亥俄州立大学的德里克·弗里曼, 波士顿25新闻的本·拉特纳报道, Stream4us的Anthony burrokas说道, 和霍华德 & Associates' Andy Howard discuss best definitions and best practices for hybrid event video in 2023.


Is market consolidation between two previously discrete markets-streaming and videoconferencing-inevitable or imminent? 企业流媒体专家安迪·霍华德, 西蒙球, EZDRM的Olga Kornienko报道, and KPMG's Joel Fajardo discuss this question and the contributing market factors 和技术nological impediments and inherent security risks in this clip from their panel at 流媒体东部2023.


Are hybrid meetings the new normal for corporate communications, presentations, and training? EY's Waseem Ahmad and LinkedIn's Dan Swiney discuss the future of hybrid events and the technical challenges involved in getting there in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


What are hybrid streaming environments and how do large-scale streamers and broadcasters manage workloads and divide tasks between cloud and on-prem infrastructure? Microsoft's Andy Beach and TV2's Loke Dupont discuss distribution strategies in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


With so many virtual event platforms available today, which one is right for your events? 090年媒体's Alex Lindsay and BC Live's Dan Houze pull no punches when assessing what the current crop of platforms get wrong, 他们怎样才能做得更好, and how to avoid the common pitfalls of producing virtual and hybrid events that don't pass muster in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


How can enterprise streamers produce and deliver high-engagement and high-reliability hybrid events that serve their streaming audiences as effectively as their on-site participants? 答案是艺术和科学, 策略, 和技术, as LinkedIn's Dan Swiney and MediaPlatform's Mike Newman discuss in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


今天的混合赛事怎么了? 远程参会者的QoE在哪里? 090年媒体's Alex Lindsay and BC Live's Dan Houze diagnose the problem and prescribe the solution in this clip from 流媒体连接2023.


LinkedIn's Dan Swiney and Lockheed Martin's Eric Hards discuss how their organizations' approach to events and internal meetings has evolved since the pandemic's start in this panel from 流媒体 West 2022.

混合动力vs .的利弊. 数字领先事件

090年媒体's Alex Lindsay discusses the challenges of engaging remote streaming audiences with hybrid events and the advantages of digital-first productions in this clip from 流媒体 West 2022.
