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NAB 2024: Atomos Talks Ninja Phone

On the show floor at NAB 2024, Shawn Lam of Streaming Media and SLV Live interviews Atomos CEO Jeromy Young about the new Atomos Ninja Phone, which turns an iPhone 15 Pro or Pro Max into a 1600-nit, 10-bit, 2,000,000:1 contrast ratio, 460ppi, HDR OLED, ProRes monitor-recorder for any pro HDMI camera.

ninja phone

Shawn Lam: 15 years ago we were here talking about the first Ninja, and here we are talking about the Ninja Phone. So what is it?
Jeromy Young: 我们采用了我们所有的ProRes技术和专有技术,我们与苹果的合作不仅仅是为了ProRes, 同时也要利用手机的监控、录音和流媒体功能. So, 带上你的相机——这是所有专业相机都要用的, not the iPhone camera--and click our case on the back. Then you take the HDMI in, and audio with your wireless mic, 它用ProRes编码锁定的视频和音频, and sends it over USB-C into the phone.

And the case is included with the locking mechanism. That's why the case is important. And of course the mounting option. 我们已经把镜头盖上了,这样当你把镜头放进去或用它打电话时,就不会被电线撞到. ProRes is decoded to the screen instantly. At the same time, we've got all the Ninja monitoring functions: peaking, flipping, all the amazing features that you need. 你有一个可笑的OLED显示器,在高光处有1600尼特的峰值亮度, 2,000,000:1 contrast ratio, P3 color space 441 PPI. Ridiculous screen.

atomos ninja phone

然后你可以录下我们发送到手机上的ProRes. Then the phone re-encodes it to 10-bit pipeline, and then streams it out to wherever you're logged into. 你只需要选择摄像头到云,YouTube Live, Instagram, iCloud. If you want to send it to iCloud and save it, you just save the files, or you can play them back to review them.
Shawn Lam: That's a streaming setup then.
Jeromy Young: That's right. 然后一旦你设置好了,你就可以录制到ProRes和/或H.265. So it records to the phone storage. It's HD-only because that's what the screen is. That's what you want to stream. 这意味着你有大约三个小时的时间在电话里读《百家乐软件》第4章第2节. 如果你有500GB的剩余或者256GB的剩余, then if you've got 512GB left, 你手机里已经有你所有的照片和东西了, 然后你会得到一个半小时的ProRes录音. But then you get three times that in H.265 if you want to record that.
streaming with atomos ninja phone
Shawn Lam: And so that's requiring iPhone internal storage.
Jeromy Young: That's it. That's all it does is that. 所以我们把专业相机和iPhone变成了一个非常好的组合,用于专业录制和监控.

Shawn Lam: 
所以我理解这个设置,你有NDI功能. Walk me through that.
Jeromy Young: That's right. So as it comes in and streams out the H.265,然后您可以选择NDI并将其封装为您想要的任何NDI格式. NDI|HX 3 supported directly from this setup.
Shawn Lam: That's fantastic. So that then can be put into any NDI workflow, 引进任何不支持NDI的相机,把它变成NDI相机. Wow. Price point and availability?
Jeromy Young: 所以忍者手机本身是399美元,手机壳是59美元. And so those two combined, and you're away on your beautiful camera, recording ridiculous 4K or 6K inside the camera. 这是你所有的社交媒体和流媒体. And if you want to go to social, 你只要把它翻到一边,iPhone就会翻过来,你所有的功能都在那里,可以播放可爱的垂直视频.
atomos ninja phone vertical
Shawn Lam: Fantastic. All right. Thank you very much, Jeromy.

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