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What are some of the biggest adtech challenges for live streaming at scale? 全球视频货币化和运营高级副总裁Jarred Wilichinsky 派拉蒙,采访了顾问纳丁·克雷费兹, 现实的软件, 特约编辑,流媒体, about some of the technical issues that must be handled in order to effectively deliver advertising during live streaming events.

“这不是 超级碗 因为你并不是向很多人投放一个广告, 但是你向很多人提供了很多不同的广告,Krefetz对Wilichinsky说 派拉蒙 到场的操作. “你能接受的延迟是多少??”

“如果是现场直播的话?威利金斯基说. “Latency is one of the number one enemies out there in digital land as you do in dynamic decisioning. 有一些方法可以缓解这种情况. I think prefetching is a term that is important in live, especially live with scale. 有不同的极端.” Wilichinsky emphasizes that the number of viewers must be taken into careful 考虑 in giving systems more time to adapt and prepare. 他说:“在这种形式的物质中,你把负载分散一点。. “Adtech in general works much better when it's spread versus a condensed factor.”

所以你要对它进行负载测试?克雷费兹说. 你也说过偶尔事情会破裂. 什么东西最常坏?”

“一切都破裂了,”威利金斯基笑着说. “我的意思是,延迟总是一个永无止境的挑战. 特别是在实时高并发的东西上. 你进入空白的VAST标签. 你知道, people still to this day think FLV is a video format that is acceptable in digital advertising. 闪电侠多少年前就消失了? 它仍然会出现. VPAID仍然在一些地方出现. 这些东西会引起问题. 声音等级——太大,太弱. 你知道,我们必须考虑如何在规模上标准化音频? 我们会在广告上线前进行审核. 我们检查他们的规格. 我们这样做,而且规模很大.”

“Are you using technology to check the ads or are you actually eyeballing it?克雷费兹问道.

“We use technology and have partnerships in place to check the core specs of it,威利金斯基说. “Your bit rate, your file size, your audio levels, your frame rates, and release frames. 你知道,那些核心元素.但他也指出,他们的运营团队仍然直接观看广告. “We still make sure there's not cursing or anything inappropriate,” he says. “The whole standards and practices are important even though we're digital. 您不希望在某些类型的内容中提供不合适的广告.”

了解更多关于广告技术的信息 流媒体西部2022.

看 完整的视频 来自流媒体连接2022.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

SMNYC 2024: 派拉蒙's Steve Ellis Talks Premium Content, Ads, and Measurement

流媒体's Tim Siglin interviews 派拉蒙 Advertising COO Steve Ellis at 纽约流媒体 2024. Ellis discusses the growth of ad-supported streaming and 派拉蒙's role as a pioneer in this space, and he highlights the importance of full-episode programming in reaching and engaging audiences effectively. He and Siglin also talk about the new Nielsen gauge measurement that shows the total reach of audiences across all premium publishers and YouTube, and he emphasizes the need for effective ads that align with the objectives of awareness, 考虑, 最后点击归因.

Navigating the Streaming Seas: 派拉蒙's Bold Moves and Future Challenges

在不断发展的流媒体领域, 派拉蒙's Q1 earnings call revealed a complex picture with a myriad of opportunities and challenges. 在领导层更迭和围绕战略合并的猜测中, 派拉蒙正处于关键时刻. 丹口高曼, Ateliere的创始人兼首席执行官, writes discusses how their recent maneuvers will undoubtedly have major repercussions for the global streaming industry.


How do you maintain five-nines uptime for tentpole event streams reaching hundreds of thousands or millions of users? CBS体育数字频道的科里·史密斯报道, 斗牛犬DM的John Petrocelli, and EdgeNext's Joshua Johnson offer tips and best practices for successfully scaling up your streams in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2023.


大规模实时流的端到端工作流是复杂的事情, 在交付中断的每个阶段都有故障排除挑战. 派拉蒙的专家小组, Amagi, 标签和, and Nomad Technologies discusses key best practices for troubleshooting large-scale streams when the pressure is on.


How do you meet the challenges of monitoring stream performance and quality for dozens or thousands of live streams at once? 派拉蒙专家, 杜比, TAG视频系统, and Nomad Technologies discuss multistream monitoring tech and strategies in this panel from 流媒体西部2022.

派拉蒙 SVP of Ad Operations Jarred Wilichinsky Talks Adtech Stacks and Strategy

The unforgiving world of ad tech means any mistake can cost millions of dollars. 广告技术是成功的AVOD/FAST盈利策略的关键, but there are so many moving parts that it can be a challenge to get it right. 威利钦斯基提供了实用的见解, 什么不, 以及广告支持的交付与订阅服务的比较.


本地化实时事件流的最动态的方法是什么? Dan Turow of Evertz and Marisa Elizondo of fuboTV talk about the ways their organizations are working to best integrate local and user-preference-based content and experiences into live event streams.


What are some of the biggest issues encountered when handling interactive streaming at scale? 高交互性流媒体(如拍卖)的广泛增加, 体育博彩, and gaming has put pressure on networks while increasing the need to integrate interactivity into more traditional methods of OTT content delivery.


Philo Director of Advertising Partnerships Aulden Kaye explains how addressability defines the value proposition for Connected TV advertising in this clip 来自流媒体连接2022.


流媒体's Tim Siglin and Harmonic's Rob Gambino discuss findings from a recent streaming industry survey on the timeline for new and expanded investments in addressable advertising and why it hasn't taken the industry by storm in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.


新闻y Chief of Staff Tony Brown discusses the lingering expectation of providing equal time to disparate points of view in today's hyper-partisan news environment and how that impacts and drives reactions to programmatic advertising in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.


Comscore SVP Strategic Partnerships Scott Worthem makes the case for addressable advertising vs. "an uncomfortable level of personalization" in national OTT broadcasts in this clip from a panel at 流媒体 West 2019.
