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Video: How Has Large-Scale Content Delivery Changed in the Last 3-5 Years?

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Limelight Networks的布雷特·默滕斯: 这个数字每年都在上升. 天平只是在变化. The market's changing, who's using the services are changing. 我的妈妈, 她现在在用Roku播放视频, and she's not watching stuff on traditional cable anymore. When she started to join the pack here, everybody else was already on board. So, 那 viewership is changing quite a bit, 就像, I think the complexity of customers like MLBAM, and their understanding of what's happening with their content. It wasn't 那 many years ago where they would have said, “我们要举办一场盛大的活动," and at the end they would have come to us--as a CDN, not necessarily Limelight--at the end and said, “好吧, 那个活动进行得怎么样?"

现在, 当我和顾客交谈时, they're telling me things about what's occurred in the network and how performance was at a different spot in it. 这并不是因为他们的终端用户, their viewers have called up and complained about what's going on; it's because they've collected 那 data from the system. And they're doing analysis of it and making decisions, because they see it as mission-critical to accomplishing their goals. So, it's really a different type of interaction. You have to work much harder now to do a good job, and people know whether or not you're doing a good job. You're getting a report card from at least some percentage of your customers as a CDN all the time--you did this event, 这是它的进展情况, 这就是流量. Because everybody's doing multi-CDN which is, I guess, a new thing too. "This is how much traffic I gave you because of your performance," is something 那 just really wasn't happening like 那 at all, 至少在我的经验中是这样, 四五年前.

Eric Klein, MLBAM: There's two challenges 那 have changed in the last couple years 那 are becoming more and more prevalent. The first one is 那 as a content provider now, I'm constantly paying attention to performance. 这对我的终端客户至关重要, it's critical to how things are getting delivered, and it's a key crucial aspect of 那 workflow 那, as an individual responsible for delivery, 我需要考虑一下.

And then the second point: the requirement for capacity at larger scale goes up and up. 布雷特的妈妈得到了一个Roku, and everyone's mom gets a Roku or an iOS device, 那's more and more content streaming in different ways 那 people haven't streamed through before. The latest numbers about OTT of just cable packages have completely shifted, and there are millions of people 那 are now watching through alternative means, 那, 比如ESPN, 不能反映在他们的数量上吗. 但它仍在进行中, and people are still using different packages and receiving content in those new, 独特的方式. 作为内容提供者, we need to figure out a way to get our content delivery partners to fulfill it.

马克·费舍尔,Qwilt: The other thing 那 I sense is different is, streaming is kind of leading, if you will. I've never been a part of the broadcast industry, 但我听说过, “4K将首先通过流媒体实现," because the TV sets aren't necessarily there, and the rest of the ecosystem to support and broadcast. And it suggests 那 now maybe streaming is leading the charge on many things. Many new, innovative experiences will happen there first. 也许只有. You can get the sense of the change in momentum of the whole industry investing in 那 path.

但就我们所做的而言, 我们部署的次数, these POC's 那 announced briefly and recently, they all give us good data 那 says we're on the right path. 我们需要改进, but it's the right place to be investing in at least part of the architecture 那's needed to scale. It's not the entire solution by any means, but it's part.

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