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Video: Is WebRTC the Silver Bullet for Network Latency?

了解有关减少延迟的更多信息 流媒体东部.


杰森·Thibeault: 实际上有两种延迟. There's network-based latency, and there's process-based latency. 让我们分别讨论这两个问题. 让我们从网络延迟开始.

At this conference, there have been a couple of presentations on WebRTC. Is that a silver bullet for some of this network latency, or is it just another protocol that's gonna come and go and we'll have something better in a few years?

查理•托马斯: Web RTC解决了一个大问题. 解决的一个大问题是客户问题. 浏览器中的支持. 能够去任何地方. With Flash kind of going away from a client standpoint, there's a gap. You need to have something that's installed across all the browsers and the platforms. You need to have something that's secure, and can scale.

I don't know that it necessarily fixes latency, and if anything it actually poses a bit of a risk. You improve it with UDP, which gives you a little bit more buffer. 但任何时候你都在缩短生命的时间, 通过我们所做的测试, 我们看到从一个窗格到另一个窗格的亚秒级延迟, 与WebRTC. 但是只要你把它缩短, you run the risk when you're on an unstable network connection that you can get rebuffers.

它解决了一个问题. I don't think latency is the problem it's fixing, though.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


CosMo软件咨询公司创始人 & 首席执行官博士. Alex Gouaillard rolls out predictions for WebRTC technology in 2020 in this clip from his Video Engineering Summit presentation at 流媒体东部 2019.


CosMo软件咨询公司创始人 & 首席执行官博士. Alex Gouaillard discusses the non-realtimeness of WebRTC encoders and how Netflix and others compensate on the decoding end in this clip from his Video Engineering Summit presentation at 流媒体东部 2019.

Developers Pay the Pioneer Tax for WebRTC 在线直播

走在前沿是有代价的, and for low-latency live video streaming that involves learning WebRTC and accepting limited browser support.

Video: Is WebRTC Today's Best Real-World Option for Low-Latency Streaming Playback?

Video Rx CTO Robert Reinhardt discusses the pros and cons of WebRTC in this clip from 流媒体东部 2018.


A Stanford University research team has created an architecture called Salsify that might offer a better way to deliver video for real-time applications


RealEyes' David Hassoun discusses what low latency is and what it isn't, and sets reasonable expectations for the current content delivery climate.

Video: Three Ways to Replace Flash for Low-Latency 在线直播

Limelight's Charlie Kraus discusses three emerging strategies for delivering low-latency live streaming in the post-Flash era.

Video: Why Scale and Distance Make It Harder to Deliver Low-Latency Streams

Wowza's James Jackson discusses the persisting challenges to delivering low-latency streams for large-scale events with far-flung live audiences and emerging strategies for meeting those challenges.

Video: What is the Best Way to Move Streams Across Unmanaged Networks?

Haivision CTO Mahmoud Al-Daccak discusses the challenges of delivering low-latency streams across unmanaged networks in varying use cases at 流媒体 West 2017.


周四加入我们, December 7 for "Overcoming the Latency Hurdle in Delivering Streaming Video,这是Limelight Networks的网络研讨会

Video: How Important is Ingesting Clean Video to Reducing Latency?

NASA's Lee Erickson explains the value of ingesting a clean signal into an encoder to reducing latency after output.

Video: How Much Latency Will Consumers Tolerate for NFL Live Streams?

Amazon's Keith Wymbs and Jim De Lorenzo discuss how they've met the challenges of improving latency and time-to-first-byte to serve the millions of viewers who are tuning in to Amazon's Thursday night NFL broadcasts in this keynote from 流媒体 West 2017.

Video: How to Reduce Latency for Mobile VR Streaming

Yahoo Director of Engineering Satender Saroha discusses latency issues particular to VR streaming to mobile and technical measures to address them.

Video: Best Practices and Key Considerations for Reducing Latency

Wowza Senior Product Manager Jamie Sherry discusses key latency considerations and ways to address them at every stage in the content creation and delivery workflow.


Wowza's Mike Talvensaari confronts the myth that low latency for large-scale streaming is always worth the expense, and discusses various applications and use cases along a continuum of latency requirements for effective delivery.

延迟了! 那么哪些公司正在创造解决方案呢?

It's one of the biggest challenges facing live video streaming today, 它仍然顽固得令人沮丧. Explore the technical solutions that could finally bring latency down to the 1-second mark.