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Video: Is it Time to Take the HEVC Plunge?

霜 & Sullivan Industry Principal, 数字媒体Avni Rambhia讨论了内容所有者现在放弃AVC而转向HVEC的利弊,以及为那些现在还没有准备好过渡的人提供最新的AVC编码基础设施的必要性, 在她的流媒体 West关于HEVC编码当前状态的演讲总结中.

Read the complete transcript of this video:

Avni Rambhia, 霜 & 沙利文: Even as you're looking at new codecs, 还要确保您今天从AVC编码器中获得最佳性能. If the last time you bought an AVC encoder was four years ago, it's time to replace that AVC encoder first. Most professional encoders now are software based, 所以你可以购买AVC,然后升级到HEVC,而不会损失你在底层硬件上的投资. 真的没有借口确保你有绝对最先进的AVC编码器和转码器,你可以找到今天.

You are going to have to look at migrating to DASH, either in the context of HTML5, or in the context of apps, or in terms of a combination of the two. Especially with Flash being discontinued, 时间线的加速程度比我们很多人预期的都要快. 再一次,由分析驱动的定向广告,这才是收入的来源. That is where the differentiation is going to come. Even as much as the codec and the move to 4K are important, 在短期内,你还需要进行许多其他的战斗.

与, these are the key takeaways, so HEVC has had a very good year, 无论是在应用程序方面,还是在开始解决许可问题方面,这些问题在2015年造成了很多僵局. There are still issues to be solved, 但我们至少仍然乐观地认为,到2018年,我们将开始看到更新的大幅增长. We were originally predicting that for 2016. That window, of course, we have missed. This is not to say that HEVC is dead, not by a long shot.

You do have an issue with bandwidth crunches. You do have an issue with data caps. OTT服务的全球增长,TVE服务是绝对必要的. 如果你接受这样一种范式,即我们正在从电视的广播意识转向普遍的单位成本世界, every byte that you can save is important, every disc that you can save is important. The extent to which you can increase resolution, whether it's frame rate, 或者颜色深度, 或者像素分辨率开始把观众带回到你想要他们去的地方.

With the analogy of a self-goal, because my kids are eight and ten, and that happens with annoying frequency every Saturday morning, someone in some game will kick the ball into their own goal. That's kind of what it is with HEVC today. 这场战斗的输赢取决于非技术问题, 主要是, business justifications. 尽管如此, there are plenty of applications where uncertainty or not, HEVC在今天很有意义,并将在其整个预期寿命内继续发挥作用.

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