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Video: The Challenges of Content Delivery Across an Internet Not Built for QoE

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格伦Calafati: 的变化, and I don't know if it's apparent to many, or how many have dealt with the public internet or how the internet was actually constructed, but this is an illustration of where the internet was.

If you picture those tubes or those cylinders, 一个是过境, 那我就能接通电话了, 移动接入. 他们等级分明. You would enter one of these networks, either from the content publisher's perspective, 你会发布你的内容, you have to ride to a hierarchical network to get to a data center or cloud location or a peer location to be able to ultimately distribute that to the users.

The same thing on the consumer side, so coming from the bottom of the diagram you had these many layers. 这就产生了非常潜在的, unpredictable sort of environment, network environment that could not offer a quality of experience to the user. You did not have the ability to control all of those variables. So, the subtlety that I have there is that you see quality of service.

The transit networks that were put together by some of the largest carriers, have now been over built by some of the largest global content providers. And that was because there was an inability to provide a quality service, or a guarantee that the content was going to get moved from one city to another, and published successfully to a user. 我们进化而来的.

在通道一侧, 图表的下半部分, 的互联网服务提供商, you think of that as all your internet service providers, and your mobile network operators. There still is a hierarchy and a complexity, and they have trouble guaranteeing your quality of service. So, the sale there is buy more bandwidth, that'll fix the problem but it's still not improving your latency or potentially improving the quality of the video that you're consuming.

I used a little reference of a light bulb there, like it's a wonderful incandescent light bulb. The products that it sold for years was light. 现在已经得到了改进. The reason that I bring that up is to say we all now accept LED light bulbs, 他们是伟大的, they cost a little bit more but they still produce light, they last a hell of a lot longer, and they're a lot more efficient.

So, this is where we see the internet is transforming. You end up with the content owners driving content deeper, 使用网络技术, 我之前提到过一个, ethernet was a transition that was important. DCI is an acronym for Data Center Interconnection, that we use in our business. A lot of smart people in the data center business and in the cloud business that understand where our content archive is, and where their origin locations are. And it'll use these direct fiber, 高性能, high-speed connections to distribute that content, to get push it close to the users.

I have two other acronyms on there: mobile edge compute, MEC的, so that's pushing the storage and compute resources even farther and closer to the users. 和虚拟CDN. This is all creating a distributed sort of content environment. Where now if you think about that as a user, 层次结构, 的复杂性, 潜在行为, 这有点偏离了. 它可以实现更好的性能. It enables the content owners to actually monetize their services better, whether it's searches if they serve up advertising, or they have subscription-based products. They can actually provide better-quality services that way.

And this is sort of forcing the industry to look at overall and/or quality of experience, not what they used to call a quality of service SLA. Quality of service SLA meant I bought 100 Mbps-per-second internet service, and I was guaranteed to only lose a small percentage of the traffic. 这对于视频来说还不够好. 这个视频你要知道, 嘿,他们没有放弃, 他们订婚了, 他们一直在关注, 他们没有重新缓冲. This is a very different type of metrics.

So we see a transition to all these technologies driving a distributed cloud environment enabling content to be pushed farther and close to the users. And the metrics themselves actually being based on quality of experience.

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