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了解更多关于流延迟的信息 流媒体东部2022.


瑞安Jespersen: 当我们谈论低延迟时,我们谈论的是什么? 我们讨论的是贡献吗? Are we talking about all of us working together on content in real time? 或者我们讨论的是分布? 我认为有三个不同的部分是关键. 我们得到的一些问题, 至于贡献方, are how can we use WebRTC for encoder workflows and high-quality workflows? And how can we add the interactivity piece like we can in Zoom while still retaining the broadcast quality that we want in the contribution side? 我认为你们经常看到的是, WebRTC is doing a lot on that side from a client SDK side and trying to build those workflows into encoders.

The other part that I think very compelling is using the cloud as the mixer for now doing these new advanced workflows. We had BirdDog as a sponsor, right, and congratulations to them. They went public on the Australian stock exchange about a month ago. 还有鸟狗, 很明显他们在做NDI, but we worked with them actually doing NDI to WebRTC transmuxer so that people could now mix NDI BirdDog cameras in the cloud using WebRTC, 然后通过WebRTC CDN进行分发.

然后是分布部分. 显然,我在这里推销的是WebRTC. I think WebRTC can be used end-to-end for contribution mixing and distribution, 保持本地协议端到端. I think the beautiful thing about WebRTC is that by default over UDP it prioritizes latency over anything else. 它宁愿丢包也不愿花更多的时间. And I think as people talk about SRT or they talk about other HTTP protocols or even RTMP, these are TCP protocols that actually try to mimic--especially with SRT or Zixi--the resiliency of TCP, 但同时仍然试图像UDP一样行事. 现实是,如果你想要速度, you've gotta drop packets on bad connections or find a way to adaptively adapt the encoding at source. 这就是WebRTC本身所做的.

所以这个工作流程很漂亮. 随着WebRTC的成熟, people are building broadcast-quality tools around that to actually do the contribution side as a way to replace it.


How WebRTC Impacts Stream Resiliency for Contribution and Distribution

Strategizing for low-latency streaming at scale and choosing WebRTC or another protocol means juggling multiple priorities and assessing stream resiliency on both the contribution and distribution ends. Dolby.io's Ryan Jespersen and AWS's Evan Statton make the case for WebRTC in this clip from 流媒体 Connect.


与大型体育流媒体运营商合作, WebRTC provides a real opportunity for ultra-low-latency streaming. 但是同样的运算符, 哪些公司在授权上花费了数十亿美元, can't afford to just swap the ability to stream content in real time for basic OTT functionality like SSAI and DRM.


videoRx's Robert Reinhardt guides viewers through the key enabling technologies of low-latency streaming, including server ingest and client delivery protocols like WebRTC, NDI, RTMP, 和HLS在流媒体西部2022年的演讲中.


Interactive streaming is the future for high-quality ultra-low latency applications that will unlock unique and unprecedented experiences for users


Real-time streaming at global scale has long been the holy grail for live delivery, and a new 流媒体 survey looks to gain insight into both the current state of real-time streaming and where it's headed in the near future, 尤其是在体育和博彩方面.


华纳传媒高级副总裁雷纳德. Jenkins discusses the security challenges of cloud-based streaming at scale in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2022.

Streaming Goals 2022: Lower Latency, Bigger Audiences, More Ad Revenue

Advances in Low-Latency DASH and HLS will allow for greater scalability and interactivity for better live streaming experiences, 而AVOD和FAST观看继续增长


Signiant's Bill Thompson outlines the reasons why customers are asking for multi-cloud solutions for large-file transfer services in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2022.


CNN+ Live Operations Manager Ben Ratner discusses how even "ultra-low latency" complicates hybrid (cloud and on-prem) workflows in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2022.


Andy Howard and Tim Siglin discuss the importance of low latency in video conferencing and how popular video conferencing tools like Zoom, Teams, and WebEx use scalable video encoding to guarantee access and lower latency in this clip from their panel at 流媒体 Connect 2022.


大流行突出了对超低延迟视频的需求. Here's a look at how the industry has responded, from LL-HLS and DASH to WebRTC


VideoRx CTO Robert Reinhardt discusses how using various server-side architectures with WebRTC is like to play out, 无论是公开课程, 商业/许可服务器, 或者云服务, 这段视频来自流媒体西部连接.


VideoRx CTO Robert Reinhardt discusses client-side architecture issues and pain points unique to WebRTC 这段视频来自流媒体西部连接.


VideoRx CTO Robert Reinhardt discusses WebRTC's emergence as a low-latency option for one-to-many streaming, and the challenges of scaling it in this clip from his presentation at 流媒体 West Connect.
