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The State of FAST Markets: Europe vs. US

The European FAST market has always been a different animal from the U.S. one; besides generally lagging a few years behind the U.S. market in terms of maturation, the European market has different complexities, due to language differences, localization,以及其他因素,比如在不同的市场中,免费内容的可获得性. But trailing the U.S.’s growth curve isn’t necessarily a disadvantage, and now, 欧洲取代北美成为世界上发展最快的FAST生态系统, there are lessons to be learned, as Evan Shapiro of New York-based ESHAP/Media War & Peace newsletter and Marion Ranchet of the European Streaming Made Easy newsletter discuss in this clip captured at Streaming Media Connect in November.

“Germany is growing really quickly now from a very low base. 英国和西班牙的增长都非常迅速。. “在美国的快速增长和欧洲发生的事情之间存在滞后时间. Are there major differences in the platforms and the programmers? A lot of it is driven by local-language content, but a lot of it is coming in dubbed and subtitled on the major platforms. 你是否看到了FAST早期和更成熟的市场之间的其他细微差别或区别?”

“我不认为我们会在欧洲看到我们在美国看到的同样的事情发生.S.,” Ranchet says. “The markets are very different. I was at Roku in 2019. It was the beginning and then the pandemic hit,” spurring unprecedented growth nearly everywhere in the streaming world. “所以有很多元素,成分,我认为我们不会在欧洲再次看到. Also, because we have this lag of a few years on pretty much everything, we tend to look at what you've done and also tweak it.”

“A cautionary tale,” Shapiro injects.

“In some cases we’ll make the same mistakes, but that’s kind of the value of being second, I would say,” Ranchet continues. “I think there's also the fact that the markets are very different.” In the U.S., when you offer “a free value proposition, I think it’s very distinctive. In Europe, it’s not. We have tons of amazing content for free from broadcasters. 所以,是的,线性正在下降,特别是在年轻观众中,有很多挣扎. 但话虽如此,我们已经有很多机会观看免费内容.”

Another key difference, Ranchet explains, is the different trajectories of Pay TV, cord cutting, and CTV in the U.S. vs. Europe. "In the U.S., I feel FAST was really boosted by the Connected TV ecosystem, and that's again because of cord cutting," she says. “欧洲的付费电视市场正在萎缩,但不会像美国那样大量流失.S. because it's much cheaper. 在法国,基本上,花40欧元你就能买到带互联网的付费电视套餐. So there's a lot of that at stake."

With Pay TV holding its own in Europe, where does FAST fit in? “我认为FAST还有发展空间,我认为我们会做一些不同的事情." 

“Pluto and Samsung are infiltrating the market there, as exemplified by Pluto combining My5 and Pluto in the UK,” Shapiro says. “Both are owned by Paramount. That's a very different take than anything that they’ve ever seen here.”

“My5 is the digital hub of the broadcaster Channel 5," Ranchet replies. “You also see the local broadcasters testing it. ITVX [recently celebrated] their one-year anniversary. 在过去的几个月里,他们推出了25到30个频道,创造了大约2500万小时的流媒体播放时间. They had 3 to 4 million viewers coming in and out to use that. So I think the recipe for success is going to be a bit different. That's where I think the niche services really have a play. 如果这是把传统电视复制粘贴到fast上——这就是它开始的样子——那么你只会重复发生的事情,人们会转身离开. Whereas FAST is the opportunity to bring new guys and so new verticals, underserved topics and underserved audiences. There’s also a diversity play. Folks who had no say can actually have a say via FAST, right? So, that's a few of the things I’ve seen. 接下来的挑战是分散——当你超越英语语言时,在全球范围内发展是多么困难.”

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