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95% Say it's Important for Employees to Have Video Skills: Survey

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Employers now expect every employee to have video skills. That news comes from online video platform Kalura, which surveyed 250 enterprise representatives in September. An overwhelming 95 percent of respondents said that it's important for employees. The area is so crucial that 83 percent said employers should encourage their employees to develop video skills.

Many of those surveyed though the development of video skills should start long before people reach the workforce: 82 percent said that schools should teach video, adding it to the curriculum as a critical workplace ability that everyone should possess.

Employers expect their workers to make and share videos, with 75 percent of respondents saying that employee-created video will be an important business tool in three years. 创作 was surprised to find that just over a quarter of those surveyed currently spend between 30 minutes and 2 hours each month creating video.

That video is being watched, with 70 percent of respondents saying they view between 30 minutes and 10 hours of workplace video each month. Not surprisingly, 64 percent said they watched more video this year than in the previous year, and nearly half have created more video this year than they did the previous year.

For more enterprise video stats, download "The State of Video in the Enterprise 2015" for free (registration required).

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