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威瑞森与AWS和紫溪合作,为8K Live准备5G Edge


紧随AWS之后 在云中播放现场和未压缩的端到端视频制作 有消息称,该公司的另一项技术正被用于测试5G广播分发.

An unnamed "major global broadcaster" is testing live and live linear 4K and 8K broadcast workflows from 威瑞森's 5G edge and using technology from 紫溪 and AWS.

“AWS的目标, 威瑞森, 紫溪是为了解决直播成功的三个主要因素:延迟, 开销, 和正常运行时间,埃里克·博尔顿说, 紫溪的业务发展副总裁, 在声明中. “该行业已经从科学实验发展到今天的实际生产部署, 明年不行."


5G network operators view video as the killer app for 5G in its early phase rollout as they can take immediate advantage of the standard's 10Gbps+ speeds and 业务延迟小于1ms 通过实时交互性提供更多更高质量的内容.

之前的大多数5G媒体测试都集中在过程的贡献部分. 使用网络直播事件是合乎逻辑的下一步,但在计划中 3GPP版本16, which introduces enhanced ultra-reliable low latency communication (eURLLC) to deliver millisecond latency, 时间敏感网络和“高功率”改进, “高塔”传输,以支持更高的移动性和更好的地面电视覆盖.

This would offer content owners such as sports franchises and pay TV broadcasters the chance to monetize new video-centric applications such as 8K VR, 体育比赛的交互式视角选择, 体育博彩, 以及实时增强现实内容.

8K直播领域虽然不多,但在不断发展. BT的运动, 可以说是世界上最进步的广播公司, had already earmarked the start of the 2020/21 soccer season in the UK to begin live broadcasts in 8K. 它已经提供了世界上第一个常规4K UHD比赛日. Restrictions on getting technicians into stadiums and shipping delays on Sony 8K cameras from Japan as a result of Coronavirus have delayed but not cancelled its ambition.

In January, 威瑞森 made a behind-closed-doors 8K over 5G test of a Pro Bowl viewing event in Miami. It's a part of a long-term partnership the operator made with the NFL to outfit NFL stadiums with 5G networking to showcase the tech's potential to give fans an even more immersive experience.  

The San Francisco 49ers installed five 8K cameras inside the Levi's Stadium earlier this month which are being used, 至少一开始是这样, 对于两端区域的缩放视图.

到目前为止,2021年最大的用例将是推迟的东京奥运会, 它有望展示从广播到VR的8K应用.

One of 威瑞森 Media's priorities for 2021 is to address emerging use cases that it sees broadcasters investing in. 接线员达伦·莱普克说, 视频产品管理主管, 其中包括“实时视频和交互性”, 投注和游戏化.  We're developing new video protocols that deliver real-time video at scale and integrating things like gamification engines or video chat features so you can watch a football match with your mates."

他为威瑞森 Media指出了这一点, real-time interactive video at scale is not dependent on 5G but certainly improves the experience. "Where you have a high-speed network and users consuming content on the go the reliability and performance of your video will increase and gets you a much more solid experience than today."

莱普克补充说,他认为我们不太可能很快看到8K流媒体. “我个人的看法是,我们仍处于采用4K视频的早期阶段. You do need giant TVs in people's homes to see the benefit of 8K but on a mobile device there's barely a reason to stream 8K since you can't tell the difference (between the image quality of a 4K signal). 也就是说, there is an ecosystem of device manufacturers and encoding partners working to build out 8K media."

AWS、紫溪和威瑞森 Test

今天公布的测试结果来自紫溪, 谁的直播协议被用来保护超高清流

“如今,直播活动的业务非常繁琐, 基础设施密集, 而且成本高,戈登·布鲁克斯说, 紫溪集团执行董事长兼首席执行官在一份声明中表示. “我们正在用威瑞森5G和AWS波长区来简化这个过程. We're changing the economics; we're changing how you go about doing it and how you go about experiencing it."

AWS Wavelength is described as AWS infrastructure deployments that embed AWS compute and storage services within communications service providers' data centers at the edge of the 5G network. Application traffic from 5G devices can reach application servers running in Wavelength Zones without leaving the telecommunications network. This avoids the latency that would result from application traffic having to traverse multiple hops across the internet to reach their destination, 使客户能够充分利用5G提供的延迟和带宽优势.

To help content providers deliver what 紫溪 calls "new kinds of live streamed sports and entertainment experiences,它正在使用AWS Wavelength为其软件定义视频平台(SDVP)提供支持。. 的SDVP, 紫溪说, leverages ultra-low latency access to AWS compute and storage services enabled at the 威瑞森 5G Edge to process huge amounts of UHD video and compress it for delivery to mobile devices.

"Wavelength allows us to move video processing to the edge and to deliver additional performance at every part of the content delivery chain,博尔顿说.


“为了扩大规模, 从数百个流到数万个流和客户端, 您需要具有跨组织视图的能力, 组织之间, 两者都很容易管理,博尔顿说。. “5G更好地优化了开销,因此您可以最大化流量频谱并减少延迟. 现在,波长在5G网络边缘可用, this combined mobile edge compute (MEC) solution foretells the future of mobile broadcast workflows."

更广泛地说,MEC对广播和OTT向消费者交付的好处, Bolton says it has very high potential for disruption in a number of ways for organizations who are acquiring or distributing a signal.

Ongoing field testing are shows promising results with latency below 10 ms over an 80Mbps to 100Mbps pipe. 紫溪说,通过MEC解决方案进行线性视频广播的测试是有希望的. 它正在寻求简化使用终端设备的流程, 比如4K 200Mbps解码器, 和Wi-Fi网络的混合基础设施,用于视频文件传输.

“这项技术使虚拟控制室成为可能, where a production team can order 10 or 20 camera sets and have curated subsets that are available to the general public,博尔顿说. 这时候赞助和定制才开始支持真正的商业模式. 毫无疑问,移动边缘计算是现场生产和贡献的未来. 我们正在使用Amazon S3迁移我们在AWS上已经做过的事情, 现在连接到5G网络边缘的波长区. 5G网络上的这些网关打开了一切."


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


在经历了一场过早的炒作之后, 5G正在对消费者体验产生真正的影响, 对流媒体行业来说更重要的是, 视频采集与发送.


边缘计算并不新鲜, but it's finally transforming how data—including video—is delivered to millions of devices worldwide. 精明的服务提供商正在利用它来重新构想观看体验.


AWS是其首选的公共云基础设施提供商, The Walt Disney Company leverages AWS's proven global infrastructure to improve performance and reliability for Disney+ as the streaming service continues to scale globally


Proof of concept of uncompressed live video workflow in the cloud demonstrates future production possibilities and opens up interop can of worms


本地集成促进了高效的, 高性价比的视频直播分发解决方案


紫溪's Gordon Brooks and 流媒体's Tim Siglin break down recent "State of the Streaming Industry" survey findings on how the streaming industry is using 5G.


"Watch Together" Co-Viewing Experience Enables Fans to Video Chat on Their Phones with Friends While Watching Live Local and Primetime Games in the Yahoo Sports App for 免费的; New "Yahoo Sports PlayAR" Game Center Experience Enhanced with NFL's Next Gen Stats
