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Streaming viewership raced ahead of traditional TV platforms in 2023, with U.S. 观众全年都在观看2100万年的视频 ——比2022年增长21%. Streaming live sports is following a similar trajectory – in fact, this year’s Super Bowl was the 有史以来流量最大的.

Moving live sports from traditional TV platforms to streaming can be a big win for sports fans.  如果处理得当, efficient streaming improves the viewing experience significantly and introduces interactive fan experiences, 比如用户控制的沉浸式多角度摄像头, 实时数据更新, 和更多的.

然而, 成功实现体育流媒体的规模化, streamers must commit to delivering the best video quality and reliable and advanced experiences, 同时打击盗版. 在这场比赛中,没有奉献就没有胜利.

但首先,他们需要内容. 而 最大的流媒体公司拥有财力雄厚的优势, even they face significant challenges in streaming live sports at scale.

他们必须克服的第一个障碍是这一切的纯粹成本. 亚马逊Prime的交易 for NFL Thursday Night Football rights cost them a whopping $13 billion, paying roughly 每款游戏的版权费为6700万美元 独自一人.



The big win for streamers comes when they achieve the high-quality experience their viewers rightfully demand, 包括视频质量和低延迟.  

While sports streaming has the potential to be far more engaging and interactive than traditional broadcast, 只有解决了图像质量和延迟问题,它才能这样做. 事实上, 19%的消费者 谁避免直播,引用延迟问题作为原因. After YouTubeTV bought the rights to the NFL Sunday Ticket satellite package for $2 billion, the 流媒体平台受到了审查和质疑 关于它的低延迟流的能力.

幸运的是, YouTubeTV在许多方面证明了怀疑论者是错误的, which is impressive considering the technology for mass-scale sports streaming is constantly evolving.

An end-to-end workflow where every single step is low latency – from capture to playback – can help streamers prove the latency skeptics wrong. Synamedia provides exactly that and enables content providers to securely distribute content, 提供一流的观看体验 具有优质的图像质量和低延迟.



改变体育消费模式 and an increase in streaming, video service providers have to be ready to deliver at scale. 体育运动很受欢迎,有很多人观看, so when big sporting events – like the World Cup or the Super Bowl – take place, streamers have to be ready for the influx of viewers and be primed to scale.

That’s why it is critical to have technologies that use AI – or at least ML – to analyze and predict spikes in viewership to scale resources up and down with enough agility to absorb demand spikes while keeping infrastructure costs under control.  

For those sports content owners who want to monetize their long tail content, 或者在几秒钟内创建一个弹出式通道, 最新的 即时加工技术 颠覆了传统的方法. Instead of provisioning infrastructure just in case viewers might tune in, self-service SaaS technology only springs to live when it is required – saving energy and cutting costs. Importantly it is proven to scale to support even the most popular World Cup games in 2022. 我们在日常生活中使用同样的概念:当我们离开房间时, 我们关了灯, 所以我们不会浪费这些百家乐软件.

说到百家乐软件,流媒体的可扩展性是非常昂贵的. 使用 正确的压缩技术 使流媒体提供相同的质量流作为它的竞争对手, at a much lower bitrate which means they can deliver the same HD quality stream all while saving around 15-16% on CDN delivery cost compared to its competitors.


不幸的是, we can’t talk about streaming – particularly sports streaming – without addressing security. 体育直播内容非常有价值, 并且拥有忠实的粉丝群, 这使得它成为海盗的一个有吸引力的目标.

这, 再加上家庭预算的压力, means that we are already seeing increased consumption of pay and free pirate services.  

解决这个问题的唯一方法是 反盗版安全解决方案 保护内容. If not, video service providers risk losing significant revenue to piracy – 最高9美元.每年80亿美元在七个国家进行的一项研究表明 – which jeopardizes their ability to continue offering live sports content and risks breaking their contractual obligations with the rights holders.

但这不仅仅取决于主播, rights holders also need technological countermeasures based on operational intelligence with support from law enforcement to detect and take down illegal streaming.


结合人工智能驱动的先进流媒体技术, 基于云的即时技术, 以及强大的安全层, sports streamers have all their bases covered to succeed in delivering live sports at scale.

Sports are exciting – not only because of the thrilling games and matches – but because streaming them pushes the boundaries of technologies and opens up doors to more revenue streams. 更重要的是, 消费者渴望它所以,让我们给他们想要的,并把它赶出公园!

[编者注:这是来自 Synamedia. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


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Fan-Focused Future: Hyper-Personalization is Elevating Sports Streaming Experiences

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