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Is Your Streaming Service Fit for Whatever Comes Your Way?


How certain are you of what’s next for the streaming industry? We know video streaming continues to grow 和 is rapidly eclipsing traditional methods of viewing, but what does your crystal ball tell you about 人工智能的未来角色 或者是 编剧和演员工会罢工? 你准确地预测到了吗 快速频道的急剧增长 在美国,或者那里 网飞公司迪斯尼+ would pivot to offer ad-funded tiers? 你是在弯道前面吗 急于观看联网电视? 你能确定是什么设备吗, 商业模式, 和 technologies will reign supreme in the coming years?

简短的回答当然是“不”.“尽管每年1月都会发布一系列预测,并与NAB和IBC等大型节目同时发布, none of us can be 100% sure what’s coming next. M&A, 权利转移交易, 和 wider economic conditions can all bring rapid change to even the most stable organizations. So, 所有流媒体服务都必须在运营和技术堆栈中建立灵活性,以确保它们能够更轻松、更快速地应对变革之风. 但他们最需要的是什么?

基于近15年的经验,帮助各种规模的流媒体服务在各种设备上增加收入, 24i编制了一个清单,列出了我们认为保持灵活性最重要的四个关键领域. Here are our tips on what to look for in each of these areas:

1. User experience: Go for configurable over custom, plus cross-platform appeal

Viewers love the big screen experience, but that can mean a multitude of things - Apple TV, 一个Roku盒子, 亚马逊消防棒, or an app on a dozen different smart TV operating systems. Building a custom app from scratch for every device is simply not fast or cost-effective. 简化您的设计, build 和 maintenance processes around a single, cross-platform application codebase is essential.

选择这种白标解决方案并不意味着牺牲差异化和完全品牌化的用户体验, 然而. 寻找一种解决方案,使你能够在应用程序中快速配置尽可能多的参数,这样你就可以控制外观和感觉. The more parameters you have control of in your applications, 你就越有可能快速适应未来的业务需求或品牌重塑. Consider also whether the solution can support customization in the future as your needs grow, 而不是从头开始.

2. Business model: Dem和 asset-level availability 和 integrated ad data

任何试图快速将AVOD添加到其SVOD产品或将FAST频道集成到其VOD应用程序的流媒体服务都会告诉您,在现有应用程序中混合或调整业务模式可能会带来重大挑战, not only for UX but also content 和 rights management. 他们的技术栈可能只允许将可用性窗口分配给一组资产,而不是每集或每季. Some will only allow one set of availability 信息 per video asset.

最终的灵活性需要资产级别的可用性,它允许您配置每个资产的业务模型选择. This gives you the freedom to define access rules that reflect your business goals. 例如, offering one or two episodes of a new show as AVOD to get users hooked, then upselling them to SVOD to watch the rest. 或者将资产从我们的高级SVOD层切换到AVOD层,然后在其生命周期内返回到您的基本SVOD层,以从您投资的内容中获得最佳效果.

When it comes to ad-funded content, we know that not all views are worth the same. 最大化CPM, 寻找一个流媒体平台,它能够保存内容元数据和使用个人(匿名)观众的观看偏好的知识. 这将使您能够向动态广告插入(DAI)提供商提供组合信息,以获得可寻址和上下文相关的广告. 对于许多FAST频道提供商来说,这是一个重要的考虑因素,他们现在正在寻求超越最初的频道联合策略,并通过自己的直接面向消费者的应用程序来更多地控制他们的内容

3. Content discovery: Seek out a mix of automation, curation 和 personalization

Content discovery is one of the most crucial aspects of your streaming user experience. If users sign-up to watch one flagship show 和 then leave, you’ve wasted significant user acquisition costs. 让他们发现并品尝你提供的更广泛的节目是长期留住他们的关键. 我们对订阅式流媒体服务客户的分析表明,让用户在订阅后的前14天内尝试三个以上不同的内容品牌是关键,因为这将带来更大的收益 55% 降低流失的可能性.

那么你要怎么做呢? 如果您想让用户尽可能多地了解您的音乐库,自动播放列表是必不可少的内容管理工具. Instead of manually adding content to a rail in your app, 您可以设置参数,然后CMS将使用这些参数自动拉入符合这些条件的内容.

寻找一种解决方案,使您能够以富有想象力的方式混合和匹配标准,以便您可以以同样富有想象力的方式向消费者展示内容. Combine genre with a year to get a collection of “80s Horror” that spans both movies 和 TV series. 或者把你所有的内容都拉进来,包括两个现在正在上头条的特定演员. The more parameters that can be combined, the more creative you can be in promoting your content while remaining efficient.

Of course, everyone has their own personal tastes 和 it's impossible to please everyone. 还是? Streaming personalization is really good for business. Data from companies that use a personalization platform, such as 24iQ, 这表明,如果用户根据自己的观看习惯与推荐内容进行互动,他们将继续观看几乎两倍的内容(44.7%) as those who don’t interact with recommendations. Imagine what “twice as much content viewed” would do to your AVOD or FAST revenue, 或者你的SVOD流失率? Automated personalization is the ultimate in flexibility 和 can’t afford to be overlooked.

4. Integrations: Investigate innovation track-record, consider a headless future

面对不确定的未来,你的流媒体服务中需要灵活的不仅仅是面向消费者的元素. Whether your backend technology is an all-in-one solution, a bespoke collection of technology providers, 你需要确保你有能力在不影响成本或开发时间的情况下调整它. 寻找完整的平台或组件供应商解决方案,这些解决方案不仅具有大量的当前合作伙伴集成, but also a track record of adding innovative technologies as they emerge. 灵活且文档完备的API意味着供应商(或您自己的集成百家乐软件)可以在需要时更容易地连接新技术或合作伙伴功能.

另一个需要考虑的领域是供应商的解决方案是否可以转向作为“无头”技术使用. 换句话说, can the constituent parts be used separately, allowing you to switch video backend, 例如, or to move to a custom front-end application in the future without changing CMS? If a vendor’s front 和 back ends are inextricably linked, 你可能会发现,为了改变一个元素,或者因为你需要接触到供应商系统不支持的新兴设备平台上的消费者,你需要抛弃整个基础设施.

You can get more hints 和 tips on flexibility around UX, 商业模式, content curation 和 integrations - 和 the implications to your bottom line 在这里.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from 24i. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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