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  • March 27, 2024
  • By Olivier Karra Cloud Solutions Marketing Director at Broadpeak
  • Blog

Navigating the Dynamic World of Personalized Advertising for Video Streaming

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In today's video streaming landscape, 对有效广告的追求导致了向动态广告插入(DAI)的范式转变。. 这种先进的方法使广告商能够针对特定受众提供量身定制的内容, maximizing engagement and revenue potential. As the streaming industry continues to soar, DAI is a game-changer, promising enhanced monetization and viewer experiences.

However, 运营商和视频服务提供商必须应对一些挑战,以释放DAI的全部潜力. 本文将探讨当前在实施个性化广告方面所面临的挑战, 内容交付网络(cdn)在确保无缝广告交付和卓越的视频流体验质量方面发挥的关键作用, and the ongoing evolution of DAI.

Challenges in Implementing Dynamic Ad Insertion

While the benefits of DAI are undeniable, its implementation presents a host of challenges for video service providers. The fragmented nature of the ecosystem poses a significant hurdle, requiring meticulous coordination across various platforms and technologies. Additionally, the transition to programmatic advertising introduces complexities, 因为最后一秒的广告决策需要与内容交付系统无缝集成,以避免扰乱观众的体验.

Another critical challenge lies in ad preparation, particularly in ensuring that ad quality matches the content seamlessly. Failure to address this aspect risks disrupting the viewer experience, leading to dissatisfaction and increases the potential for churn. Moreover, 客户端和服务器端AD插入之间的选择增加了另一层复杂性, with the former struggling to cope with device fragmentation and maintenance costs.

The Critical Role of CDNs in DAI

今天的消费者对视频流媒体的体验要求始终如一的卓越品质. 如果视频服务提供商提供流媒体服务,提供优质内容目录,但广告质量很差, customer churn can be expected.

cdn通过确保无缝的广告投放和保持高质量的流媒体体验,在DAI的成功中发挥着关键作用. Just as they optimize content delivery, CDNs must extend their capabilities to accommodate targeted ads, ensuring viewers receive personalized ads without compromising quality. To address this, CDNs are embracing innovative solutions such as optimized caching performances, multicast ABR with ad media pre-caching, and real-time data analysis. 这些技术在保证观众体验质量的同时优化了广告投放, which is crucial for retaining engagement and satisfaction.

cdn依赖于专门的缓存服务器,这些服务器对视频和图像数据进行了微调. Caching enables rapid data transfer at scale, 如何在投放个性化广告时减少延迟并帮助确保无缝的流媒体体验.

Likewise, major players in the video streaming space, including DAZN and Telecom Italia, are using multicast ABR to stream live sports at scale. 多播ABR保证了用户的卓越QoE,同时使服务提供商能够在流量高峰期间有效地管理CDN容量. 而多播ABR仍然与任何需要切换到单播的个性化片段兼容, 优化来自于创新,如广告媒体预缓存或在线性广告中断内的点级广告替换.

Harnessing first-party data is equally important, 因为视频服务提供商可以做出明智的决定来优化插入广告的价值. 观看者数据有助于根据观看习惯、内容偏好等对观众进行分类. This information is then transmitted to the monetization stack. 然而,由于其异质性和非标准化的性质,这一过程往往是复杂的.

The Evolution of Dynamic Ad Insertion

DAI has redefined advertising strategies, allowing advertisers to precisely target audiences based on demographics, interests, and behavior. Unlike traditional methods, DAI enables real-time ad delivery, ensuring relevant content reaches the right audience at the right time. This personalized approach not only enhances user engagement, keeping viewers satisfied with their streaming provider, but also optimizes ad revenue for service providers.

Looking ahead, the future of DAI is poised for further innovation, with emerging ad formats and technologies reshaping the advertising landscape. Interactive ads, non-linear ads, 可寻址电视为广告商提供了以有意义的方式与观众互动的新机会. 利用边缘计算和实时用户数据分析的进步对于推动DAI的发展至关重要, 确保广告商提供个性化体验,同时维护用户隐私并遵守法规.

Interactive ads, particularly on connected TVs and smart TVs, are being used to boost the performance of targeted advertising. 观众只需要按下遥控器上的“确定”键,就可以在手机或其他移动设备上收到通知或短信,其中包含广告中所展示产品的信息,并有机会购买该产品. This cutting-edge advertising approach is a win for driving engagement, 允许观众在观看他们正在播放的视频内容的同时,在他们的配套设备上观看品牌产品.

该广告直接插入视频内容的顶部或旁边,并带有非线性广告. 这种有针对性的广告方法对观众的破坏性也较小,因为不需要插播广告. Viewers can watch content and view the ad simultaneously.


DAI represents a seismic shift, 在流媒体世界中提供无与伦比的定位和参与机会. While challenges persist, 对创新的不懈追求和利益相关者之间的合作将推动DAI的持续发展.

Delivering interactive ads, non-linear ads, and new ad unit formats will be key to keeping up with the industry. 通过利用先进技术的力量和cdn的能力, 运营商和服务提供商可以驾驭个性化广告的复杂性, 在流媒体环境中,提供引人注目的体验,吸引观众并推动收入增长.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Broadpeak. Streaming Media accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

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