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The State of Video Streaming: Make Money, Save Money


Increasing subscribers has been a focus for streaming services, 但是——也许不合逻辑——这并不一定会带来收入的增加. Nor does it lead to year-on-year revenue growth. Even Netflix has seen declining revenue year on year. 如果经营一家能产生收入的企业是你正在学习的一项测试, 我会告诉你要更聪明地学习, 不困难. So why don’t we take the same approach in business?

而不是 of coming up with innovative ways to find new revenue, 简单来说就是:内容所有者和服务提供商需要找到节省成本的方法, generate additional revenue and meet customers’ 紧缩的预算. They can do 那 by monetizing non-paying consumers, adding advertising models in addition to subscription, and improving sustainability to both reduce energy usage and save costs. 简单来说就是:保护、丰富和传播他们的视频内容.


Today, companies are cracking down on password sharing, with Netflix 宣布 他们将在明年初开始对共享密码的账户收费——而且理由很充分! The company estimates 那 Netflix is sharing with over 100 million additional households, representing a tremendous revenue hit. In fact, the new plan could potentially add $1.60亿的收入

Despite the recent measures taken by Netflix and others, credential sharing is still socially acceptable – with 几乎三分之一 U.S. 直接面向消费者(DTC)的服务在家庭之外共享——许多长期消费者都是这样 frustrated with the crackdown.

在解决用户挫败感的同时,收回收益的需求是一种双管齐下的方法,既需要识别非付费用户,又需要为他们提供一种负担得起且直接的选择,让他们继续消费.  当处理临时密码共享时,基于阈值的方法- e.g. restricting locations or devices – isn’t as effective and users are understandably dissatisfied 因为旅行或同时观看多个流媒体而受到处罚.

而不是, 随着时间的推移,行为分析是获得真正积极的更有效的方法, 或者实际的股东. 这一切都始于识别密码共享的真正问题有多大. Synamedia的CSFEye是一款基于云的用户行为分析服务,通过让视频服务获取用户的数据,并深入了解用户的账户使用情况,可以识别共享账户.

通过访问数据和识别共享凭据的帐户, providers can convert or upsell account sharers to real, 付费用户. 利用那些已经在看你的内容的消费者来降低获取成本是可能的——他们感兴趣并且满足所有的技术要求.


So much content, so little time. Whether our content is scheduled or on-demand, and delivered via broadcast or over the top (OTT), each consumer has a unique preference of monetization model, 那 depend on a variety of factors including region, age, gender, socio-economic status and time.

In today’s multi-platform environment, while mass advertising is still valuable 对于品牌建设,数字消费者现在期望更多的个性化广告. 在线视频的用户正在增加,而有线电视、卫星电视和数字地面电视的用户正在减少或保持不变. SVOD and Pay TV are plateauing in revenue, while online ad-supported has a much higher growth rate – 那’s where the real money is.  

In an attempt to tap into this revenue, both Netflix and Disney have added an ad-supported payment model 除了SVOD. 由于消费者在时间和金钱上的预算有限,竞争非常激烈. The average consumer in the United States 只有两个SVOD业务, so you have to be at the top to compete. If you extend the offer to include AVOD or ad-supported, 机会增加, 作为消费者 have upwards of four AVOD services.

Given the revenue potential of AVOD and ad-supported online video, 我们需要创造引人注目的广告主张,以达到特定的受众群体, across all services and screens.

Synamedia Iris统一了广播和流媒体的可寻址广告, ultimately increasing the value of your business. 该解决方案利用了来自多个来源的数据,并提供了复杂的受众洞察,可以根据广告商所需的特征进行检查.


大多数人都同意节约能源对世界和环境有好处 66% US consumers and 80% of young US adults 愿意花更多的钱购买可持续产品,而不是不那么可持续的竞争对手.

Not only is sustainability good for the world, but it’s also good for your business – and not just appearance-wise. The bottom line is saving energy will also save you money.

当我们想到节约能源时,视频流并不是我们首先想到的——但也许它应该是其中之一. In 2021, Netflix had 222 million subscribers with 1.5300万吨二氧化碳当量 (metric tons of carbon dioxide), which is 等效 燃烧几乎1.70亿磅煤.

The energy required for video streaming is also costly. 例如,如果100万人每天观看一小时,那么每小时的数据量为1gb (sort of between SD and 720p HD),售价$.0025 将1gb的数据传输给一个人,每年将近100万美元(91.25万美元)。. 在伤口上撒盐, 那 cost increases with full HD, UHD, 更多的用户, 狂看, 等. So how do we reduce our energy without compromising on quality?

即时流媒体解决方案在运行中构建视频流,这意味着服务器只有在需要交付内容时才会被调用, helping keep energy usage and costs down, especially for delivery of long-tail or niche content, 在免费广告支持的流媒体电视(FAST)频道中,哪个有用.

Synamedia Quortex的多租户SaaS专利技术可即时构建视频流, based on the end users’ requirements, and matches it to their locations, 设备和时区. It quickly adapts to fluctuating audience demand, 不可预测的网络流量, and infrastructure context and limitations. It also automatically scales cloud resources up and down, while maintaining the best quality of experience.

服务器只有在需要传送内容时才会被监听, 我们使用的能源少得多, 最终省钱.

By protecting lost revenue from password sharing, adding hybrid ad-funded revenue-generating payment models, and delivering more energy efficient streams, you can work smarter 不困难 – and focus on saving money, 在赚钱的同时.


玛丽亚·英戈尔德是一位战略家 & 技术创新者,在跨电影部署成功的新兴视觉技术方面拥有丰富的专业知识, TV, video, 游戏和媒体.

作为迪士尼/索尼合资公司FilmFlex电影的前首席技术官, Maria从一开始就创造了一些在欧洲最成功的点播电影服务, including for Virgin Media cable and broadcaster Channel 4. FilmFlex was profitable from year one.

Maria is also a global public speaker, including TEDx talk “Innovating the Impossible”, 英国电影和电视艺术学院的电影和电视评委, iSIZE的董事会顾问,为视频提供机器学习比特率降低, and on the Industrial Advisory Board for the University of Essex, School of Computer Science and Engineering.

Mixing a background in Computer Science and Fine Art, 她的职业生涯始于帮助创新多媒体音频的开端, video and games – on computers.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from Synamedia. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Why Broadcasters Need a Swiss Army Knife to Fix 视频广告

Bitcentral的格雷格•莫罗(Greg Morrow)着眼于出版商现在如何需要一种“瑞士军刀”工具来实现其广告潜力. 内容以不同的形式传播到如此多的分发点, 发行商现在需要为各自整合一个独立的工具集,以便在当今的市场中茁壮成长.


ThinkAnalytics的Tony Mooney讨论了以适合当地市场或操作限制的速度优化电视行为定位的方法.

Why Advertisers Must Embrace OTT Services' Ad-Supported Models in 2023

As the fight for eyeballs intensifies, 我们看到越来越多的公司多样化他们的盈利策略,包括广告支持的收入模式,扩大他们的广告产品和能力. As companies like Disney and Netflix debut ad-supported models, 营销人员和广告商可以通过将自己整合到OTT组合中来创造吸引观众的活动.

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