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导演冯德伦在创作领域有着漫长而曲折的职业生涯. Whether it’s combining live action with design and 动画 as a VFX supervisor or bringing the storytelling capacity of filmmaking into physical space as an 体验设计er, 冯德伦的作品一直处于创意学科的交叉点. This multi-faceted background has led him to create often unconventional projects for an impressive portfolio of clients, 包括指导宝马的一个广告,其中有一个可重构的LED迷宫, designing a cyberpunk futurescape for Grimes and creating an 装置艺术 series for The New York Times.

“My professional role as of late has been to draw upon these many past lives to find the right medium to tell the right stories,他说.

身兼数职, 冯德伦经常召集意想不到的创意伙伴, 包括电影制作人, 架构师, 游戏设计者, 音乐家, 动画师, 工程师, 和舞台设计师, 寻找独特的讲故事的机会. This interdisciplinary approach has expanded his career from entertainment and advertising into the worlds of exhibit design for museums and collaborating directly with brands on feature development. 无论是在屏幕上还是在现场创作作品, 冯德伦努力邀请观众参与这个过程, 和他们分享所有的手艺, 创造力, 细微差别, 以及最终产品的创新.


据冯说,他的Unstrctrd Twitch频道是对学生时代的回归. 直播他在项目上工作的过程, Fung邀请创作者社区分享他的激情.

“从大流行中诞生, the project was my way of rekindling the energy I missed from being around other creatives and the natural collaborations and ideas that come with it. 从错误中学习,从别人的激情中成长, I wanted to create a space to foster projects with the same care and craft as my professional work but without all the intent, 从客户工作扩展到个人项目的过程和期望,他解释道.

“《百家乐软件》的标题是为了提醒自己,这是一项正在进行的工作. 关注过程而不是结果。”冯补充道. “Livestreaming my work was an extension of a pandemic-era practice I began of sharing my screen as a casual hangout spot for studio mates in the absence of a physical space. 但是有更多的观众, it also felt like a natural way to attract like-minded individuals interested in learning about production and meeting creatives outside of my usual circles.”


The first project to emerge is the Unstrctrd 声 会话 which involved collaborating with the vibrant community of 音乐家 sharing their talents on Twitch. Fung speaks of music videos as one of his earliest creative passions and sees this project as a return to that source of inspiration. “The idea 对于Unstrctrd 声 会话 slowly evolved after meeting more and more incredible 音乐家 through Twitch, 特别是在大流行期间. I wanted to find a way to leverage my years of experience to elevate a diverse cast of artists who are all making music on their own terms,他说.

The project quickly grew from an Airbnb jam session at TwitchCon to a full location shoot during the convention weekend as excitement around the project spread. “It was an incredible opportunity to have so many talented 音乐家 traveling from as far as South Korea and Australia in one place, and I wanted to present each of them in their best light while keeping the project open and collaborative,冯指出.

Over a period of twelve hours, Fung and his team filmed 11 artists and 16 performances, including 卡尔文·托马斯。, 泰勒列弗, Joliet4, Musiciscode, 赞恩卡尼, Pealeaf, Yeju, TJ布朗 更重要的是,表演了原创,翻唱和乐器的混合. 帖子TwitchCon, 冯德伦一直在达芬奇决心工作室编辑和分级这些镜头, 直播他的整个后期制作过程 Unstrctrd 抽搐通道.

“Each of our 音乐家 has an incredible and supportive community on Twitch that shares in their journey, 一路走来有成功也有障碍,冯补充道. “在电影方面同样透明,感觉很自然. 如果时间允许, I host weekly livestreams where both the 音乐家’ communities and anyone interested in filmmaking can weigh in on the editing process in DaVinci Resolve Studio and learn about everything from pre-production to unnecessarily complex VFX shots. 因为这个项目和我们的音乐人都是独立的, it’s been refreshing to be able to share a process that is typically hidden behind NDAs and darkened edit suites.” 


而冯德伦传统上依赖于达芬奇Resolve工作室。s 编辑page和达芬奇解析速度编辑器键盘, hes 整合切割 page 在他的工作流程中 对于Unstrctrd 会话. “I find the cut page’s UI especially useful for quickly chopping down a long timeline and creating selects to manage a library of footage. 结合速度编辑器的慢跑穿梭旋钮, 它更容易进行那些快速和精确的编辑. The build quality and compact size of the Speed Editor also makes it a joy to bring around as part of my mobile editing station,他说. “将剪切页添加到我的工作流程中, I have found it most useful in editing clips from my livestream sessions which tend to be long and more functional edits.”

“编辑page感觉很棒,可以快速放大两个轴. It captures the benefits of pinch-and-zoom on a tablet device but with the added functionality of a full keyboard. 内置的防抖功能在恢复可能丢失的镜头方面也令人印象深刻, but more unexpectedly helping to bridge the camera operating styles between myself and my cinematographer,他补充道.

冯先生说, 作为这个项目教学方面的一部分, 他想保持整个后期工作流程在达芬奇解决工作室,其中包括视觉特效. “I have years of experience in VFX and am excited to see how that knowledge transfers to the Fusion page. 这是一个基于现场表演的项目, there are a few sneaky shots with set extensions and shot blending that have been fun to tackle in Fusion,他说. “使用Fusion内置的跟踪和光流功能, 我已经能够做那些无缝的调整,让人们专注于音乐.”

“过去我曾为工作室设置过视觉特效管道, 在编辑之间进行更改的能力, 色彩分级和合成与点击一个标签在解决是令人难以置信的解放,冯补充道. “额外的脑力, technical and process overhead required to roundtrip between software is now all time and energy that can be reinvested in the creative while working in Resolve. 能够快速迭代并犯错误, 不会因此受到惩罚, 创造了这样一个积极的反馈循环. 即使一个镜头确实需要去外部软件, 有了这些工具,你可以在编辑中勾勒出一个想法,这有助于快速确定它是否适合你。s 值得额外的时间投入.”

Unstrctrd 声 会话设计用于制作高质量的音乐视频, 同时向观众介绍创意之旅. “Having the entire project in one software with Resolve makes it far more intuitive as ‘performance art’ 保持焦点和对话围绕艺术而不是技术术语,冯总结道。. “作为一个交叉学科, 自由软件, 使用Resolve几乎没有进入障碍, and it has allowed more than a few community members to try Resolve for themselves and follow along. 但最重要的是,它只是一个强大的、全面的软件包,满足了这个项目的所有需求.”


克里斯托弗·冯是 在布鲁克林区的, 创意总监. 他在各种各样的项目中创造和合作, 包括音乐视频, 装置艺术, 体验设计, 互动媒体, 动画, 传统的电影制作. 有多种多样的, 多学科背景, Fung excels at bringing together disparate partners to find unconventional ways to tell creative stories.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


在人与人之间的联系在2020年达到历史最低点之后, people flocked to online platforms like Twitch to fill the sudden void we were suddenly and collectively experiencing. 流媒体迅速发展,容纳了各种各样的激情, 从游戏到烹饪再到运动等等. 勒克斯Narayan, StreamAlive的联合创始人兼首席执行官, outlines the specific ways that streaming stands to benefit from a conversational atmosphere and offers actionable ways that streamers can implement these interactions to connect with their audience.