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A monumental shift is underway in the television industry—viewers are watching more OTT content than linear TV. Convergence最近的一份报告发现,线性电视, 包括电缆, 卫星和电信电视, 营收下降6%至94美元.70亿美元. 有线电视收入将再下降6%.2021年为5%,2023年为10%. The same report found that OTT is growing rapidly, with 2020 revenues hitting $29.60亿美元,增长35%. 到2023年,OTT收入预计将达到600亿美元.

The evolution in consumer viewing habits has created a significant change in the way that video is being delivered. Broadcasters and service providers are providing video across a wide range of different screens and geographies, and the requirement for exceptional video quality and a seamless user experience has never been greater. 随着服务提供商驾驭OTT交付的复杂性, 非常高效。, 可伸缩的, and cloud-ready monitoring and QC solutions are essential for ensuring exceptional service quality in media streaming workflows. 


On a global level, IT infrastructure is transitioning to the cloud to reduce capex and opex. The media industry’s transformation to the cloud is also being driven by the need to upgrade on-prem infrastructure every few years as enhancements to CPU and storage technologies become available. 媒体资本支出预算正在减少,而运营预算正在增加. 许多服务提供商正在访问基础设施, 平台, 软件即服务,而不是购买额外的软件许可证.

在今天的媒体环境中, 在基础设施上进行大量的前期投资是不现实的. OTT业务竞争非常激烈, 而且OTT服务提供商很难预测未来的收入. 基于云的模式消除了对基础设施的大量投资. 

Another key advantage of operating a cloud-based workflow for OTT delivery is the ability to offload software installation and maintenance. Relying on the expertise of technology service providers to manage installations and provide maintenance, 运营商可以专注于经营业务和开发更好的内容.

在一般情况下, OTT的动态性需要可扩展性, 基于云的工作流解决了即时扩展的需求. 使用基于云的架构, 运营商可以扩大和缩小存储, 媒体资产管理, 起源服务器, CDN的能力, 以及工作流程中的其他系统, 基于需求, 不影响性能. 的可伸缩性, 灵活性, and elasticity of a cloud-based architecture allows OTT service providers to launch new services rapidly from anywhere in the world.


Today, it is critically important that OTT service providers deliver a superior QoE on every screen. 观众希望随时随地在任何设备上观看内容. Given the competitive environment and various subscription choices customers have, it is imperative that video quality and the overall viewing experience are top-notch.

通过在云环境中部署高级QC和监控工具, OTT服务提供商可以实现几个具体的好处. 

有了OTT服务,运营商不受任何特定地区的限制. OTT本质上允许运营商接触到大洋彼岸的观众. Unlike traditional on-prem deployments that require substantial IT resources and maintenance, cloud-based QC and monitoring solutions can be installed via software on a virtual machine that is located close to the viewers. 

The advantage here is being able to perform comprehensive monitoring for the profile that best suits a specific geography. 例如, 在某些地区或某些类型的VOD, 运营商可能只想在几个选定的比特率下提供服务. It’s also important to keep in mind that for OTT services, customized testing is critical. 在不同的地区,运营商需要遵守不同的当地法规. 例如, in Europe, audio loudness is regulated by a different standard than in the U.S. 基于云的QC和监控解决方案是地理分布的, 支持增加的灵活性和分区测试.  

Cloud-based monitoring lends itself to a more intelligent and 非常高效。 way to track service quality metrics. 采用集中监控的方法, data is aggregated from different software probes in the video streaming workflow into a single location. 通过提供统一的, 线性和OTT工作流的单屏视图, centralized monitoring solutions make error detection and isolation faster and more 非常高效。. 

Centralized monitoring solutions provide operators with detailed reports and stats about the performance of OTT delivery in various geographies, while also providing unique insights into the quality of each service being delivered.

基于云的监控探针可以按需部署, ensuring service providers are able to deliver premium events and VOD assets to a broader global audience. Having the 灵活性 to deploy monitoring probes on-demand is a feature that is unique to cloud-based monitoring solutions. 


对于某些应用程序,云QC和监视部署可能不实用. For instance, content security on the cloud may be a concern for OTT service providers.

如今,云平台提供了比过去更高的安全性. 然而, 一些媒体公司可能会选择对某些内容采用混合工作流程, 这取决于它在哪里发布以及需要什么类型的安全性.

在今天以视频流为中心的世界里, cloud OTT monitoring solutions are vital to staying competitive and meeting the demand for high-quality video content on every screen. Cloud-based monitoring and QC solutions with centralized visibility into QoE and QoS issues reduce capex and are empowering OTT service providers to deliver a superior quality of experience. 结果是:OTT服务提供商可以提高观众的满意度, 提高客户忠诚度, 减少生产, 增加利润.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Navigating the Cloud Transition: Tailored Strategies for Broadcasters in the Digital Age

广播行业已经认识到云技术的好处, 包括其适应性和多功能性. 云技术促进了远程生产和简化工作流程. 然而, 这种转变可能伴随着一段调整期和无数其他挑战, 哪些广播公司今天仍在克服.


Rachel Kahana Samet of Qwilt discusses how open caching enables broadcast-可伸缩的 streaming success, 特别是对于体育直播.

Top Three Reasons Why Quality Monitoring is Critical for Cloud-Native OTT Streaming

With the sharp rise in cloud migration and the increasing unwillingness of viewers to tolerate video streaming quality issues, Joel Daly of Telestream outlines the top three reasons why quality monitoring is critical for cloud-native OTT streaming.

The Need for Root-Cause Analysis, Error Correlation, and Multipoint Monitoring in Streaming Video

Anupama Anantharaman of Interra Systems discusses the reasons for the lack of adequate implementation of root-cause analysis, 这给QC和监控解决方案提供商带来了挑战, 多点监测如何应对这些挑战, and the consequences streaming providers face when they don't deliver high-quality content.


Aaron Zitzer of Storj evaluates how Netflix overcame its challenges with cloud video storage and how today's video streaming 平台 can take that knowledge and replicate it with technology currently available.


在拥抱云计算方面,广播一直落后于流媒体, 但做出这种转变的回报可能是巨大的. 我们采访了美国公共电视台的高管, WarnerMedia, 派拉蒙+, and Streaming Global to get their take on why you should make the change if you haven't already.