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Video: How to Gear Up for Live 360/VR Streaming

Wowza Media System Senior Solutions Engineer Tim Doughertly identifies the necessary gear and outlines the key components of an effective VR/360 live streaming workflow, from capture to stitching to ingest to encoding to delivery, with an emphasis on the bandwidth required to make it happen.

了解更多关于VR/360直播 流媒体西部.


蒂姆: Diving right in: This is a typical workflow for virtual reality and 360 streaming. On the left, you have something that looks like it's out of a science fiction movie. 这实际上是一个360度摄像机图, 然后进入视频拼接器, so you have the camera with the sensors that shoots out the signal. 它可以通过HDMI. 它可以超过SDI. 甚至可能是无线通讯. And it goes into what's called a video stitcher, and that's where the computation takes place. That takes all of the images that are coming in, 它们是如何拼接在一起的,真是太神奇了, 而且情况正在好转, 和更好的, 和更好的. 当我提起光环的时候 ... Excuse me, the Insta360, it's just tremendous how well the stitching works in such a small device.

So the video stitching in this place, you'll see this computer up here. 其实看不太清楚. It's about the size of one of those small Intel desktop computers. It's like a little, tiny, mini pizza box, personal pizza box. It's doing a ton of computation, and that thing gets hot. So the video stitcher takes care of making that 360 degree globe that you're inside, and then you push that into a streaming environment. 这里有两张图. One is Wowza Streaming Engine, which some of you may be familiar with. 我把它放在这里, 然后我们还有Wowza流媒体云, 哪个在功能上做同样的事情, except instead of pushing it over the LAN to a computer, it's going up through the internet to someone else's computer in Amazon, 或者谷歌, 或者你的云转码器在哪.

So there's the processing and delivery, and what that does is it creates the distribution to scale. So once you get this gigantic pipe of bandwidth configured, and you've got this big stream going up to Wowza Streaming Engine or Wowza Streaming Cloud, 你准备好分发它了. 现在我跟你说实话, I was fooling around with this getting ready earlier, and I have a cradle point with a cellular data connection, 我把它放到了YouTube上, and I'm going to get to that if we have time in this session. It takes an incredible amount of bandwidth to facilitate these 360 streams.

我不是在开玩笑. 我说的是疯狂. 你可以随心所欲地设置它们. 你可以把它设为7500 k或7.5位. You can crank it probably up to around 12, 13, 14, but it takes a ton. 我的意思是, 它确实使用了那么多, 如果你是一个系统集成商, 或者你是一名活动主播, 有人说, "Oh, 是的, 360度旋转. 我们会在球场上摊牌的." No. 这是简单的部分. The hard part is the bandwidth, and you've got to have plenty of it. You might be able to bond a bunch of cards together, use a live view, have some ... 有很多种不同的方法, but that's one of the caveats that I would seriously offer you on this.

然后当然, 你可以把它放到普通的桌面, 你知道, 铬, 火狐, 如果你有一个播放器来渲染它, 然后使用Nex360这样的技术, 这是最基本的. 然后是耳机, which you've got one to take home with you today, 人们总是会问你, “那是什么?”?" It's a strange little contraption that does some pretty amazing stuff. 这就是一般的工作流程.

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