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Jury Levels $7.7 Million Judgment Against Huawei for H.264 Patent Infringement

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In his Essential Patent Blog, 知识产权律师大卫·朗(David Long)最近报告称,德克萨斯州联邦地方法院的陪审团审判发现,中国智能手机制造商华为侵犯了美国法律.由非执业实体(NPE)拥有的264项相关专利. 陪审团还发现,H264的裁决不受FRAND Fair的限制, Reasonable, (非歧视)通常适用于标准所必需的专利的要求, and awarded PanOptis $7.7 million for a single H.264-related patent. 根据Long的说法,这起诉讼可能会影响到H的所有用户.264编码和解码能力,包括分发H.264编码的内容,尤其是那些Android设备.

顺便说一下,这起诉讼涉及华为出货的安卓智能手机. PanOptis拥有的专利在诉讼中被称为“238专利”. Here’s the Q&A, followed by my analysis. 

Long: The public record is not clear. 我猜238年的专利申请是指向一个方向的, but not the only technical way, to implement the H.264 standard. So, some parts of the claims read onto portions of the standard, 但也有部分声明读到了Android操作系统实现它的方式. So, the ‘238 Patent may not have been essential to the H.并且即使提高了FRAND承诺,也不会产生FRAND承诺. 目前也不清楚是否有任何当前或先前的专利所有者曾经承诺,如果它对标准至关重要,将以FRAND条款授权238专利. 底线:最有可能的238专利要么不是必不可少的H.264 standard or no FRAND licensing commitment had been made.

Long: 238年的专利就是这样,因为侵权是基于对H.264 standard and the Android operating system. 从我读到的信息来看,目前还不清楚这在多大程度上取决于Android操作系统,或者是否有其他非h操作系统.264/被认定侵权的华为产品的非android方面.

Long: Any company using the H.Android操作系统上的264标准可能会对在238专利案中发生的事情感兴趣.

Does this relate to generic H.264 encode/decode technology or a specific chipset?
Long: Not clear. 该案似乎发现,至少有部分238年专利要求读到H.因此,无论具体的H . 264标准是什么,都可以满足专利权利要求的那些部分.264 chipset is used. 但该专利声明的其他部分显然解读了特定产品实现H.264 standard, 例如Android操作系统和华为产品实现H.264 standard—i.e.这可能是为什么它被视为“实施”专利而不是标准必要专利的原因. 有人想知道238年的专利权利要求书是否读到一个特定的H.基于本案判决的264芯片组或产品将需要查看238专利的剩余权利要求- i.e., the portion of the claims that don’t read onto the H.264标准的实现方式类似于Android操作系统和华为的设备.

Does this potentially impact any company shipping H.264 encode/decode technology? 
Long: (这)取决于它与Android操作系统实现H的方式的相似性.264 standard or otherwise met claims of the ‘238 Patent.

Long: It depends on the patent claims, which may cover the act of encoding/decoding, but may not cover the encoded content itself, which seems fairly common. Even in that case, however, 可能会有这样一种说法,即发送编码的内容将诱使其他人对该内容进行解码, which might give liability for induced infringement. As with all other responses on this matter, it will depend, 有人不应该在没有根据你的具体情况向有能力的律师征求意见的情况下做出决定.

Long: 从技术上讲,该奖项是对已售出产品的版税. 只要华为不改变其产品以停止实施所要求的发明,PanOptis可能会采取行动,让法院裁决持续的特许权使用费.


In July 2017, Apple paid Nokia more than $2 billion in part relating to alleged H.264 infringement by Apple. 现在我们有PanOptis的判断,它说,至少在这种情况下,H.264-related charges are not limited by FRAND. 

显然,如果PanOptis拥有华为侵权的技术,那么判断是正确的. 然而,这两种判断都表明,标准制定过程被打破了. A company should be able to deploy a technology knowing absolutely how much it will cost; it’s how we buy everything from gas to groceries. The current standard-setting process not only prevents this, 但它会促进相反的行为,比如在技术最终确定四年后出现专利池. 

This is why groups like the Alliance for Open Media exist. It’s also why HEVC is foundering, 以及为什么下一代通用视频编码(VVC)编解码器也会同样失败, 或者至少不能充分发挥其潜力,除非MPEG改进其使其技术可用于商业化的方式. 

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