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It's hardly a secret that video has become a popular medium for content creators of all kinds. Trends show that social media posts featuring video get more attention and click-throughs than those without, and even many podcasts—a format originally designed with strictly audio in mind—are now offered on video platforms.

The concept of a digital video revolution may seem to run contrary to what recent research has told us‚for instance, 只有3个.9%的U.S. homes added a new streaming service subscription in the second quarter of 2021, 增长率下降了12%.比去年下降了9% 坎特传媒公司. 尽管迪士尼+增加了12个.4 million subscribers during the second quarter—surpassing even Wall Street's expectations—the massive onboarding of subscribers to Netflix, '视频, Hulu, and other major services has clearly slowed in recent months.

然而,统计数据可能会撒谎,而且它重要的是要消除其中的噪音. The enormous subscribership growth of 2020 was bound to plateau after the most stringent of the pandemic restrictions passed. We have emerged from our living rooms, many of us are back in the office, and most simply aren't bingeing movies and serials at the rate we were a year ago. With a wider variety of entertainment choices available to us again post-lockdown – concerts, 体育赛事, 旅行和外出就餐, to name a few – many consumers have had to make tough choices about which and how many streaming services to continue paying for.

流媒体视频的数据(顺便说一下, 仍然 表示更多的增长)没有并不一定会对整个顶级视频产生影响. Because the reality is this: OTT video has never been more critical for content creators than it is right now.  

更多的 numbers: 78% of people report watching videos online each week, 55%的人每天都在看, 根据 社交媒体周. 此外, 聚光灯下 found that online video consumption is increasing across all age groups, with the largest increases seen in people more than 46 years old. 流媒体不再只是年轻人的专利's game, with the pandemic accelerating the adoption of technology by the elder generation.

此外, 大观研究 reports that the global smart TV market is expected to expand at a compound annual growth rate of 20.2021年至2028年增长8%. 那's a massive number of new households that are wifi-enabled and ready to welcome digital video from all corners of the internet.

What that translates to for content creators is this: a gigantic new audience made up of a wide variety of demographics, viewers with many backgrounds and interests—many of which have nothing to do with what you在一个主要的订阅平台上都能找到. 考虑:根据 HubSpot的, a whopping 83% of consumers worldwide prefer YouTube—a free site—to watch video content. And now, how to bring that audience to your own website?

This means every content creator with a captive audience 需要s a plan of attack to develop and monetize video content. 虽然它事情并不像听起来那么简单这也不是一项艰巨的任务. 这里有一些问题'll want to ask as you plan out your best path forward: 

  • 我现有的用户有多强大?
  • 我需要做些什么来建立一个虚拟的粉丝社区?
  • How can I leverage my premium and exclusive content to expand my brand?
  • 我如何利用YouTube来建立自己的业务?
  • What technologies are available to help streamline all of these processes?
  • Is a subscription or pay-per-view revenue model going to be more lucrative in the long run? 

Answering these questions will help get things off on the right foot. 确定, your approach will 需要 adjustments and you will inevitably 需要 to call an audible from time-to-time, 但最终通过试错你'll figure out the best ways to utilize OTT for your audience. 认识到你 需要 to embrace OTT is half (or at least a part of) the battle, though. 

OTT has become a game-changer for content creators of all shapes, sizes, and industries. 随着技术的不断进步和发展,它's only going to be an even greater boon for content creators. We've seen video categories like toy unboxing create diehard followings and flourishing niche OTT platforms devoted to category-specific content. 所以无论你我们是一个销售产品的品牌, a band streaming garage concerts or a bartender posting mixologist tutorials, the opportunities to capture mass attention with thoughtful video content have never been greater. 现在是时候了.

[编者注:这是来自 InPlayer. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


Roku Channel Senior Manager Nicole Fencel dicusses Roku's strategies for heightening the discovery of niche OTT platforms in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.


BritBox EVP Emily Powers discusses how BritBox has targeted and grown the audience for their OTT platform's deep catalog of Anglophilic content in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.


ViewLift CEO Rick Allen discusses hot to leverage the synergies between OTT's core strengths and the deep appeal of niche and international sports in this clip from 流媒体 Connect 2021.


来自WarnerMedia的小组成员, Roku, Brightcove, DistroTV, and Hub Entertainment 研究 discuss the reasons ad-supported OTT models are surging in this clip from 流媒体 East Connect 2021.