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《百家乐软件app最新版下载》在疫情中心发表了一篇文章,要求读者提交他们在“一切正常”时最想念的视频.” One New Yorker, Jeremey Wallace, submitted a video he took following a Celine Dion concert in Brooklyn. While waiting for a delayed train, concert-goers broke into a spontaneous chorus of Dion’s power ballad, “It's All Coming Back to Me Now.”

陌生人齐声摇摆,和谐的声音回荡在灰色的地铁站里, 带acapella, are quintessentially New York. 任何在那里生活过的人都会告诉你,看到一群人唱起歌来,往好里说是意料之中的事,往坏里说是平淡无奇的事. 当现场乐迷们慢慢回到他们的住所时,曾经被认为是一件麻烦事吗, eager to move onto the next thing, transformed into a cherished memory for Wallace, and serves as a reminder of what we missed most during COVID-19: connection.

In response to this pervasive feeling of isolation, 在疫情期间,在线平台呈指数级增长,当我们无法在一起时,它是一种将我们联系在一起的手段. twitch曾经是这样一个平台,主要以游戏和电子竞技直播而闻名reportedly grew more than 80% between March 2020 and March 2021.

Livestreaming is a Passion Economy

流行后, people have returned to the thrum of their regular, 忙碌的生活, but streaming has remained on a steady upward trajectory. Thriving at the intersection of the digital world and our desire for connection, streaming continues to grow as a place for users with niche interests (like art, 国际象棋, 音乐, 化妆GRWMs, 烹饪, 等.)召集. This online community thrives on engagement and to sustain it, 创作者需要继续改进与观众沟通的方式.

The Future of Livestreaming is Conversational

Few things are more 令人沮丧的 than a one-sided conversation. 听一个人没完没了地谈论自己,不停下来问对方任何问题,这让人筋疲力尽, 令人沮丧的, and leads to disconnection.

在线也是如此,但很少有平台为双向互动创造有意义的机会. 很大程度上, 直播者在个人层面上与观众联系的唯一方式是承认评论或回答问题, 但除此之外, there is little appreciation for the viewer.

Tyler “Ninja” Blevins, Twitch's most-followed streamer, emphasizes the value of making individual connections in his “Become a Streamer” course on MasterClass. According to Ninja, 个人参与就像记住来自热门关注者的评论一样简单,下次你在聊天中看到他们时问他们后续问题. 

但是在规模上, or with hundreds of comments pouring in at once during popular live streams, this isn’t realistic for all creators.

创作者越来越倾向于使用新工具,让每个用户都能感受到流媒体的个性化. 例如, chat-powered polls, 交互式地图, 问题聚合器将层叠的评论部分变成引人入胜的视觉效果,承认用户的输入不仅仅是短暂的陈述.

In the coming months, 数据将成为主播决策和社区扩张的工具. 寻找衡量增长的战略方法的流媒体应该转向帮助他们理解和吸引观众的数据. 使用新工具跟踪最活跃的用户和流媒体表现,可以帮助创作者了解在他们的社区中产生共鸣的内容.

The advantage is two-fold. 观众会觉得更投入、更充实,主播也会从更高的参与度中获益, enabling them to continue to produce quality content. Wash, rinse, repeat. 

Turning Conversation into Community

从长远来看, 跨平台的流媒体正在努力巩固志同道合的爱好者社区, encourage dialogue and foster connection. 但要做到这一点,需要有目的性和专门的策略来维持对话——不仅是创作者与受众之间的对话,还有受众成员之间的对话.

流媒体能够发展持久对话的一种方法是采用多平台方法, utilizing different platforms to cater to various aspects of their community. 例如, they might use Twitch for live streams, YouTube for edited highlights, and Discord for ongoing conversations and community-building activities.

这种策略不仅扩大了创作者的覆盖范围,而且还为观众提供了另一种与内容互动的方式, fostering a more robust and interconnected community. 开发者应该优先考虑那些能够轻松整合所有渠道的工具, keeping the experience consistent no matter the platform.

创作者还可以通过将互动元素整合到他们的流中来利用讲故事的力量. 通过允许观众通过在聊天中对开放式提示进行实时选择或提出建议来影响内容的方向, 创作者可以创造一种身临其境的体验,与观众产生更深刻的共鸣,因为他们已经接受了故事. 这种合作讲故事的方式不仅让观众沉浸其中,还让他们觉得自己是内容的共同创造者. 它只需要实现现有的技术,在用户参与时将实时聊天响应可视化.

Creating Connection

建立一个忠实的追随者是需要时间的——问问泰勒·斯威夫特就知道了,她已经做了近20年. 而是通过将技术和结构正确结合到直播中, 创作者可以培养一种真诚的关系,就像坐在餐桌旁的朋友或纽约客席琳·迪翁的演唱一样. 在一个新的世界, where digital connections are poised to become a central part of our lives, 渴望与观众一起成长的创作者应该优先考虑建立个人关系, making space on their platforms for two-way dialogue.

[Editor's note: This is a contributed article from StreamAlive. 流媒体接受供应商署名完全基于它们对我们读者的价值.]

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现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

Is the Future of Music Events Hybrid?

理查德·埃文斯, Senior Content 生产商 at Vizrt, discusses the future of 音乐 events and the ways that live events, 包括西南偏南音乐节(SXSW)在内的大型音乐节都比以往任何时候都更重视数字体验.


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.布鲁克林的创意总监Christopher Fung在各种项目中创作和合作, including 音乐 videos, 装置艺术, 体验设计, 互动媒体, 动画, and traditional filmmaking, and his latest focus is his new Twitch channel, Unstrctrd.