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IBC 2023上的AI:基因已经从瓶子里出来了


几年前, when the industry first began to take serious notice of AI, the technology was really an application of machine learning. The progression and development of the tools and apps since then has been phenomenal, 这就是为什么SMPTE会长 Renard T. Jenkins told the 国际广播公约(IBC)那就是M&E industry is only just starting on its journey through a decade of massive change.

Actually, 业内专家预计,未来20到40年,媒体和娱乐的发展将以围绕这种技术的对话为主导. 在IBC贸易展上,这无疑是一个普遍的趋势,渗透到会议和展厅的各个角落. Skeptics might point to 2023 as the zenith of the AI hype cycle and that like stereoscopic 3D, 虚拟现实, metaverse, and Web3, 人工智能将很快成为背景.

现在看起来并不是这样, 尽管现在的讨论少了一些夸张,少了一些恐惧,多了一些实际的评估,这种多方面的技术可以在整个价值链中得到最好的引入和管理.  Media companies are beginning to explore Generative AI not to create entire new movies or shows, 而是为用户提供个性化的内容 提高媒体制作效率.

在IBC,对人工智能持怀疑态度的人并不多, with most execs choosing to emphasize the view that AI is but a tool, 不是工作的篡夺者.


“Google is convinced that AI is one of most important inventions of the 21st Century,德克斯·亨特-托里克说, 全球传讯主管 & 市场营销——谷歌深度思维的主题演讲.


“GenAI can have a huge impact on how we make content, access 信息 and synthesize data for great insights,他宣布。.  “人工智能本质上减少了访问、共享和协作信息之间的摩擦.”

在谈到人工智能是否会在工作场所取代人类这一棘手问题时,亨特-托里克反驳说,这种观点“低估了人的价值”.他说, “people naturally want to see more creativity from humans and AI will amplify and build on this. We will see a lot more content where AI plays a role, but humans are critical to the process by adding value.”



在另一个会议上, Raghvender Arni, Director, Customer Acceleration Team at AWS posed one of the bigger questions for the creative industries. “Data is the oil that really pushes AI forward,他说. “But once you’ve created the data, who owns the copyright for it?”

亚马逊从事ML和AI已有20多年,其在媒体娱乐领域的实用性被认为对业务非常重要, perhaps because of all the cloud processing capability AI requires.

“There will not be one foundational model to rule them all,萨米拉·巴赫蒂亚说, 全球媒体总监 & AWS娱乐. “The ability to leverage APIs to access foundational models, 以及利用开源解决方案, 会成为派拉蒙吗.”

“We want to ensure that your data is yours,” she added. “这是保护. 这是专有的. It’s your IP, you should be the one that has control over it.”

昆西Olatundenbc环球孔雀电视台产品副总裁表示同意.  “Performance comes down to the quality of the data and how it is sourced,他说. “Businesses should be aware of the potential risks they may expose themselves to, 尽管道德责任仍然是一个重要因素.”

视频安全和管理专业公司Viaccess-Orca (VO)的老板菲利普•莱奥内蒂说得很好. “每个人都可以使用ChatGPT. 关键是你如何运用它.”

Azure OpenAI和Firefly

在IBC, VO吹捧了与 Microsoft’s large-language model (LLM) Microsoft Azure OpenAI.  Leonetti继续, “为了优化人工智能的性能,你需要数据,但只有数据、分析或云是不够的. You have to know what you want to achieve, and you have to be expert at using it.”

在过去的几周里 Adobe发布了Firefly, GenAI的一套人工智能模型, 如文本到图像, 从公共领域或从Adobe有权利用的数据中“合乎道德地获取”哪些内容.

“We can assure creators that using Firefly is trained on high-quality content,Kylee Peña, Adobe的产品营销总监告诉IBC的观众.

也是Adobe的创始人之一 内容真实性倡议, a cross-industry community uniting in a standards approach to how AI is deployed. “The idea is to surface what is going on with an image, 它是在哪里训练的, how it was altered to combat dis信息 and increase transparency,”她说。. “我们看到相机制造商加入了我们的行列,以保护创意,并为消费者提供他们做出明智决定所需的所有信息.”



刘易斯·史密斯汉,创新高级副总裁 & 媒体创意解决方案.蒙克斯和其他几位发言人都强调了人工智能在媒体自动化和个性化方面的潜力. He described the state of AI right now as “the worst it will ever be,,但人工智能将“终结单一文化”,催生新的“允许人们个性化内容的微文化和亚文化”.”

Content would no longer be created and programmed based on demographics like age or location, he said, 而是在个人身份等方面. “AI gives us the opportunity to create personalized content at scale,他说.

Bakhtiar said that if organizations are looking to gain a competitive edge, 他们应该考虑如何利用他们掌握的大量数据来创建“超个性化”, hyper-localized经验.”

John Footen,媒体医学博士 & 德勤的娱乐活动, 他还指出,个性化内容在未来将具有“戏剧性的重要性”. “One of the roles of GenAI might be to create an avatar of yourself, so you can then ask that GenAI to show content to match your mood and social situation,他说.

Avid’s CTO Kevin Riley urged the industry to embrace AI, much as his own firm has done in an extensive alliance with Microsoft.


“不要害怕,”他说 IBC的另一个人工智能会议. “The cloud was similarly viewed as a massive disruptor, 但已经发生的是,有一大堆新的工作岗位正在被创造出来——同样的事情也将发生在人工智能上.” 

Anthony Guarino, EVP Global Production and Studio Technology at Paramount agreed. “这不是要取代现有的创作过程,而是将人工智能工具交到创作者手中,并允许他们根据自己的需要使用这些工具,他说.

埃森哲全球传播和媒体主管Any Walker预测,到2026年,所有创意人员都将使用GenAI来增强媒体工作流程.  Across content creation and production, Generative AI can act as a “creative co-pilot,” Walker 他告诉IBC日报

“The technology can take distribution and commercialization?更上一层楼, elevating how media companies can distribute content to wider, 更有针对性的受众, 更有效地管理和货币化资产,他说. 


In reality, much of the conversation about AI remains just that—talk (or hot air, if you like). 它作为一种实际解决方案正在取得进展的一个领域是帮助生产商和版权所有者定制体育赛事.

视频传输系统提供商LTN已经在使用这项技术使体育运动对年轻一代更具吸引力, 该公司高级副总裁里克·杨说, 全球产品. Examples include swapping in and out different presenters or bespoke commentary.

Vinayak Shrivastav,创始人 & CEO of AI-powered highlight generation platform Magnifi, 报道称,体育内容的定制已经在印度发挥了重要作用,“特别是对于那些想要在内容中追求不同层次的年轻人群。.”

就在节目开始之前, Magnifi宣布与Grabyo建立合作关系,旨在为体育内容创作者提供“以人为本的视频自动化工作流程”.

这将Magnifi的计算机视觉技术与Grabyo的现场制作和分发平台联系起来,为体育制作人提供捕捉能力, edit, and publish highlight clips from live sports broadcasts at speed, and at scale; “It’s going to be fascinating to see how many different versions of the same content can be created,斯里瓦斯塔瓦说.

奇怪的是,在应对人工智能的生存威胁时,只有谷歌的亨特-托里克发出了警告. “我们需要处理 人工智能的近期潜在危险——比如来自不良行为者的错误信息,无论是个人还是民族国家,他们可能会选择以有害的方式使用这种权力. 但是,当面对发展如此迅速、如此强大的技术时,如果你今天不设法控制它,那就太晚了.”



A lot of products tagged as "AI-powered" were doing exactly the same thing before AI. 但将它们熟悉的功能贴上“人工智能驱动”的标签,会让同样的技术看起来新鲜而创新.

IBC 2023报告-派拉蒙,华纳兄弟., Marvel Execs Discuss the State of MovieLabs 2030 Vision

阿德里安·彭宁顿在IBC 2023上报道了来自派拉蒙、华纳兄弟的好莱坞首席技术官小组., Marvel, and Universal Pictures focusing on the state of the MovieLabs 2030 Vision, 它的目标是从孤立的传统电影制作工作流转向基于软件和可互操作的云工作流.

Report From IBC 2023 - Fremantle, XUMO, Tubi, and Fuse Talk FAST's Rush to Quality

FAST channels are beginning to look a lot like TV - and with good reason, agree executives at major FAST providers Fremantle, XUMO, Tubi, and Fuse. 策展是怎么演变的. 阿德里安·彭宁顿在IBC 2023上报道了一个关于免费广告支持电视现象未来的小组.

更新自IBC 2023 -华纳兄弟. Discovery Eyes “Massive Opportunity” for Ad-Lite VOD

艾德里安·彭宁顿 reports from IBC about Warner Bros. 探索频道新的“广告-精简”视频点播方式, with its launch of an ad-lite version of Discovery+ in Germany and its new TNT Sports venture. He also reports on the recent YouTube Primetime European launch.
