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Adobe Ships Creative Suite 5



Adobe系统公司(Nasdaq:ADBE)今天宣布推出Adobe®Creative Suite®5产品系列, 备受期待的行业领先的设计和开发软件的发布,几乎每一个创意工作流程. With more than 250 new product features, creativesuite5产品线为设计人员和开发人员带来了令人兴奋的旗舰创意工具的完整版本升级和工作流增强功能-使创作成为可能, delivery and optimization of content across media for greater impact and results.

Adobe CS5产品系列将为即将发布的Flash Player 10提供内容和应用程序创建支持.1和adobeair 2, 哪些是针对移动屏幕上的高性能进行优化的,哪些是为了利用本地设备的功能而设计的, more immersive user experience. 首次与在线内容和数字营销测量和优化功能集成, Creative Suite 5 products include access to signature Omniture® technologies, 捕捉, store and analyze 信息 generated by websites and other sources. Adobe Creative Suite 5 products also integrate with Adobe CS Live*, 一套五个创新的在线服务,加速了创意工作流程的关键方面,使设计师能够专注于创造他们最好的作品(CS Live服务在有限的时间内是免费的).

creativesuite5系列包括五个新版本:creativesuite5 Master Collection, Creative Suite 5 Design Premium, Creative Suite 5 Web Premium, Creative Suite 5 Production Premium, Creative Suite 5 Design Standard, as well as 15 point products and associated technologies. Creative Suite now includes a brand-new component, Adobe Flash®Catalyst, 一个专业的交互设计工具,它允许设计人员快速创建富有表现力的Web应用程序界面和设计交互,而无需编写代码.

“我们从早期客户的反应中看到,Creative Suite 5通过将节省时间的工作流程和生产力特性与惊人的新功能相结合,继续激发设计和开发人员的灵感, such as Content-Aware Fill in Photoshop CS5, that really push the creative envelope,约翰·洛亚科诺说, senior vice president of Creative Solutions at Adobe. 不管媒体怎么说, CS5确保出版商和创意人员能够提供出色的作品,并围绕其独特的数字资产和内容建立伟大的业务."

Also available as part of the Creative Suite 5 product family, sold separately or in one of the five Creative Suite editions, are new versions of the Adobe Creative Suite tools, including Photoshop CS5, 插画家CS5, InDesign CS5, 闪蒸催化剂CS5, Flash CS5 Professional, Dreamweaver CS5, Adobe Premiere Pro CS5, After Effects CS5 and more.

creativesuite5产品提供了250多个包含交互性的新功能, 提高业绩,最大化创意内容和数字营销活动的影响. indesigncs5通过新的交互式文档和增强的电子阅读器设备支持,推动向数字出版的过渡. Image creation and editing get a boost with Truer Edge technology in Photoshop CS5, which offers better edge detecting technology and masking results in less time. Photoshop CS5还包括删除图像元素并立即用内容感知填充替换缺失像素的功能. 新的描边选项允许adobeillustrator CS5用户创建可变宽度的描边,并在描边的任何点精确调整宽度. Flash Professional CS5中的New Text Layout Framework提供了专业级别的排版功能,比如字距设置, 绑扎, 跟踪, 领先的, threaded text block and multiple columns. 此外,Dreamweaver CS5现在支持流行的内容管理系统Drupal、Joomla! 和WordPress, 允许设计人员从产品中获得动态Web内容的准确视图.

随着工程方面的突破,creativesuite5产品线中的性能改进比比皆是, including native 64-bit support on both Mac and Windows® in Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere Pro and After Effects, that allows users to work more fluidly on high-resolution projects. 备受期待的NVIDIA®gpu加速Adobe Mercury播放引擎允许Adobe Premiere Pro CS5用户更快地打开项目, 细化效果丰富的高清序列在实时和播放复杂的项目没有渲染. 革命性的节省时间的Roto画笔工具在After Effects中帮助用户在正常时间的一小部分内隔离移动前景元素.

Accelerate Creative Workflows with Adobe CS Live
Adobe Creative Suite 5 products integrate with Adobe CS Live*, 一套五个在线服务,加速创意工作流程的关键方面,使设计师能够专注于创造他们最好的作品. CS Live在线服务在有限的时间内是免费的,目前包括:Adobe BrowserLab, Adobe CS评论, 杂技演员.com, Adobe Story and SiteCatalyst® NetAverages from Omniture. Adobe CS评论支持直接在creativesuite5应用程序中进行在线设计评审, 而Adobe BrowserLab则是跨不同浏览器和操作系统测试网站内容不可或缺的工具. NetAverages提供的Web使用数据有助于在设计Web和移动应用时减少创意过程中的猜测. Adobe Story是一个协作式脚本编写工具,可以改进CS5 production Premium中的生产和后期工作流程. 使用杂技演员.com服务, such as Adobe ConnectNow Web conferencing, 还包括加强与全球同事和客户的讨论和信息交流.

Create and Deliver to 更多的 Mobile Platforms
Using Flash Professional CS5, designers and developers can create, 在各种移动平台和设备(如智能手机)上测试和交付Web内容, 平板电脑, netbooks and other consumer electronics. Users can look forward to deploying content in the browser with Flash Player 10.1 and as a standalone application with AIR 2.

Pricing and Availability
Adobe creativesuite5产品及其相关的点产品将通过Adobe授权经销商提供, Adobe Direct Sales and the Adobe Store at Estimated street price for the suites is US$1899 for CS5 Design Premium, US$1799 for CS5 Web Premium, US$1699 for CS5 Production Premium, US$1299 for CS5 Design Standard and US$2599 for Master Collection CS5. Upgrade pricing, volume licensing and education discounts are available. adobecs5产品与adobecslive在线服务集成,这些服务在有限的时间内是免费的. For more detailed 信息 about features, 操作系统支持, 升级的政策, pricing and international versions please visit:

关于 Adobe Systems Incorporated
Adobe revolutionizes how the world engages with ideas and 信息 - anytime, anywhere and through any medium. For more 信息, visit