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热拿:NAB 2022回顾,第一部分

在他对NAB 2022的两部分回顾的第1部分, 流媒体 Producer's 马克·富兰克林 looks at overall trends at the show, 与新闻的主要产品发布跟进.

A lot has changed in the world since the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) 他们在2019年亲自举办了大会. C奥维德-19 p和emic 和 ensuing lockdowns 和 restrictions, changed pretty much everything, 包括 从活动摄像到影视的专业制作. 晚间新闻之类的节目更容易适应 than productions that normally involved large crews, large crowds, or venues with large staffs. A主播们坐得离得远一点, 如果编辑部的摄像师没有 立即 取而代之的是机器人摄像机, 一些 是不久 转换. 谈话节目 迁移 从1亿美元的工作室到主持人的家庭办公室, 客厅, 或后院, 有机器人PTZ摄像机和一名工作人员在现场.

Although social distancing restrictions have mostly disappeared over the last several months, t今年的NAB秀 reflects all the changes that events of 2020-21 wrought in the industry.


我对这场演出的期望已经很低了, as I didn't get the usual bombardment of pre-show briefings that industry journalists usually get. 我没有看到新的摄像机. 我原以为只会看到两台新的电影摄影机, 佳能在1月份发布了EOS r5c, 和 the Blackmagic设计 URSA Broadcast G2 announced in February.

但新的PTZ相机在NAB 2022上风靡一时. 松下有3条线9个型号的PTZ相机. 除了松下, 索尼, 日本胜利公司, 佳能, 和 Marshall were all showing new PTZ 相机 和 support systems.

日本胜利公司的新PTZ, key - pz510


旁边是暴风般的PTZ摄像机, I saw updated or new products from several hardware 和 software manufacturers that are designed to make remote collaboration in postproduction work more efficient 和 more permanent. In talking with a lot of people in 和 out of the business--even 一些 who thought they would hate working at home—I found they now don't want to or don’t intend to go back to the office.

Editors 和 other postproduction pros soon realized the cost benefits of working from home: no buying gas 和 less vehicle maintenance, 对于公司来说, 更少的办公空间出租. Those companies are investing in infrastructure from many software 和 hardware companies such as Adobe, 油水界面, Blackmagic设计, 和 others to ensure their postproduction crews can remain scattered across the same town or across the world, 并且仍然可以编辑他们的项目.

A number of camera 和 software companies are implementing“camera to cloud” solutions that start uploading a proxy clip to the cloud as soon as the 相机 stop recording.


这也说明了, was what many companies were normally my must-see list were nowhere to be seen. A short list of companies MIA on the NAB 2022 show floor: Avid, BorisFx, 雅马哈, TASCAM, Azden, K-Tek, 曼富图, 莱斯, 日本胜利公司, 还装有, 还有很多其他的. Exhibitors I spoke to said that part of the reason many didn't come back is that--like many things in Las Vegas—reserving a booth at NAB has become a financial gamble. 当封锁关闭了最后三个nab尝试, exhibitors got to use 25% of their fees for towards the next NAB, 损失了75%的投资. 许多人不能再冒再次亏损的风险. Also absent were a lot of the Chinese companies that usually make the trip to show an array of gimbals 和 reverse-engineered versions other manufacturers' lights, 相机, 三脚, 袋, 而其他产品的成本更低.

而索尼, 佳能, Blackmagic设计预订了他们惯常的巨大展位, most other booths’ floor plans were fractions of what they used to be. 而NAB的展位则占据了LVCC新的较小的“西厅”,” the entire South Hall upper 和 lower levels (with square footage equivalent to 20 football fields) went unused.

Perhaps the most shocking disappearance from the show was the B & H Photo 和 Video NAB Show Catalog, replaced by a thin pamphlet with QR codes. Many of us kept those catalogs from NAB to NAB to page through at our leisure, 老式的方式,,无需向左或向右滑动. I used to bring home extra copies for friends who couldn't make it to the show. 在NAB待了30年之后, no longer will I see the smiling faces of my colleagues as I h和 them their favorite reading material.

最后一个老式的B&H NAB目录?

I looked at NAB 2022 like a patient returning to work after a bad injury. NAB was cleared to work by the doctor, but still not fully recovered. 希望, 它将在2023年达到全速, 所有失踪的小贩都出席了, without the Omega strain causing another shut down or Russia turning the lights out. 本着更乐观的精神, 我用微波炉加热了一些“绿色大豆”,NAB 2022的第二部分, I will discuss 一些 of the promising new products I found on the near-comatose show floor.

正如我在NAB报道的第1部分中提到的, 不过NAB今年又回来了, 它已不是以前的样子了. 没有太多惊天动地的公告, but there were a significant new releases 和 products making their NAB debuts. 我将它们分为制作、音频和后期.
The YoloBox Mini provides the same core functionality as the YoloBox 和 YoloBox Pro with playback, 标题, 音频输入, 和 multi-destination streaming capability but it uses a smaller 5.5英寸内置LCD.