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NAB 2024:颠覆性流媒体行业的顶级新技术

Exciting new and (mostly) AI-driven tools and services from NAB 2024 that very specific problems, from shooting great iPhone footage to automatically creating short clips to providing live low-latency translation and captioning to creating customized radio programming to building purpose-driven social communities.

我昨天在。进行了一次有趣的谈话 NAB 2024 哪一个能真正引起传媒业正在经历的问题的共鸣. 我们的行业主要分为科技公司和媒体公司. 科技公司尝试新事物,然后失败, 尝试其他事情,然后失败, 然后他们尝试新事物并取得成功. 媒体公司更倾向于规避风险. They need to find a way to experiment, test, and fail if they are going to compete. 

在本文中,我将重点介绍我在web上看到的一些新产品 展览大厅 which are going to be great for starting that test-and-learn cycle going in a low-investment, 高效益的方法. 其中许多产品都使用了新一代人工智能, 但即使他们不是, 这两家公司都着眼于该行业即将面临颠覆的一部分.


自从这家公司从维蒙德剥离出来后,我看了好几次. CuttingRoom记者 是一个苹果应用程序,允许基于手机的超高清和高清视频录制. Reporters need to be able to shoot good-quality content from their iPhones and this app has several features that enable them to do that without the headaches that come from other apps.


首先是图像稳定, so your shot won’t look like you need a lesson in how a tripod works (especially if you don’t happen to have one with you). Magic Zoom provides an automated transition which gives a bit more depth to your footage and enables closeups without the jerky zoom you might do manually. 最好的是自动上传功能, 你拍完之后去哪, 内容自动上传到您正在使用的任何存储产品. There’s also an internal teleprompter which overlays the video to make interview sessions less error prone.


“弗拉姆”人工智能 is a Gen AI-automated video editing tool for transforming long clips into shorter pieces. The preview feature allows for human visual approval, as well as full text editing. 不喜欢一段旁白? 您可以从全文编辑器剪切和粘贴来修改内容. The application will reframe to the unique specs for owned-and-operated environments and each social platform.


Prime Focus Technologies

The ability to talk to your software has gotten one step closer to being standard operating procedure. Prime Focus Technologies 有一套完整的Gen ai驱动的内容创作, 管理, and distribution tools being used by some very big name media companies including Disney Hotstar, 赫斯特, 亚马逊米高梅工作室, 英国独立电视台, Crunchyroll, 和A + E.


我:聊天搜索内容, 与内容库聊天以进行重复数据删除和归档, 聊天建立亮点, 聊天来运行社交媒体,最后, 通过聊天进行本地化.


Prime Focus Technologies dedup分析仪


Carrick-Skills” 卡里克流 is a 管理 tool to execute your workflows between your on-prem and cloud services, 根据进度和可用容量. Users can manage work between multiple products and vendors within the browser-based tool. Their priority engine makes sure workflows are load balanced and can run in order of priority. 灵活的定价方案是可用的.


完美记忆称他们的服务为a 知识操作系统它在客户的资产管理系统之上工作. Users are able to use a natural-language search to identify video (and other content) by description similar to a ChatGPT or Bard interaction. 该系统用于面部或物体识别, business rules (staff access levels and editorial rights) and emotional understanding.


和弦的社区 provides a platform for news organizations to build up their own community groups for either websites or apps. The use case the company had in mind is for a news organization to have a place where an external community or special interest groups can gather, 打成一片, 和交互. 除了可以发布图片和文字, 有能力让呼叫由webbrtc低延迟连接供电.




在西大厅的一个舞台上, 超级音响”Brendon Cassidy介绍了他们的广播从云到发射机的工作流程, 在线, 或者车载编程. 他们有很多听众来听他们的自动化建筑技术, 个性化广播节目, complete with a redundancy stream using HLS+ streams with an AI engine to program unique content and ad breaks.

在NAB期间,他们建立了一个临时演播室,向KMXB-94广播.1’s HD2 signal in Vegas from their hotel using their Program Director Radio Operating System running the Orban OPTIMOD 5950 transmitter playout appliance and their own StreamPlayer 1 playout device.




NAB是一个经常展示联盟、合作伙伴和工作流程的展会. 有特定的公司馆(英国、法国等).)及公司团体. AWS 有一个非常专业的摊位展示 许多工作流程 哪些可以在AWS上运行, 包括广播和现场制作, 内容制作, 数据科学与分析, DTC和流媒体, 媒体供应链和档案, 最后但并非最不重要的是盈利.


NAB 2024的AWS货币化解决方案

虽然这些演示中的许多公司在其他地方都有自己的展位, this was a great chance to get an understanding of how different vendors work together. 每个参与的供应商都必须培训一名AWS员工来进行宣传, 我听到的都很好. 看到 这个链接 快速浏览NAB 2024上AWS的特色演示.


阿米拉实验室 直播字幕和翻译是为了直播吗. Their software solution does multilingual AI processing for live streams, TV, and podcasts. 他们承诺在本地和云部署下延迟低于1秒. 它们在所有主要的云提供商上运行.



这些产品都能解决非常具体的问题, 无论是如何拍摄出色的iPhone镜头, 如何自动创建短片, 提供现场翻译和字幕, 创建自定义电台节目, 或者建立社会团体.

当涉及到一个总体理念时,Gen AI听起来像是很多炒作, but having vendors who have figured out how to use it solve challenging problems and offer this as a SaaS tool that you can test out is very useful. It’s going to be key to helping media companies can act more like tech companies to keep iterating until they find a winning formula. 然而,在它最终工作之前,用例可能不得不失败几次. 关键是不要害怕尝试.

以下是西部数据在NAB 2024展会上的采访, 流媒体 Producer's Marc Franklin talks with Western Digital Director of Product Marketing Christina Garza about WD's latest 4TB SanDisk SDXC cards and 24TB hard drives.
艾伦 & Heath市场营销专家理查德·斯塔尔让观众近距离观察艾伦 & Heath's CQ Series digital audio mixers with their touchscreen and physical controls, 自动混音器, 会议预设, 车库乐队, 和更多的, and remote operation capabilities in this interview with 流媒体's Shawn Lam from the 艾伦 & 2024年NAB的Heath booth.
PTZOptics技术总监Matthew Davis讨论Hive Studio, PTZOptics新的基于云的远程相机控制解决方案, 这是在NAB 2024上对流媒体的肖恩·林的采访.
在NAB 2024的展厅里, Shawn Lam of 流媒体 and SLV Live interviews Atomos CEO Jeromy Young about the new Atomos Ninja Phone, 如何将iPhone 15 Pro或Pro Max变成1600像素, 10位, 2,000,000:1的对比度, 460 ppi, HDR OLED, ProRes监视器记录仪的任何专业HDMI相机.