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评论:DJI Mavic Air

无论你只是一个业余爱好者, or a pro who just needs a little bit of drone footage here and there, the Mavic Air could be a great drone to start with.

In this review we'll take a look at a new DJI drone, the Mavic Air (下面的图1). The current lineup of the Mavic drones is as follows: There's the Mavic Pro 2, Mavic变焦, 以及Mavic Air.'

图1. 大疆Mavic Air

All the Mavic drones share a common feature: they're all foldable. So, the propellers fold out or in for easy storage and use (下面的图2).

图2. 打开Mavic Air的螺旋桨

Air vs。. 的火花

The Mavic Air is a little larger than 的火花, and it shares the same gesture controls. In the time that I spent with the Mavic Air, I found that it performs much better than 的火花. The gesture controls are more reliable, and its speed is a little faster.

I also found that the performance of the Air and the responsiveness of the controls were a lot closer to the Mavic Pro than they are to 的火花. It doesn't share the same top speed as something like a Mavic, but it's a much smaller drone and will be perfectly adequate for most users.


When it comes to simply flying a drone around, a lot of them are going to be basically the same. You can go the same directions, and if they work, they work. What really sets this drone apart is the fact that it has so many built-in controls that you can use.

For example, Active Track is one I tried extensively. As you can see in the video, I tried tracking a car. 然后是一只狗,然后是一个骑自行车的孩子.

I had mixed results with each of the scenarios that I tried with Active Track. 有些人比其他人更好, 我发现了局限性, and I figured out how I could work around some of them. There were some cases where lighting was an issue, when the sun was coming towards the lens. There were other cases where the drone just couldn't make a tight enough turn because it was too close to the subject and it lost it. When I tried to follow a dog, I found it was simply too fast for it to be able to maneuver.

整体, Active Track made some really nice shots without me having to try to control it and operate everything in perfect synchrony.


There are also a number of quick shots that DJI has built into their software. 到目前为止,最引人注目的是全景. It starts taking the video wherever you have it set, and then it starts pulling away and up into the air to its maximum altitude. When it reaches the max altitude, it takes a panorama at that point. Then, the software stitches everything together, making for an incredibly dynamic shot (下面的图3).

图3. 一个缝合的Mavic Air全景镜头


Drones live and die by their battery life, 以及Mavic Air has respectable times. 我评测的套件有两节电池, and each of them lasted 15 to 20 minutes depending on conditions in the air.

If I were to buy this for myself and wanted it for anything more than just hobby shooting, I would definitely invest in a couple more batteries so that some were already charged whenever I ran out. The charger itself comes with four ports plus a USB port to be able to charge the controller at the same time (下面的图4).

图4. Charging the two batteries that shipped with the Mavic Air

保罗Schmutzler reviews DJI's popular Phantom 4 Pro drone, 可用性测试, 稳定, 施工总, 还有图像质量, as well as 120fps 1080p capture and intelligent flight modes, and compares it to its DJI stablemates Mavic and Inspire.
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