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教程:在Blackmagic ATEM Mini Extreme上使用SuperSource

Blackmagic Design calls its PxP feature SuperSource and it used to only be available on their highest-end switchers, ATEM 2m /E Production Studio 4K, ATEM 4 M/E广播工作室4K, 和ATEM星座8K. 虽然大部分工作流程与我们将在这里讨论的相同, 在本教程中, we will be discussing SuperSource on the newest and more budget friendly ATEM Mini Extreme and ATEM Mini Extreme ISO video switchers.

在本教程中, we will learn how to composite a multi layer video program output with multiple video sources side-by-side, 的SuperSource 黑魔法设计ATEM迷你极限.

It used to be that hardware video switchers were great for when you needed to cut or fade between multiple video sources and everything in and out of the workflow was the same full screen resolution. Going beyond a single layer was doable via the up- and down-stream keyer(s), 添加图形和背景, but most video switchers struggled when the technical director wanted to display two live video images at the same time side by side. 

The best that most hardware video switchers could do was a picture-in-picture (PiP) display where a scaled thumbnail sized inset video signal was displayed over a second full screen background video layer.  This was sometimes tolerated for displaying video of a presenter over a PowerPoint slide, 电脑演示, 或者游戏画面, but was limiting in the sense that the PiP preset was a fixed look and could not be customized. 


  1. The background layer is partially covered by the inset foreground layer and without proper preplanning of the background layer, 前景可能会覆盖一些重要的东西.
  2. The foreground layer(s) location(s), size(s), and shape(s) could not be adjusted.

因为这些PiP限制, software video switching solutions are great for when you want to simultaneously display (or composite) multiple video sources, 除了图形, 在一个单一的程序输出. Instead of displaying a picture within the frame of another picture, 现在,您可以按一张图片显示另一张图片.  每个视频输入都可以独立缩放, 裁剪, 并放置在附加视频输入的旁边, 在背景图层之上, 并且在顶部有额外的图形层. Picture by Picture (PxP) is a way more advanced and professional way to display multiple video sources at the same time.

Blackmagic Design calls their PxP feature SuperSource and it used to only be available on their highest-end switchers, ATEM 2m /E Production Studio 4K(3美元),995), ATEM 4 M/E广播工作室4K ($5),995), 和ATEM星座8K(9美元),995).  虽然大部分工作流程与我们将在这里讨论的相同, 在本教程中, we will be discussing SuperSource on the newest and more budget friendly ATEM Mini Extreme ($995) and ATEM Mini Extreme ISO ($1,视频切换器.


The first step in creating a SuperSource picture by picture image on the ATEM Mini Extreme is to connect multiple video cameras to the video switcher.  ATEM Minis all have HDMI inputs so if you are coming from an HD-SDI video source, you can use a Blackmagic Design Micro Converter SDI to HDMI or the Micro Converter BiDirectional SDI/HDMI.  The 3G or 12G models will both work but keep in mind the maximum resolution and frame rate of the ATEM Mini line is 1920x1080 60P, 哪个符合3G HD-SDI标准.

由于ATEM mini具有内部标准转换器, you don’t have to worry so much about matching the frame rate and resolution of your sources to the video standard you select on the ATEM Mini to be your output, but I still feel it is best practice to avoid using converters if you can set your video source(s) both for the reduced latency and for the overall consistent look.

在本教程中 I connected 4 video cameras to the ATEM as you can see in the fully customizable muti view display.  Camera 1 is a behind the scenes shot of three Canon CR-N500 PTZ cameras.  Cameras 2-4 are from the three Canon N500s and are close-ups of an individual lens or camera. 

In the multi view I assigned one of boxes to display the SuperSource, 哪个也在程序窗口中.  你会注意到摄像机1-4周围有红框.  A red box indicates that a video input is live and with this SuperSource look that utilizes all four camera inputs, each of the four video camera inputs and the SuperSource input have a red box around it to indicate they are on-air.  If the source video cameras were compatible Blackmagic Design video cameras, the red on-air tally light would also be sent to the camera operator.

Setting-up the SuperSource in the ATEM Software Control panel is very easy.  There are 4 preset layouts that you can start with that have 2, 3, or 4 boxes.  These presets can be customized further or you can also start from scratch in creating your look by enabling one of the 4 boxes in the Box Control menu.

一旦选择了要控制的框, 你可以分配、输入和调整位置和大小.  In the Crop menu you can adjust how much of each input to display.  This is especially useful when you want to create a simple picture by picture look of a presenter on video next to a PowerPoint slide.  Displaying the video and slide 50/50 side by side will result in only 50% of the total vertical space of program output being used.  If you crop the sides of the video you can easily scale the video and slides to 60% and display the video next to slides in a 40/60 split.

This layout shows a 裁剪 video source (camera 1) next to two full screen video sources (camera 2 and camera 3). 

SuperSource with 裁剪 video source (camera 1) next to two full-screen video sources (cameras 2 and 3)

The Art Tab in the SuperSource menu is where you set your background image. The Fill Source can be set to one of the eight video inputs or two media players, and it can fill the foreground (that you would key) or background.  In my sample, I dropped a gradient blue-to-pink abstract background in the media player.

一旦你设置好了你的SuperSource外观, it acts like any other video input that you can cut to or transition to.  On the ATEM Software Control Panel, you can assign the SuperSource to the preview or program.  The button is noted as SSRC and a green light indicates it is active as the preview and a red light, 这个项目.

You can assign SuperSource to a button on the ATEM Software Control Panel. 在这种情况下,SuperSource由红灯指示.

On the ATEM Mini Extreme there is also a dedicated S/SRC button and depending on how you have the switcher set-up, depressing the S/SRC button will either send this to the preview or program.

Power users may also want to extend the SuperSource capabilities further and work with the ATEM Macros to record and recall multiple different SuperSource combinations on their own or in conjunction with a programmable controller, 就像 埃尔加托河甲板.

黑魔设计电视工作室的ATEM HD8(2美元),995美元)和HD8 ISO(3美元),995)是一体化高清视频切换/广播控制面板. On their own they are very capable HD video switchers suitable for studio installations and remote productions. The magic with these switchers is that when paired with other supported Blackmagic gear, they can unlock unique production workflow solutions that are easy to implement and go well beyond what you would expect a desktop video switcher to be able to do on its own.
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Blackmagic has set a new standard for an affordable and professional all-in-one HD video switcher, 最大的考虑是哪个模型适合您的工作流.
In order to capture "Remember the Ribbon: A Tribute to World AIDS Day,莫里茨用了四台摄像机, which fed into an ATEM Mini Extreme ISO live production switcher for multicamera switching and ISO recording. He also used three Blackmagic Video Assist 7" 12G HDRs for monitoring and recording.
If you're looking to get into multi-camera live-switched production and you don't already have cameras and you're looking to step into things, combining a feature-rich Blackmagic camera 就像 Studio Camera 4K Pro with the ATEM line of mixers makes a great ecosystem.
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新的更强大的ATEM迷你模型包括8个输入, 6个自由度, 4色度键控器, 16路多视图, 2个下游键控器, 2个媒体播放器和更多!
So what do you get if you stretch another $300 and move up from the Blackmagic Design ATEM Mini Pro to the ATEM Mini Pro ISO? The previous $300 stretch (from the ATEM Mini) got you a multiviewer, 流媒体, 和程序记录. For $300 more you get the ability to record each of the 4 inputs as an ISO recording and 流媒体 to the ATEM Streaming Bridge.