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Gearing Up for Streaming for Worship

There are dozens of platforms offering live 流媒体 for affordable rates, and churches can stream directly to their core audience in tailored, personalized ways that weren't possible a decade or two ago. 在这里,我们将强调在当今高科技流媒体环境中最适合礼拜场所的设备.

Check out 流媒体's Field Guide to Worship Streaming由 Broadfield分发.

宗教组织, be they houses of worship or faith-based charities, 自从最早的媒体出现以来,你一直在各种类型的无线电波上进行广播吗. 在20世纪初, radio was the preferred medium, but as soon as television came along, that became the preferred outlet for religious teaching and evangelism.

As with every other aspect of society, the inter网 changed it all. As high-speed broadband connections became affordable, 教会获得了向全世界传播他们的信息的能力,而不需要数百万美元的资金来建立自己的频道或支付商业广播公司的播出时间.

Now the next stage of evolution in 流媒体 for worship has arrived. There are dozens of platforms offering live 流媒体 for affordable rates, and churches can stream directly to their core audience in tailored, personalized ways that weren’t possible a decade or two ago. 在整个过程中没有改变的一件事是对高质量的需求, professional gear to capture and transmit the message. 在这里,我们将强调在当今高科技流媒体环境中最适合礼拜场所的设备.

Switcher/Streamers: The Brains of the Operation

用于在广播源之间切换和组合的切换器对于希望认真对待其流媒体的礼拜堂来说是必须的. 虽然切换器和流设备或编码器不一定组合成一个设备, most pro solutions today offer them as a packaged deal. 当一个人可以做所有的事情并且做得很好的时候,就没有必要再使用单独的设备了.

One of these that does switching, 流媒体, and more exceptionally well is the Telestream Wirecast Gear. 先做个简短的说明:Telestream的纯软件切换和流媒体解决方案叫做Wirecast, while their hardware is called Wirecast Gear. For simplification, we’ll be referring to the hardware option as the Gear.

Gear有三种不同的配置,以满足各种预算和需求. All Gear models come with a 1TB hard drive, and the following standard options and capabilities: live stream to Facebook, YouTube, Twitter (Periscope) or RTMP (custom), FaceBook Live comment administration, NDI输入输出, animated 3D graphics and titles via NewBlue Titler Live Complete, and Telestream Wirecast Pro production software.

The Gear 310 is priced at $5,995. It has four HDMI inputs for your cameras, presentation computers, or other sources. The 1 TB hard drive can store up to about 20 hours of HD video. 升级到Gear 320的价格为6,995美元,并将四个可用端口切换到HD-SDI. 除此之外,您还可以获得实时运动、数据馈送、自定义时钟、记分牌和其他模板. 旗舰Gear 420 (下面的图1)售价8美元,995 and adds baseband SDI output, 4 integrated hardware encoders, 和第五个SDI输入. 所有型号都可以在YouTube、Facebook和Twitter上进行实时社交媒体评论.

图1. Telestream Wirecast Gear 420

420型号, 你还可以获得NVIDIA Quadro显卡,而不是较低型号的英特尔IHD显卡. Since all Wirecast Gear models come with Telestream’s Wirecast Pro software, let’s take a look at what you get with your purchase. 扩展的输入和输出与Pro允许您利用IP/网络摄像机和流, Teradek提要, 基带HDMI / SDI, 17-channel multiviewer and NDI program output. There are also expanded audio capabilities. 您可以添加虚拟布景和背景,并在软件中直接控制PTZ摄像机. 教会甚至可以通过Wirecast Rendezvous视频会议将传教士或最多7位其他远程客人连接到他们的视频源.

If you only need the Wirecast software, you can purchase the Pro level for $699, while the Studio and One levels are $449 and $249 respectively.

与Telestream的Wirecast Gear解决方案属于同一类别的是NewTek的TriCaster系列交换机/流媒体设备. The TriCaster comes in three different base configurations. 有TC Mini Advanced(7995美元)、中级版TC410(9995美元)和旗舰版TC1(14995美元)。. As the top-of-the-line product in the TriCaster family, the TC1 (下面的图2)提供最苛刻的广播公司所需要的高端、高性能功能.

图2. The NDI-ready TriCaster TC1

与抗利尿, TC1支持多达16个4K分辨率输入,60 FPS,因此您可以在您的设置中利用任何4K相机的全传感器功能. The four SDI inputs support 1080p inputs. The TC1 can control sixteen different PTZ sources via serial or 网work protocols. 这意味着无论你的相机来自哪个时代,它都是现在和未来的. 您还可以设置四个独立的视频输出,可以通过SDI和NDI同时发送. 有了这个,你可以在你的大楼里设置一个内部闭路电视系统,同时还可以发送实时流和离线录制. 当然,它有一个完整的主机键,效果,标题选项,和虚拟集. 其6TB的内部存储空间将使您的存档产品随时可用,方便访问和召回. The TC1 is also offered in either a 2RU or 3RU chassis. 与2RU的400W冗余电源相比,3RU的优势在于增加了500W冗余电源.

最后,让我们来看看流媒体和交换中心的独特选择:SlingStudio (下面的图3). SlingStudio is a modular system all built around the $999 SlingStudio Hub. SlingStudio系统与同类系统的区别在于模块化和灵活性,因为它被有意设计为无线系统. While wireless systems have their limitations and issues, 根据个人使用经验,我可以证明SlingStudio的无线功能是正确的.

图3. The SlingMedia SlingStudio

集线器最多支持四个与CameraLink(售价349美元)相连的无线HDMI源. A CameraLink is required for each source included in the broadcast. With the free SlingStudio Capture app for either iOS or Android, you can also incorporate iPhone 6 or higher and Android 5.0 or higher devices as video sources. 这对舞台上或会众中不显眼的巡回摄像机很有用.

所有这些都可以通过iPad或Mac上的SlingStudio Console应用程序进行控制. This full-featured software switches sources, live streams to social media channels and handles graphics, 标题和键值. 系统还记录您的程序和每个源的iso,以便以后编辑.

The availability of simple and affordable, 质量, professional equipment can enhance your corporate messaging. 让我们来看看一些可用的工具,看看如何使用它们来彻底改变办公室内的信息传递
Wirecast is used in churches, 会堂, 清真寺, 修道院, 寺庙, 修行的地方, and retreats all over the world. 一些社区和组织使用它向Church流媒体播放他们每周的服务.电视、Facebook或YouTube. Others use it to build closer ties within far-spread congregations.