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回顾:Mac版本的proDAD Mercalli SAL

保罗Schmutzler demos and discusses the first-ever Mac version of proDAD's popular and powerful Mercalli stabilization solution.

在本文中,我们将了解 Mac版的Mercalli SAL这是一款针对Mac的新稳定工具. proDAD has made Mercalli for Windows for a number of years and they’re just now introducing the first Mac version.

The big question is this: Why would you buy a standalone stabilization tool or plug-in when you've already got an NLE that probably has a stabilization plug-in built into it for free? That's the question I asked myself, so I decided to test it out after an invitation came from proDAD. 我最初的测试结果令人印象深刻. I'll walk you through those tests later in this review.

Mercalli for Mac界面

让我们从界面开始. Mercalli SAL for Mac is a standalone stabilization solution, which is why you see the SAL acronym in the name. It runs outside of any other software, independently, which is its biggest strength.

You start by importing clips by navigating to the Import button shown at the top left of the main window, or simply dragging clips onto the left column, 你可以看到我已经做过了 图1(下面).

图1. Mercalli接口

In the center you’ll see a large preview of your source clips, 你分析的片段, 或者两者的结合. Click one the vertical or horizontal option shown in 图2(下面) to choose a split-screen mode and compare your source and analyzed clips vertically or side by side.

图2. 预览选项

At the bottom of the screen, you have a filmstrip view (下面的图3) where you can scrub through your footage and set in and out points.

图3. 在这里擦洗和修剪你的发夹.

On the right is where you would adjust any settings that you want to change to maximize stabilization while maintaining the best image quality (下面的图4).

图4. 调整这里的稳定设置

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