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教程:在Adobe Premiere Pro CC中制作封闭字幕

在本教程中 you'll learn how to create and edit industry-standard closed captions for video using the new closed-captioning capabilities in the just-released Adobe Premiere Pro CC.

在本教程中 I’ll introduce you to the new caption-related features in Premiere Pro Creative Cloud (CC). 我会用我书里的一些资产, Premiere Pro CC:视觉快速入门指南,该节目现已上线 亚马逊.

就观点而言, the new caption-related features are primarily designed to help people edit existing captions rather than creating new ones. 你会看到, 您可以使用这里的标题工具创建新的标题, 但是对于任何超过一到两分钟的文件来说,这是相当乏味的.

将字幕作为MCC文件导入Premiere Pro

有两种方法可以在Premiere Pro中添加字幕. You can bring them in embedded in a QuickTime file or you can bring them in as separate Scenarist (.scc)文件或MacCaption (.mcc)文件. 在本教程中,我们将使用MCC文件. 你不能, 在这个版本中, bring in embedded captions in an MPEG-2 transport stream or any file that uses the MP4 or MPEG-2 importer. So if you want to create a file that you can import into Premiere Pro with captions I would suggest using QuickTime until Adobe adds MPEG-2 and MP4 import capabilities, 这肯定会发生, 只是没出现在第一个版本里.

图1(下面) 显示QuickTime文件,并在项目面板中突出显示嵌入的标题. 单击它,Premiere Pro将在源监视器中显示文件中的标题.

图1. 在源监视器中显示导入的标题

启用和禁用标题显示, click the Settings (wrench) button at the bottom of the Source Monitor to open the Settings dialog and toggle on and off the Closed Captions display (下面的图2).

图2. 启用或禁用此处显示的字幕.

您也可以在此对话框中选择“关闭字幕设置”. 你可以选择标准——CEA608是NTSC,主要是美国标准.S.,以及欧洲的Tele文本 (下面的图3).

图3. 选择Closed Caption标准.

在选择了标准之后,您可以选择哪个流(下面的图4). 如果有一个标题文件,通常会是CC1. 在程序监视器中,您也可以对标题显示进行相同的控制.

图4. 选择标题文件.

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