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Tutorial: How to Composite PowerPoint and Talking Head Video in Telestream Wirecast

Any time you produce a webinar that's got PowerPoint and a talking-head video, 在同一视频帧中呈现它们是有帮助的. This tutorial explains how to composite these two sources in Telestream Wirecast.

Any time you produce a webinar that includes PowerPoint and a talking head video, 在同一视频帧中呈现这两种效果很好. In this tutorial, I’ll explain how you accomplish that in Telestream Wirecast.

The project shown in this tutorial has three inputs that I'll configure like the frame on the left in 图1(下面). I’ve got the PowerPoint slides from a MacBook Pro running on the same 网work as the HP Z400 I’m using to create and stream this presentation. The slides are coming in via the Telestream Desktop Presenter Module, which basically lets any Mac or Windows computer on the same 网work as the encoding station input the screen, 或者屏幕的任何部分, +音频, 到Wirecast.

图1. 本次网络直播将结合3种来源——视频, audio, and PPT--as identified in this screen in a composited frame like the one shown on the left. (To see this image, or any in this article at full size, just click on the image.)

The video on the left in 图1 is via a ViewCast Osprey 820e capture card that’s capturing HDMI video and audio input from a Panasonic AVCHD camcorder. 所以这个镜头有两个视觉元素, 还有三个要素:ppt, 这段视频, 还有音频.


让我们看看我是如何构建合成图像的. 开始, click on the page icon in the panel just below the program window on the left to add a new shot (下面的图2), 一个空白的缩略图出现在下面的菜单中, to the right of the other elements we’ve already added.

图2. 添加一个新镜头.

Click the thumbnail and choose Rename, and then type the name of the shot in the dialog that appears. 我们将其命名为“Webinar Composition”(下面的图3).

图3. 给镜头命名.

下一个, 双击框架将其加载到编辑器中, 您将看到模板数组显示在 图4(下面). 很明显, the easiest thing to do is to choose a template that closely matches your desired output, which is the side-by-side video shown selected in 图4.

图4. Choosing a side by side-video template from the options available in the Template Chooser.

图5(下面) shows the two placeholders in the editor for the two visual components.

图5. Placeholders in the Editor for the two visual components of our presentation.

A是我想放ppt的地方, so I click the A Placeholder in the Sources menu (图5), 点击到视频输入, 并选择Apple MacBook Pro输入(下面的图6).

图6. Choosing the Apple Mac Book Pro (PowerPoint) input for Source A.

The Mount Royal Curling Club leverages the Telestream Wirecast Pro and Matrox VS4 to deliver a live-switched feed of the 2013 Canadian Mixed Curling Championship to online viewers across Canada.
使用Matrox VS4运行电视流广播, 一个强大的, 集成良好的采集卡, 处理大部分输入/编码/预览负载, yields impressive results that catapulte Wirecast into the TriCaster/Livestream Studio class of product when it comes to responsiveness.
This tutorial describes how to install and configure ViewCast's dual-channel Osprey 820e card ($1,795 MSRP; as low as $1,400 street) into a Windows system for driving two cameras within Telestream Wirecast, and discusses the board's highly functional set of utilities and SimulStream feature, which allows it to feed audio and video streams to more than one encoding application.
This is the first of a three-part tutorial on using Wirecast to mix two streams of video and other disk-based content. 在第一个教程中, I'll describe how to install and configure two Blackmagic Design Intensity Pro cards into an HP Z600 for switching with Wirecast.