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HEVC, VP9, AV1, and VVC: Presenting a Codec Update in 11 Charts


I’ve got a bad case of TLDR-itis, as in “too long, don’t want to write-itis”. 从读者的角度来看,你可能也有同样的感觉. 如果是这样,这篇文章就是为你准备的.

在编解码器的世界里有很多事情要分析. But for the most part in this article, I’m going to let the pictures do the talking.


我是莫斯科国立大学工具和报告的忠实粉丝. 不像许多编解码器分析师, MSU asks the codec vendors to suggest the settings used for the encodes, 确保公平的结果, 该小组总是用各种各样的视频进行测试. 在最近的比较中 MSU tested 13 codecs with 28 videos using multiple 质量 metrics, 包括Y-VMAF, Y-SSIM, U-SSIM, V-SSIM, YUV-PSNR, Y-PSNR, U-PSNR, 和V-PSNR.

MulticoreWare’s x265 codec gets a lot of attention as the HEVC codec available in FFmpeg and as recently as 2015 HEVC是质量领导者吗. 然而, 在今年的报告中, MSU发现四种HEVC编解码器的性能优于x265, 如图1所示(VMAF度量).

图1. 编解码器VMAF质量排名来自莫斯科国立大学.

Specifically, 图1 compares all HEVC codecs with the VMAF metric and setting the x264 H.264编解码器在100. HW265编解码器, 华为技术有限公司, 比x265的效率高20%, 哪一个是显著的优势, 编码速度是中游.

如果你正在考虑授权HEVC编解码器, 密歇根州立大学的报告是必须的, 特别是如果x265在你的候选名单上. Note that there are two report versions: a free version with a subset of tests and analysis, and the $950 version which includes all test results and over 5,000年的图表.

MSU also has an ambitious roadmap for additional studies in 2018, including subjective 质量 comparisons of the same videos due out in early October and a 4K report that will focus on ultra-high 质量 presets and will include AV1. 敬请期待.


在IBC之前,Bitmovin发布了它的 第二份年度视频开发者报告, 其中包括来自67个国家的456份调查意见书, and asked questions about current and planned codec and format usage. 就当前编解码器的使用而言, HEVC取得了最大的进展, 如图2所示, 使用量增加了50%. Imagine what could have been with a fair and cohesive royalty policy. 相比之下,VP9仅上升了10%.

图2. Bitmovin调查受访者当前编解码器的使用情况.

展望未来, 然而, Bitmovin的受访者最看好AV1, 如图3所示. Here, planned usage more than doubled from 14 percent to 29 percent, with both HEVC and VP9 dropping. I wonder how many of these respondents know how long it actually takes to encode AV1 files.

图3. Answering the question, "Which video codecs are you planning to use in the next 12 months?"

Bitmovin的报告中还有很多有趣的数据, 包括部署的流格式(HLS), 破折号, 和Smooth仍然是前三名), 和DRM的使用. 报告是 免费下载 (需要注册).


好吧,算是吧. 网飞公司 做了一个剪辑可供下载,而 YouTube posted 14 videos with some layers available in AV1 format; others in VP9.

我们学到了什么?? 好吧, we care about three performance related data points when it comes to a new codec; encoding time, 质量, 解码要求. Neither company disclosed encoding time data, but we learned something about the latter two.

Regarding 质量, we learned that neither 网飞公司 or YouTube is pushing 质量 yet. Here’s MediaInfo on one of the 网飞公司 clips; At 6.7 Mbps为1080p@24 fps, 网飞公司 几乎没有强调编解码器.

图4. 网飞公司 AV1编码不强调AV1质量参数.

YouTube is a bit more aggressive with its encodes, as seen in 图5, but 5.1080p60的1mbps仍然没有突破质量极限. 举个例子, I just finished a consulting project analyzing VP9 and H264 质量 at 1080p60 and our test data rates ranged from 3 to 6 Mbps. 郑重声明, YouTube确实说过, “在撰写本文时, these transcodes are encoded at a very high bitrate for decoder performance testing.”

图5. YouTube is a bit more aggressive but still isn’t pushing the envelope.


解码要求呢?? 为了播放YouTube视频,你需要下载 Chrome金丝雀; there’s a version of Firefox that’s supposed to work, but I couldn’t find it. 你还得去 YouTube约 并选择您对AV1播放的偏好. If you choose like I did in 图6, you’ll get up to 1080p video in AV1 format.

图6. 选择您的AV1偏好.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


任何时候你开始使用新的编解码器, there are some fundamental tests that you should run to achieve optimal performance/质量 optimization. 在本文中, I'll take you through those tests while encoding VVC using a version of FFmpeg that includes the Fraunhofer VVC codec.


正如最近有关dash相关专利的诉讼所表明的那样, royalty payments on adaptive bitrate streaming are inevitable—even if it's not yet clear who'll be paying who, 或者是多少


Advance testing shows the codec producing strong bitrate savings over its competitors, but a tiered licensing model could prevent all users from enjoying the best performance.

HEVC, AV1, VVC:如何理解2019年的编解码器世界

The old realities that used to dictate codec adoption no longer apply. Opening up new markets now matters more than reducing operating expenses. HEVC、AV1和VVC的未来定位如何?


Demos and conversations at 流媒体 East showed that HEVC is an excellent technology, and there's real anger around its disfunctional royalty policies.


Advances in video codec technology driven by the explosion in video over IP are creating heated competition and a fragmented market. 会出现一个赢家吗?还是这将是一种新常态?

在Sisvel VP9/AV1专利池中没有内容版税

Sisvel's Video Codec Licensing Platform will employ a "committed volume scheme" rather than a royalty cap, 据首席执行官马蒂亚·福格里亚科说, 谁没有排除基于软件编码的版税


The first tests of AV1 showed glacial encoding times that seriously detracted from the codec's usability. But since then encoding times have improved enough that AV1 is almost usable—and we've got the charts to prove it.


回顾H.264、HEVC和VP9 show what the industry can expect from AV1 and VVC.


领先流媒体西部, a meeting of codec experts offers new developments in leading-edge codecs, 以及已经在使用它们的公司的现场报告.

New Codecs Are Coming; Here's How to Evaluate Codec Evaluations

当比较不同编解码器创建的视频质量时, consider the companies running the comparisons and the metrics they're offering.


AV1 delivers equivalent 质量 to HEVC, but with a lower data rate. 但就目前而言,进展缓慢. 一段5秒的视频编码耗时23小时46分钟.


FFmpeg 4.0 gives many video engineers their first chance to test the new AV1 codec against H.264、HEVC和VP9. 结果? 在我们的测试中, 质量令人印象深刻, but glacially slow encoding times make AV1 a non-starter for most publishers until hardware acceleration becomes available.

NAB综述:HEVC, AV1和专有编解码器的状态

H.264 still leads, HEVC is starting to gain traction, and AV1 had its coming-out party. To add to the confusion, other codecs offer alternatives to all three. 1月时 makes sense of all the codec news from this year's NAB.
