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Online Video Piracy: Serious Threat or Seriously Overblown?


Imagine that a company offers to sell you penguin insurance. It guarantees that if you pay a high fee, no penguins will attack you. 你支付费用. 没有企鹅攻击你. 保险起作用了吗?

但这是一个荒谬的例子,你抗议道. You can see this is an article questioning the threat of video piracy. Does this magazine really mean to say that video piracy doesn’t exist? Of course video piracy exists; it’s everywhere.

这是真的. 这里有一个更好的例子:想象一下,每天都有成群的恶毒的企鹅攻击你. You pay a company a high rate for penguin insurance. 企鹅还是继续攻击. 事实上,每周都有更多这样的人.

这就是视频盗版的情况. Premium content owners need to protect their content from piracy, but no solution or combination of solutions has been shown to be effective. 那么,视频盗版问题有多严重,打击盗版的最佳方式是什么? We spoke to content protection companies and industry pundits to find out, 答案并不总是令人满意的.


从事优质内容保护业务的公司有很多关于日益增长的视频盗版威胁的统计数据. 盗版涵盖了一切,从电视观众为了错过一集而转向BitTorrent Quantico 到销售自己的机顶盒的公司,这些机顶盒能够接收数百个盗版电视直播流.

截至2016年3月,数字平台安全公司 Irdeto tracks more than 850 pirate sites, with 50 new sites launching every month. 在过去的6个月里,盗版网站的数量增加了45%.

这些网站的流量很大. 3月, the top 20 pirate sites received an average of more than 7,每月访客600人, Irdeto发现. That average increases by more than 750 visits per month. It’s a global menace, Irdeto’s sales materials explain.

“Video piracy encompasses a number of different threats. There is P2P [peer-to-peer] piracy through a file-sharing protocol, 例如BitTorrent,劳伦斯·洛说, vice president of business development and sales at Irdeto. “从我们的数据来看, 2014年至2015年, a greater than 50 percent increase in activity on P2P networks. That’s been a long-standing threat to video content.”

虽然这是最著名的视频盗版类型, 还有很多其他的方法, 比如网络保险箱. 这些网站是在P2P技术出现之前创建的,有一长串盗版材料的链接. 观众只需点击他们想要的链接并直接下载. As storage costs have come down, cyberlockers have become more popular.

Pirates monetize their traffic through Google AdWords. 这些网站来来去去,通常围绕着重大体育赛事.

“[Cyberlockers] make video piracy easier for end users,勒夫说. “Those threats are also interesting in that anything with a website, such as a digital 直接 download site with linking sites, has the ability to support itself through web-based advertising. 随着网络广告的盛行, there is now a mechanism for the pirates to monetize that traffic.洛说,这些网站的使用也在增加,但他没有提供具体数字.

对于那些提供盗版机顶盒的公司的崛起,爱迪德尤其直言不讳,这些公司提供数百个直播频道的低成本订阅服务. It has hosted a suite called the Piracy Lounge at several trade shows, 解释黑幕公司如何通过提供机顶盒和捆绑服务赚大钱.

“我们看到的新威胁之一是IPTV(互联网协议电视)机顶盒,勒夫说. “随着高质量带宽在全球家庭中的广泛可用性以及IP流媒体设备的普及, 在过去的几年里,这些设备的制造成本已经大幅下降. 这项技术可以广泛应用. 这种制造能力加上更大的家庭可用带宽,使得盗版者更容易重新分配机顶盒——iptv流媒体机顶盒——并添加他们自己的服务来创造类似netflix的体验, 但是对于盗版内容. 这是另一个主要威胁.”

关于盗版OTT服务的例子,请看 2 rokumexico.com, 可以收看数百个优质电视节目, 电影, 还有体育频道,每月收费低廉. 或者看看 iptvforall.com, which does the same, with an emphasis on adult channels. 客户获取和设备成本约为每个用户100美元,平均收费为每年500美元, 公司每年可以向每位客户结算400美元.

NexGuard, which also offers video piracy protection, points to a 卡内基梅隆大学的研究 from February 2016 on the costs of video piracy to Hollywood. 研究人员分析了2006年至2008年的电影发行数据,发现如果采用这种方法,票房收入将增长15%.如果视频盗版不存在的话. 然后,他们使用了2011年至2013年的数据,发现如果没有盗版,票房收入将增长大约相同的幅度. 这项研究只调查了票房,并没有考虑对家庭录像或其他授权选择的影响.


网络视频盗版的威胁是真实存在的. There’s no doubt: It manifests as everything from simple one-off, scofflaw downloading to organized businesses pulling in big money. 而且,这确实损害了最初制作这些内容的创意专业人士的底线. 这很明显. What is unclear is the effectiveness of the current solutions.

“当我们看到(盗版)网站时,我们会考虑我们对网站的影响. 网站被关闭,但这是互联网,他们确实建立了新的网站,”Low说.

这就触及了问题的核心. 即使反盗版服务取得了胜利——让一个盗版网站被移除——海盗们也很容易在其他地方组织起来. The effort starts to feel like a giant game of whack-a-mole.

对于Irdeto, 盗版网站将不可避免地在其他地方重新组织和萌芽,这证实了对其服务的需求.

这种情况确实会发生. 这是互联网,”洛说. “This is why constant vigilance is required on shutting down sites, or making it less of an attractive experience for the end user.”

Anti-piracy companies sell their services to major entertainment studios. While Irdeto and NexGuard wouldn’t say what they charge clients, they did talk about what they show clients to validate their services. Compliance rates is one of the main items, Low says. 这意味着爱迪德向互联网服务提供商(isp)和主机网站发送的勒令停止通知的数量, and the number of requests that have yielded responses. 爱迪德向互联网服务提供商发送通知,要求关闭盗版网站,然后衡量有多少主机遵守了这些要求.

除了删除请求,两家公司的主要工具之一是数字水印. 有了这个,Irdeto或NexGuard在实时视频流中放置一个不可见的水印. Every viewer gets a stream with a unique watermark, which makes it easy to tell where pirated streams originate. Irdeto只是检查盗版视频流上的水印,然后指示广播公司停止为正在进行盗版的客户提供服务. Irdeto声称这种方法很有效,但无法提供数据来证明其有效性.

“水印是有影响的, but there’s proprietary data that we are not in a position to share,勒夫说. “我们已经看到了可量化的, 可衡量的, 直接, timely impact from the use of session-based watermarking.”

Without data, it’s impossible to know how effective digital watermarking is. 这一努力很有可能只是一个暂时的解决方案, 盗版者设置了一个新的流,甚至找到了一种消除水印的方法.

NexGuard还提供数字水印. 据哈里·索伦报道, 该公司的常务董事兼销售和营销高级副总裁, P2P盗版是最常见的类型, 但盗版流媒体服务正在兴起. 然而, NexGuard不做监控, so it doesn’t know even roughly how much activity is taking place.

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