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Review: The 罗兰v - 160 hd Hybrid Event Video Switcher

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7月, 我有机会查看了罗兰v - 160 hd视频切换器的预发货模型(下面的图1),这款产品的市场定位是“为混合事件切换设定了新标准”.”

图1. The top console of the 罗兰v - 160 hd switcher. Click the image to see it at full size.

抛开特定于产品的炒作不谈,混合事件切换本身可能成为一种新标准. 因为活动组织者可以为亲自参加的人开放场地空间, 预计将为远程演示者和与会者提供虚拟活动体验.

虽然详细介绍此切换器的每个特性超出了本文的范围, 我将介绍我完全欣赏罗兰V-160HD的十大功能, peppered with some constructive criticism for good measure.

Full disclosure: I’m a fan of Roland Pro A/V video switchers. My production company owns two Roland switchers, and I’ve written a review of the 罗兰V-60HD 也.

1. USB接口输出

To enable an experience for remote attendees, 罗兰V-160HD切换器当然装备精良,可以在桌面操作系统和支持USB视频类(UVC)和USB音频类(UAC)的应用程序中使用切换器的输出作为USB摄像头源。, 比如变焦, 微软团队, and other conferencing applications. 许多WebRTC网络应用程序和托管提供商支持从本地连接的USB摄像机源捕获, and the 罗兰v - 160 hd can be used with those 也.

The 罗兰v - 160 hd has the newer USBC-style port (bottom row center in 下面的图2),你可以在没有USB- c接口的电脑上使用任意数量的USB 3转USB- c电缆. 这个简单的USB相机源功能的美妙之处在于,您不再需要从切换器设置专用的SDI或HDMI输出,以便与计算机上的SDI或HDMI捕获硬件一起使用, as I’ve had to do with other video switchers.

图2. Inputs and outputs on the 罗兰v - 160 hd switcher

2. 输入分配

这个功能是指V-160HD的两个增强,这是我在以前使用过的罗兰切换器中没有看到的:8个独立的HDMI和8个SDI输入(在右边) 图2)以及快速为10个交叉点按钮分配输入源的能力. For the former category, 设备背面的SDI和HDMI输入号码不需要与控制台上的特定开关交叉点按钮相关联.

With older switchers, the SDI inputs were dedicated to specific console buttons, as were the HDMI inputs. 例如,如果你没有HDMI输入,那些控制台按钮就永远不会被使用. 用V-160HD, 然而, you can mix and match any of the HDMI, SDI, or still-image bank resources to any of the 10 cross-point buttons. Perhaps even more importantly, 您不需要深入控制台设置菜单来查找输入的分配. V-160HD在控制台上有一个方便的输入分配按钮(就在t条的左边) 图1). Hold this button, and use the PGM/A or PST/B buttons (lower left in 图1) to cycle through the various inputs for the desired cross-point button. This simple operation greatly cuts down your setup time for a live event.

3. Four PinP or Key Composition Layers

是否要在PowerPoint或Keynote幻灯片上插入四名演示者的头像,或者在节目提要的特定角落添加绿屏ASL口译员的照片? The V-160HD switcher can do it, and it has more console buttons to make input position, 选择, 预览, 并且无需(再次)深入到嵌套菜单选项中,即可轻松输出程序. 切换器有所有四个PinP(图中图)/键合成器在控制台上可用.

Like other Roland switchers I’ve used, PinP has the standard options for shape mattes and border effects. The keyer can use luminance (white or black) or chromakeys, V-160HD增加了采样标记功能,使您可以直接从选定的键盘输入中选择chromakey颜色.

4. Two DSK Overlays With Alpha Channel Support

V-160HD切换器还具有两个独立的下游键控器(DSK)合成器. 而PinP/键合成器被设计为使用输出画布的特定区域, DSK合成器可以用于需要覆盖整个屏幕的输入源, such as lower-thirds for presenter names/titles, game scoreboards, 和更多的.

我最喜欢的对DSK叠加的增强是能够使用具有24位透明度或alpha通道的PNG图像源. With older Roland switchers, 敲除背景需要你输出一个BMP图像资产与chromakey背景(如.g., lower-thirds on a green or blue background) and adjust the keyer settings. 现在, 您可以在Adobe Photoshop等工具中创建超干净的alpha通道,以生成漂亮的DSK叠加,而无需对chromakey设置进行任何猜测.

Note that the demo unit supports FAT32 formatting only for USB memory. This limitation is the same on previous Roland switchers I’ve used. I was hoping to see exFAT support, as it’s the common format now for many external USB memory sticks and drives. 现在, 你需要确保你的USB内存输入被格式化为FAT32,以便V-160HD识别它.

5. 音频输入

V-160HD切换器有多种音频输入,您可以混合到您的实时馈送:两个平衡的XLR输入, two RCA (left/right) inputs, a USB-C audio input, audio channels available in the SDI or HDMI inputs, and a new Bluetooth input (see 图2). 蓝牙输入使您能够将几乎任何蓝牙设备的输出连接到V-160HD切换器. 例如, 你可以从智能手机上播放音乐,将其作为背景音乐添加到你的信息流中.

One feature I miss from the V-60HD is the additional XLR inputs. 而我通常使用一个专业的音频混频器管道音频到任何开关, 通过四个XLR输入记录独立的湿/干音频的能力是对现场事件录音进行后期调整的重要资产. Like other Roland switchers, V-160HD可以通过HDMI/SDI在嵌入式音频输出中输出多达8个独立的音频通道, but you’ll only have two XLR input channels available.

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