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我们所知道的一切, 首届流媒体读者选择奖, 是说我们不知道自己卷入了什么吗. 也许这并不完全正确, but the two-week nomination period and three-week voting process brought with it more surprises than any of us here could have anticipated. 在嚎啕大哭和咬牙切齿之后, we’d settled upon 16 categories that we felt covered the breadth of products and services in the industry. But we severely underestimated just how fluid some of these categories would be (Quick: Define "IPTV" in ten words or less, and simply saying "internet protocol television" won’t cut it) or how multipurpose so many of these products are. For almost every argument why a particular product belonged in a particular category, 有一种反对意见认为它属于其他地方, or at least that any single category was insufficient to define everything that product was capable of.

但即使它遭到了抗议, 92 companies submitted almost 120 products or services (or were nominated by customers or others in the industry). Some companies engaged in overt get-out-the-vote campaigns with their customers, 至少我们是从小道消息听说的. 这对我们来说似乎非常公平, and in the end probably helped some smaller companies compete with vendors who have much more name recognition. 当一切尘埃落定,超过3000名读者 流媒体 杂志和流媒体.com logged their votes—and that count came after our crack IT department de-duped the list and we removed some of the obvious ballot-box stuffers (you know who you are).

So here are the winners and first and second runners-up in each category. 这是一个充满了熟悉和新的名字的名单, and while we might quibble about what any particular first-place finish means, 有一点是毋庸置疑的:这个行业更加健康了, 更有活力, 比以往任何时候都更加重要. 这样,每个人都是赢家.

季军:VectorMAX MeetingAnywhere
Even though the Google/YouTube deal grabbed all the headlines (we don’t even need to write the dollar amount, 我们?),思科为3美元.90亿美元收购网讯是有史以来最大的并购交易&A news of the last couple years, and 网讯’s #1 showing here is a perfect summation of why. 网讯’s own commitment to video has been minimal; as 流媒体 columnist and industry analyst Steve Vonder Haar wrote in his June/July Eyes on the Enterprise column, "Never did one get the feeling that 网讯 was truly committing itself to promoting and openly encouraging the integration of video capabilities," despite the addition of some webcam functionality in recent years. But 网讯 is far and away the market leader in business collaboration solutions, to the point where businesspeople will talk about "doing a 网讯 meeting" the same way they talk about having a conference call. Now that 网讯 has teamed up with Cisco—which in 2005 also acquired Scientific Atlanta—the writing is on the wall for video to become central to 网讯’s mission.


VeriSign benefits from the same sort of name recognition as does 网讯; even if you know nothing about their actual content management offerings, you’ve seen the name and the familiar "powered by VeriSign" logo when you’ve made online purchases. But the company’s both changed and expanded its focus from web transaction security, selling off its payment gateway to eBay and acquiring Kontiki and its peer-to-peer Delivery Management System. By pairing Kontiki’s technology with its own backbone and customer base, VeriSign has been able to achieve a level of awareness much higher than either it or Kontiki could have achieved alone. 结果是, 2007 saw VeriSign announce several major deployments of its 英特尔ligent Content Delivery Network, such as a deal with the UK’s Channel 4 and the fact that they’re behind the BBC’s iPlayer.


购买drm KeyOS支付媒体平台
亚军:Entriq MediaSphere
季军:PC领域的Widevine Cypher
大胆直言, BUYDRM founder Christopher Levy is a fixture on the digital media conference circuit and has been a core supporter of the streaming media industry speaking at 流媒体 and writing for StreamingMedia.com. BUYDRM has been at the forefront of digital rights management since its creation in 2001, and its KEYOS Pay Media Platform is one of the most frequently used in the biz. The platform gives customers tremendous flexibility in how they choose to deploy monetized and ad-supported DRM-enabled business models. (But Levy doesn't rule out the promise of other DRM technologies; see his "DRM Demystified," pp. 48-56.) The proof is in Levy’s past and present customer list: Microsoft, 美国全国广播公司, 英特尔, 网络生活, NFL的电影, 安海斯-布希, Interscope唱片, . . . 当我们讲到你听说过的一个时,请制止我们.

恩特里克获得亚军,表现强劲, despite the fact that the company appears to be in a state of transition, while second runner-up Widevine Cypher got a bump from the mid-year announcement that it’s now able to protect Flash Video.

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


It's the most prestigious honor in the online video industry, 因为这是由成千上万的流媒体决定的.com选民. Read on to see which companies are taking home a Readers' Choice Award.
