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The Growth of Live Video and the Cloud: Trends for 2012

封顶成功 流媒体西部大会 洛杉矶的StreamingMedia.com contributor 1月 Ozer sat down for a red carpet interview to discuss the show's highlights. The cloud was everywhere, he said, and live video streaming was a hot topic.

"The whole live market just seemed to explode this year," Ozer said. "Livestream and Ustream are both big sponsors with big booths, and the traffic interest in all their applications was very significant. Ustream showed this cool new webcam from Logitech which can talk directly to your Wi-Fi hub, 绕过计算机, 所以它可以拍摄照片, 视频编码, 然后直接发送到Ustream. 你甚至不需要电脑. 你只需要一个Wi-Fi热点. 这很酷."

While HTML5 has long been a seen as the future of online video, Ozer explained that Flash is still the most used format for desktop streaming.

“当你指出一些简单的事实,比如, ‘嘿, only 66 percent of the browsers out there are HTML5-compatible, 然后只有80%的人选择H.264, Mozilla仍然没有授权H.’人们会说,‘什么?“他们真的很生气,”Ozer说. “我真的没什么事要做. 但我想以事实为基础. 事实是, 无论是MPEG DASH还是HTML5, 既然现在这么好, 为什么CBS、CNN、FOX和ESPN不使用它?"

For the full video and more on 2012 video trends, scroll down.

史蒂夫: 你好. I'm Steve Nathans-Kelly from the Red Carpet at 流媒体 West. We're actually winding down the last day of the show here. 我和简·奥兹坐在一起, 流媒体特约编辑, 流媒体学习中心的首席讲师. 随着今年节目的结束, what do you think are the key takeaways from the show this year, 1月?

1月: Key takeaways for me were, number one, I guess cloud. 在战略要地使用云.

如果我们直播的话, 我们只有每秒2兆的带宽, and we wanted to send one stream and split that out into multiple streams, 这是云计算的完美应用. And everybody seems to have a product in that category now. iStreamPlanet talked about one; Haivision has one. 元素编码器有一个. 索伦森有一个.

Along the same vein, the whole live market just seemed to explode this year. Livestream and Ustream are both big sponsors with big booths, and the traffic interest in all their applications was very significant. Ustream showed this cool new webcam from Logitech which can talk directly to your Wi-Fi hub, 绕过计算机, 所以它可以拍摄照片, 视频编码, 然后直接发送到Ustream. 你甚至不需要电脑. 你只需要一个Wi-Fi热点. 这很酷.

And for the first time I saw the Studio HD500, the new $8500 portable mixer from Livestream. 但我之前没见过这个软件. I'd heard the announcement and saw the price and I really thought the product was focused to compete against Wirecast. It has multi-camera switching, some titling capability. 但是如果你看一下产品, it really seems like it's much more focused on the TriCaster class of products. 这很有趣.

TriCaster's been a great, you know, it's a great product line, it's legendary. 很多人都用它. 但它在这个领域确实没有竞争对手. Livestream正在做的是, 你可以买这个盒子, 这个盒子对他们来说是一种概念的证明. They wanted to test operation on one set of known inputs, one operating system, one type of device. 一旦他们觉得安全了, 它是稳定的, 它将在很多不同的设备上运行, they're going to roll it out as a software package only. 如果你是Livestream订阅者,它是免费的.

But it's $2,000 if you want to use it to connect to Ustream or some other service provider. So they really are getting into the software business. I think their vision of the product is creating streams for them to distribute, but I also think that they're for real in the software business. And that's going to be a very, very interesting product. If it's as good as it looked, it's going to be quite a competitor for TriCaster.

我和他们的主席马克斯·浩特谈过了. I asked him, "Are you getting in the software business?他说, "We don't care about the people who are in this room as much as we care about the next million people who are going to be streaming live. 我们就是为他们开发软件的." So I think he really is still trying to drive business to Livestream with the software, 但是你不能把脚趾伸进软件的水里. 你必须是可信的. 这个软件看起来非常非常可信.

史蒂夫: 好吧. 这是一个很好的总结. 今年的节目很不错.

1月那是一场充满活力的演出. 在今年的三场演出中, not every one of the shows was as positive as this one was, and it really seemed like the people who came through were interested and they were producing and they were wanting to do more producing, 参展商对客流量很满意. 他们总是想要更多, but they thought that the people who showed up at the booths were very high-quality prospects. And I had a bunch of people who asked really piercing questions in my sessions.

史蒂夫: 你有被吓到吗?

1月: What's interesting to me is that I gave the same talk two weeks ago at 流媒体欧洲 in London, 特别是在HTML5制作方面. With HTML5, we're not talking about encoding; we're talking about religion, right? 因为Flash是“坏的”,而HTML5是“好的”.当你指出一些简单的事实,比如, “嘿, only 66 percent of the browsers out there are HTML5-compatible, 然后只有80%的人选择H.264, Mozilla仍然没有授权H.人们会说:“什么?“他们真的很生气. 而且我也没什么事要做. 但我想以事实为基础. 事实是, 不管是MPEG-DASH还是HTML5, 既然现在这么好, 为什么CBS、CNN、FOX和ESPN不使用它? 为什么他们还在使用Flash? They're using HTML5 somewhat on the mobile side, but for desktops, it's still Flash. And don't tell me it's awful, don't tell me about the flaws. 告诉我哪些人正在用HTML5取代Flash. And it's just they're not doing it because it's not there yet.

Two-and-a-half years ago the iPad was introduced and Flash was dead, right? 我们都看到了头条新闻. It's really sad when perception's more important than reality. And the reality is, whether it's DASH or whether it's HTML5, it's just not being used. 并不是说Flash是一项伟大的技术. But it's used on the desktop, and it provides a superior experience to what you can get from HTML5. It's more pervasive than HTML5 and that's what people are using. And it just really stinks that two-and-a-half years after the iPad came out, the experience isn't the equivalent for an iPad as it is on a Flash-based desktop, yet people still say Flash is dead and it's a terrible technology.

史蒂夫: 好吧. 谢谢你,简. It's been good to do this wrap-up and we're going to sign off now from the Red Carpet at 流媒体 West.

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