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这五个字,从推特 Netflix U.S. 账户 4月,总结了整个2017年的流媒体和娱乐世界. Viewers had more fantastic content to watch, 更多的观看平台, 和 more devices to watch it with than ever before. If the rise of streaming video has shown anything, it’s that all viewers want is everything they can get. Now they can get it, 和 they’re watching more video than ever. But something had to give, 和 that something was sleep. 观众长期睡眠不足,眼睛红肿,但他们都赶上了 权力的游戏

Having already spread throughout the world, Netflix didn’t comm和 headlines like it had in previous years. 首席执行官里德·黑斯廷斯和他的团队创建了第一个全球网络,并继续推出一个接一个的流媒体热门节目。陌生的东西 第二季和 漫威的《百家乐软件app最新版下载》, 在许多其他方面, 让订阅者们在去年感到开心), 于是亚历山大哭了, 因为没有更多的世界需要征服.

而不是, the battle last year was between online 和 pay TV, 哪里的季度指标显示有线电视和卫星电视的观众在慢慢流失. Headlines went to new skinny bundle offerings, 哪个提供的比较便宜, 更多样化的, 更有限的选择. DirecTV现在, 2016年11月刚刚推出, 1月份,客户报告了大量的缓冲和延迟问题. YouTube TV spread to new markets in the last half of the year, choosing to adopt a slower market-by-market rollout. Cloud DVRs became a must-have for skinny bundles in 2017, although different platforms had different limitations. 吊索的电视, 例如, offers 50 hours of cloud DVR storage for $5 extra per month, 保存的录音永远不会过期. YouTube TV提供无限的云DVR,但录音在9个月后过期. 订阅rs are still deciding what channels 和 amenities are essential, so there’s plenty of room for new players 和 feature sets.

TV Everywhere (TVE) seemed like such a nonstarter for so many years, it was surprising to see it roar to life in 2017. TVE是付费电视用户可以通过应用程序或网站登录自己的账户id,按需访问广播公司内容的系统. 事实证明,TVE所需要的只是一种让广播公司从中赚钱的方式. 一旦主要的测量服务弄清楚了如何计算流媒体的观看量——这样在线观看量就和传统的收视率和广告观看量一样——广播和有线电视频道就会突然有动力把更多的内容放到网上. 今年,由于单点登录解决方案的出现,登录(称为“身份验证”)变得更容易了. Adobe, 例如, debuted its single sign-on solution in June 2016, 和 reported strong TVE growth at the end of 2017. With catch-up programming just a few taps away on their Roku or Apple TV, 和 signing in often not the hassle it once was, viewers were all too happy to add more apps to their living room viewing.

尽管流媒体服务提供了足够多的原创节目来娱乐观众, content came from several other directions in 2017. 一些成熟的公司决定,他们真的想成为好莱坞电影公司. Apple, 例如, released original shows like 应用星球 和 拼车卡拉ok今年8月,该公司宣布将向原创节目投资10亿美元. 脸谱网, well into its free-spending video transformation, 做了一个客厅观看的应用, 推出Watch标签, 和 streamed shows created by partner companies. 这家社交网络付钱给选定的合作伙伴,让他们制作首批原创剧集, 但他表示,这是一次性的优惠,之后创作者需要为自己的内容提供补贴.

十几岁和二十几岁的人是一个非常受欢迎的市场,许多在线服务都针对他们, 有些是便宜的,有些是免费的. But for Go90 和 Fullscreen, the path wasn’t easy in 2017. If anyone thought the teen video market was getting crowded, they weren’t surprised that Go90 needed a complete overhaul in January. verizon旗下的这项服务解雇了155名员工,并尝试了一种新的内容策略来吸引年轻观众. 竞争对手全屏可没那么轻松:全屏媒体在11月关闭了订阅视频点播(SVOD)服务, 解雇25名员工. 尽管它与DIRECTV达成了协议,将DIRECTV的服务与DIRECTV Now捆绑在一起, 它仍然无法吸引更多的观众.

观众愿意在2017年打开钱包,创建自己的定制流媒体解决方案. SVOD服务的承诺是,人们可以通过切断有线电视电缆并签署提供他们喜欢的少数有针对性的计划来节省资金. But it didn’t feel like anyone was saving money in 2017. 在年底, 布雷特萨平顿, senior director of research for Parks Associates, 报告说,69%的美国人.S. 拥有宽带的家庭至少订阅了一项OTT服务, 和 the number of homes with three or more services was increasing. 帕克斯表示,Netflix、亚马逊视频和Hulu是最受欢迎的选择. 与此同时, 尼尔森的测量专家报告说,总观看时间的12%是流媒体服务, 和 48 percent of that chunk is spent with Netflix. Speaking at an Advertising 研究 Foundation conference in October, 尼尔森负责产品领导的高级副总裁Brian Fuhrer同意前三大服务, noting that Netflix is in 59 percent of U.S. 订阅SVOD的家庭中,亚马逊占31%,Hulu占13%.

“The more options you can give consumers with a better experience, 他们就会越快乐,元首说. “Streaming is definitely no longer an edge case.”

元首看到 有趣的性别差异 in what we’re watching: 62 percent of Hulu viewers are female, 他说, while 55 percent of YouTube viewers are male. Hulu最近的成功 使女的故事 may have temporarily inflated its numbers with women, so it’s not certain this will hold up over time. Fuhrer noted that over a quarter of all streaming is done by people under 18, while nearly half of YouTube streaming is by those under 18.

2017年,移动端收视率继续上升, but it was still less than living room viewing, 哪个比以往任何时候都更加紧密. Or course, plenty of people managed to enjoy both at once. A late-year report from eMarketer said that 70.百分之三.S. 成年人一边看电视一边上网.

他说:“美国人的平均生活水平.S. adult spending more than 2 hours a day on their smartphone, 以及通过联网电视观看VOD和HBO Go和Netflix等顶级服务的普及, multitasking between two or more devices continues to increase,” said eMarketer senior forecasting analyst Oscar Orozco.

更多的 choices, more money, more time: Can it all last? Can this balloon continue to inflate in 2018? For that answer, let’s turn to some experts.


如今,媒体和娱乐业面临的一个大问题是,市场能承受多少虚拟多频道视频节目分销商(vmvpd), 和 how low will subscribers dip for the pay TV companies? 随着这一年的结束, IDC研究 导演格雷格·爱尔兰正在思考我们正在进行的从线性到数字的转变, 如果这看起来是一个关键时刻,一个关键的转折点,那么在未来的几年里,人们将回顾逐渐衰落的线性电视市场.

2017年底接受采访, 爱尔兰的传统多频道视频节目分销商(mvpd)的第三季度数据排在他前面, 他们看起来不太好. While Q3 usually shows a rebound for pay TV after a weak Q2, 今年,这一数字继续下滑. 与此同时,vmvpd也在上升,DirecTV现在报告称其订阅用户已超过100万. 付费电视仍然是一个更大的市场, but signs indicate we’ve reached a tipping point, 付费电视将继续衰落,数字电视将继续崛起,直到我们最终看到它们停滞不前.


现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

媒体现状 和 Entertainment 2019

电视高峰已过. 嗯,那没花多长时间. We now have more of a good thing than we ever wanted—和 more is on the way. 这能持续多久?

亚马逊 Prime Channels Leads for Direct-to-Consumer Sales: TDG

超过70%的Showtime在线订户是通过亚马逊Prime频道订阅的. 亚马逊 has a hit, but Apple is close behind.

媒体现状 和 Entertainment 2017

Now that the skinny bundle is finally here, what's next? 寻找更多捆绑包, 更多小众OTT产品, 和 lots more VR in the year ahead (but—sadly—no a la carte plans).


All eyes are on Netflix, but it's facing more competition than ever. The OTT space is booming as new niche offerings appear on a weekly basis.

媒体现状 & 娱乐视频2015

去年看到的OTT服务的快速增长和有线电视的缓慢下降预示着2015年的突破, but don't expect massive 4K or TV Everywhere adoption anytime soon

媒体现状 和 Entertainment Video 2014

Netflix之间, Hulu, 亚马逊, 紫外线, YouTube, 和其他人, viewers have more great content to watch 和 more ways to stream it.

媒体现状 和 Entertainment 2013


媒体现状 和 Entertainment Video 2012

“掐线”现象正在上升, the futures of Netflix 和 Google TV are up in the air, 和 services like HBO GO are paving the way for a true anytime, 无处不在的在线视频世界

The State of 流媒体 和 Entertainment 2011
