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What are some of the primary challenges to streaming at scale to remote ISPs? 史蒂夫•Nathans-Kelly 副总裁兼总编辑 流媒体和视频出版总监 今日资讯公司. discusses this topic with Joshua Johnson, Director, Solution Architects, EdgeNext老科里·史密斯(Corey Smith). 先进生产技术总监 CBS体育数字频道, 派拉蒙.

“是不是越来越容易了?? 是不是变得越来越有挑战性了?内森斯-凯利问道.

约翰逊强调,虽然有很大的影响力, there needs to be an increase in telco regulatory changes around the world to serve end users better.  “A large part of the world is starting to adopt a more P2P type of architecture,他说. “但你无法控制P2P架构, 虽然这可能会降低你的成本, it's not always providing the best type of performance in some of these remote regions of the world. 互联网服务提供商内部的监管较少. They're doing things in such a way to actually attract business and bringing traffic onto their ISPs to increase their revenues. But that doesn't always provide an advantage to the end user because while the ISP may very well bring it in, 它们的延迟可能不如另一个好. 现在他们开始重新引导流量,把它拉进来. So regulatory changes within certain parts of the world are necessary, 尤其是在电信方面.”

Johnson mentions a specific regional example that he recently heard about. “I was talking with a gentleman at an ISP this past week that was talking about the regulation in the Middle East…that they had put a new telecommunications director in place, 他们不得不停止他们的言行, “好吧, no, 我们要把它标准化. 你不再关注你的终端用户了, 因为你们都在为钱而战, so I'm going to set a price line that says you can only charge this to these people, 如果你想获得执照, you have to be able to support these types of capacities and so forth.“所以,虽然发生了变化, I don't think it's any easier because the technologies also are changing. Everybody's trying to adopt different technologies within their streaming, 你必须能够为所有这些提供支持.”

“说得好,”科里·史密斯评论道. He emphasizes the need to build capacity in the larger tech world has also benefited streaming. “电子游戏, they've gone from 7GB or 6GB fitting on a disk to blowing to anywhere between 80GB and 120GB for a single game download. 如果你有一款内容更新的AAA级游戏, 现在突然之间, 你的竞争对手基本上是 iOS 其中一些供应商的电话更新. 或者你每秒推送数tb的流量. You could easily do that with a video streaming event based on the demand. 然而, the streaming world is benefiting on the other CDN capacity of the world having to build up all of this global performance over the years because of iPhone,因为视频游戏公司推出了这些大文件. 这很有趣.”

约翰逊同意流媒体从容量增加中受益. 仍然, he says that it tends to be a significant ongoing cost to CDNs to continually reach necessary levels while also dealing with the various types of capacity needs. 他指出,cdn通常尽量不将超过60%的容量最大化. 他说:“这样你就有了空间。. 但与此同时, 如果你在某个地区有爆炸事件, 你如何确保你有额外的能力? 你如何确保你能支持它? 这不仅仅是你的带宽,也是你的服务器容量. 这是你的DNS容量. 这有时可能是基础设施的噩梦.”

Johnson also notes that suppliers also take advantage of these fluctuations. “All of a sudden, their pricing starts going up and up and up,他说. “所以这是一个巨大的平衡. It's when you're looking at investing in a new area and trying to make sure that the capacities are there and that you've got the performance, 你是先建造它,然后再卖给它吗, 还是先卖了再造? And a lot of times companies are not willing to wait for you to build it…they might take something that doesn't perform quite as well because the immediacy of need is there.”

Smith argues that ultimately CDNs will have to adapt to capacity simply to succeed and will have to be flexible. “I think the build-to-sell kind of conversation can be flipped on its head because a lot of these smaller capacity networks are going to get basically destroyed on certain events anyways because their customer base coming from their network is going to have to receive that traffic,他说. “无论是大文件下载交付, 或者是某种现场直播, 他们几乎, 仅仅依靠生存的意志, have to build the capacity out and hope that their transit and peering agreements get better, [so] that they can actually offload some of those costs in other places.”

Johnson agrees and says that this will inevitably lead to a wider centralization of ISPs. “While these ISPs have pushed forward to be registered or licensed by their government, 他们实际上不能满足所需的指标,他说. “And they're finding out that in the long run, they handle [the] license. And now they're selling them off to the larger providers, and they're consolidating things. Now things are growing, I think they're going to centralize a little bit more. And you're not going to find as many of the smaller ISPs and telecommunication companies that are independent [and] can actually support this. A lot of the larger providers are just going to grow, and they're going to be the dominant players.”

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